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Peter Needs a Liver Transplant and Needs Your Help

Peter Paglia has been a resident of Annapolis, Maryland for 30 years. He is married to Ludia and together they have three boys, the youngest of whom is 15 years old. (Pictured here are Peter and Ludia in the center, with son Justin on the left and son Jacob on the right.) A master Cabinetmaker and Luthier for 30+ years, Peter is regretfully working a very limited amount due to his declining health. Peter has been a real blessing to his community, family, and friends.

Updates (8)

November 3, 2014

I realized the other day that I write when I'm stressed. I suppose that its helpful to share with others at that point in time. I wrote a little update on Thursday, October 30th as Peter was in another anesthetic procedure called an E.R.C.P. Basically, the bile ducts connectiing Peter to the new liver are tight and blocked. This likely contributes to Peter being itchy, tired and who know what else? The procedure went well and then... well... let's see what the labs may bring... Thank you all so, so much for your love and support!

June 12, 2014

What is there to say that might be new? Well, ... Peters liver numbers continue to change - each in their own respective ups and downs. Some directions are great and other directions require more tweaking of meds. Tubes and staples are out. Now more healing can happen. I can't wait for another scan of his liver, where they say that its fully regenerated. That'll be an interesting day! Meeting up with Dominic and Donald (his Dad), here for his follow up visit. It will be nice to see them! Next clinic will be next week. More updates then, if not before!