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Six years ago, our sister, Laura Toby was diagnosed with PSC (Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis). A year after this, she was diagnosed with Melanoma (Skin Cancer). While she’s beaten the melanoma, the only thing that will help Laura is a life-saving liver transplant.
Laura is the loving wife of Chris Toby, committed mother of Grace (8), daughter, sister, aunt and good friend to many. Many of you know her as a former Alderson girl growing up in the Centerville school system, others from her years working as a camp counselor for the Richmond Parks Department, and still more of you know her as a dedicated 6th grade teacher at Test Intermediate School in the Richmond Community Schools. Throughout her life, Laura has been so involved in our community, and now she needs our help.
Even with insurance, there are many expenses related to the transplant that must be paid out of pocket. Some of these are co-pays, deductibles, travel to and from the transplant center and relocation expenses at the time of transplant. In addition Laura will be on a life-time of very expensive anti-rejection medications.
A fundraising campaign in Laura’s honor has been established with HelpHOPELive, a nonprofit organization that has been assisting the transplant community for 30 years. All donations are tax-deductible, are held by HelpHOPELive in the Great Lakes Liver Transplant Fund, and are administered for transplant-related expenses only. For those who are able and would like to contribute, select the “Donate Now” button or see the “Mailing a Check?” instructions on this page.
To help achieve our fundraising goals, a variety of events are being planned in Laura’s honor. If you would like to help or have any questions please visit us at TobyTuff.com.
On behalf of Laura, Chris, Grace and our family, thank you for your kindness, generosity, support and prayers.
With sincere gratitude,
Julie Gordy, Kristin O’Laughlin and Rebecca Lee
[email protected]
Transplant is less than a week away! Lots to do to get ready. How does one pack to be away from home for over a month? Fear of the unknown. Hope of a future filled with less suffering. I'm going to feel like me again very soon! It's been so long. I won't be trapped inside this sick body anymore. Possibilities. .. a world full of bright new possibilities. AMEN.
Transplant date is set! November 12th is the big day!
We got the call Friday night that the transplant will be Wednesday November 12th. Please send lots of prayers as we prepare and wait the big wait!
Today I finally got word that I've been cleared for transplant and will be listed tomorrow! Now Christie and I have to get this scheduled and we can get this thing done. God is good. Never had the feeling of joy, relief, happiness, and fear all rolled into one.
Was on g101.3 this morning promoting the Toby Tuff yard sale. We are going to have a great turn out. Donation drop off will be from 8-10 in the morning on Saturday at Test Intermediate gym. The sale will start at 10 and last til 4.
We still haven't heard from the oncologists on the final report. We are also still waiting to hear about Christie. We will let everyone know as soon as we find out. Keep those prayers coming!
See our recent news story: http://www.pal-item.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2014307210010&nclick_check=1
Hey all. Finally heard from Northwestern today to find out we don't know much more still and have to keep waiting. We are still waiting on the dermatologist to make his final report to the transplant team. He has sent an email stating that he saw no reason why my Melanoma diagnosis should have an effect on my transplant outcome but wanted to look at more information before making a final report. Two weeks later. .. Still waiting. ..
Part two: Christie went in for her assessment and MRI last week and should find out this week if she's a match. They knockout 40% of donors with the MRI. More waiting. .. So all of you type O blood people be ready to step up and donate if you can. I might still need you.
It's a good thing I have found this inner peace and am of sound mind because all this waiting is making me feel a bit edgy. I know the good Lord has a plan that I am not on the inside loop and all will work itself out. It's just talking longer than my soul wants to wait. This experience has taught me I am eternally stronger than I thought I ever could be. This Dorthy has strapped on her ruby red slippers and is ready to kick some butt!
We are having a yard sale at Richmond Test Middle School coming soon. Please visit TobyTuff.com for details on how you can help. : )
To check our progress click on Make a Donation. We're over halfway to our goal! Thanks to everyone that has been able to make a donation or send up a prayer.
Laura and Family, You are almost there. Keep that positivity going Laura. You are truly an inspiration to all who know you. We are going to have a heck of a dance party after your surgery. God Bless and keep you and your wonderful family safe and strong.
Much love, Ms. Shelley
Our prayers are with you constantly. He will see you through this. Stay strong
Aunt Barbara & Uncle Ken
Laura and Chris - We are keeping the faith and are here for you anytime you need us. Love ya!
Jenie and Frank
We love all 3 of you very much & are very proud of you. I know this is a very, very, trying, tough, time for you but you'll make it .I know your faith will help pull you thru. You are always in our hearts & prayers.
Our love always.
Grammy & Leon
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Laura Toby
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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