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Gary Horton is a loving husband, father, grandfather and a good friend to many. Years ago, Gary was diagnosed with Hepatitis C. Unfortunately, over time, Gary’s condition worsened and he is now in end-stage liver failure. He has been told by his doctors that his only chance at survival is to have a life-saving liver transplant.
Even with insurance, Gary will face many uninsured transplant-related expenses such as: co-pays and deductibles, doctor visits, travel, and temporary relocation housing to be near the California Pacific Medical Center for a month and the costly immunosuppressant medications that he will need to take for the rest of his life.
Additionally, his wife, Robin has had to leave her job in order to become Gary’s full-time caregiver. This further creates a financial burden that the family cannot meet alone. To help with this financial burden, a fund-raising campaign in Gary’s honor has been established with HelpHOPELive; A nonprofit organization that has been assisting the transplant community for more than 30 years.
All donations are tax-deductible, are held by HelpHOPELive in the Southwest Liver Transplant Fund, and are administered by HelpHOPELive for transplant-related expenses only. Your contribution is greatly appreciated.
To make a donation, click on the button labled “Donate Now” to make a debit or credit card donation. For check or money order, please refer to the address on the bottom right of the screen.
Thank you all for all your love and support.
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Gary is hanging in there...the chemolization he had on 3/27 was not sucessful Gary still has live cancer.He remains positive throughout this ordeal. ..he is a strong man ! His doctor said he is close to transplant !! I will keep everyone informed on when that big day comes ! Thankyou all and God bless !
Robin Horton
On May 5th Gary will be going to San Francisco for more test to see if the chemo Imbalization worked on his tumor ...please pray for him.He remains strong , he is truly a fighter !
Thankyou to all our friends and family
for all the love and support you all have given! God bless !
Robin Horton
A little update on Gary....Gary had a chemo imbalization on friday 3/27
Today he is doing good....he will have test done in a few weeks to see if the procedure was successful and the tumor is no more ! Hope for the best out come. Hopefully Gary will receive a phone call soon saying "we have a liver...you have six hours to get here."
I hope it will be in the near future...this has been a long journey ! Thankyou for all the support !
Robin Horton
Garys health continues to decline. ..we have faith the transplant will be soon.We are traveling to San Francisco tomorrow. .Gary will be admitted to the hospital California Pacific Medical Center for a procedure to treat his liver cancer. We are still trying to raise money for medical expenses. Please help if you can.This has been a long journey. ..I still have faith that we will raise the funds needed. God bless and thankyou for your prayers and donations !
Robin Horton
You're in my thoughts and prayers always! Love you,
To our friends and family Gary was recently diagnosed with liver cancer. He still will have his transplant as long as the cancer does not spread. I will keep everyone posted on Garys condition ! We desperately need the donations to keep coming in.If you can please help raise the money !!
Robin Horton
You are my favorite uncle you are awesome I love u
Katie and chance Horton
Gary from day one you did everything you could to turn my stubborn ass into a man and I thank you for that. I am who I am today partly from the things you tried to teach me. I was a young punk kid that you accepted, you never turned your back on me when others did. You are truly a warrior and I know that you will over come this. Stay strong and positive Gary like the warrior you are.
Shawnsta Monsta.
Hi Gary, Thinking of you today! Stay strong and I love you!
Susie Powers
I remenber days we were crazy. And when I was down not knowing how down. You out of every one we knew.step up and helped me.the old days are gone and some forgotten. But I still remember a day you helped me. Gary hang in there. I know times are hard now. But tomorrow is a new day and anything can happen. I am thinking of you and know you will be well soon. Kathy. P.s. with a woman like robin by your side look out. Anything is possible.
kathy hoffman
I'm still working on your Campaign, Dad.
Stay strong, you'll make it through this.
By the way, I'm working on some fund-raising events
that could help us. I'm thinking a Car Wash event.
I love you so much Dad. Stay strong!
Kevin John Horton
Hi Gary!!! We just want to send you our Love and support ! Your in our Prayers and You Keep Fighting ole boy!!! We r all here for you and Love You!!!! God Bless!
Roger and Cheryl Lancaster
You know when you look back on all those memories growing up, even the good and the bad ones? You realize in that moment, how blessed you are to have had all those memories with your siblings. Even when you didn't want to be around them at times! It's those youthful memories that makes us smile and know that we are the only ones that got to experience those memories! No one else on earth has those memories, except us! When I think of that, it makes me smile to know that I shared a good part of my life with you! I hold dear memories of just you and me and that alone is worth more than gold in my book! Because of those memories, I want to remind you of the strength that lies within you. I'm not sure if it's strength or sheer stubbornness! :) Either way, hang in there Gary. God has a purpose and a plan for you! Have faith brother and like mom use to always say, "If you do the footwork, God will do the rest!" I love you Gary! Most of all, God loves you! Your sister "Sissy" Susie
Susie Powers
I love you Dad. More than you probably know. You are and always have been a strong man. I know you will make it through this. I love you...Always and forever.
'But I don't feel tardy' lol ;)
Heather Horton
You and your family are in our daily thoughts and prayers we love you very much. We cannot wait to come and visit us soon as we possibly can. I will even bring you some cinnamon rolls!
April Hureaux
Gary, we've been together for 38 years now, I reflect on years gone by,
and dream of many years to come. Stay strong. I love you forever & always.
Love Robin Kay Horton
You're going to make it through this Dad. You're strong.
Before you know it, you'll have your new liver, and you'll
be living life to the fullest. I love you so much! Hang in there!
Kevin Horton
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Gary Horton
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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