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We are up against a challenge that we cannot face alone — Kari is in need of a lung transplant. To give you a bit of background, Kari is 42-years-old with a young family. She was born premature with pneumonia, and from the beginning she always had respiratory issues and was treated with medication for her symptoms. Over the years, she has been hospitalized multiple times with lung infections. As a child she was diagnosed with severe asthma and then in her twenties with Bronchiectasis and COPD. Over the past few years, her condition has steadily worsened and today she is on oxygen nearly 24 hours a day. Unfortunately, this is a life threatening illness and the only medical option is a lung transplant.

Kari has been evaluated at the Cleveland Clinic and is considered an excellent candidate for lung transplantation. Transplantation is lifesaving, but very expensive. Even with insurance, Kari will have many uninsured transplant-related expenses such as: co-pays and deductibles, doctor visits, travel and temporary relocation to the Cleveland area and the costly immunosuppressant medications that she will need to take for the rest of her life. The help and prayers of family, friends and community are greatly needed and appreciated to make the outcome successful.

Updates (3)

June 11, 2015

As of last night, I am officially on the transplant list.

March 25, 2015

We just received letter from Cleveland Clinic, my next appointments will be April 16th and 17th. Will update with any new information we get, when we return.


June 5, 2015

Sending prayers and caring thoughts your way daily. Thinking of you!

Marie Dastin

May 12, 2015


Lynda and I will not be able to attend the BBQ, but we bought two tickets that can be given, sold, or raffled as you see fit. We also contributed to the HelpHopeLive campaign. We never met, but are happy to help. Having had a close call with me last year we can understand the value of support from many perspectives. We are hopeful your journey i as smooth as possible.


Gilbert M Hale

May 5, 2015

Hi Kari. I sure wish I lived closer and could attend the bbq. Please know that I'm thinking about you and your family! Please keep us posted about how you are doing. Miss you! Sending you lots of love!

Sarah (Geiger) Knee