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Tom Thurston
MdcV USD #456
Husband of Rachelle Thurston
Doggie Daddy to Cricket
As many of you are aware, Tom has suffered the devastation of Poly-Cystic Kidney Disease since birth. Over the past few years his kidneys have become increasingly enlarged and recently, began to shut down. Tom needs a kidney transplant; without a transplant Tom will not survive this horrible disease.
Tom is still able to work, though he is tired and struggles much of the time. He still smiles every day and never ceases to amaze me in his ability to make others see the good in every circumstance. But he needs your help. The medications that will keep him from rejecting the new kidney are very expensive and his health insurance doesn’t cover the cost of these medications. Even after insurance the out of pocket cost for us will be approximately $2000 per month for the rest of Tom’s life.
To help with this financial burden, a fundraising campaign in Tom’s honor has been established with HelpHOPELive, a nonprofit organization that has been assisting the transplant community for 30 years. All donations are tax-deductible, are held by HelpHOPELive in the Midwest/West Kidney Transplant Fund, and are administered by HelpHOPELive for transplant-related expenses only. Please, if you can, make a donation and help Tom complete his journey toward transplant and a full life.
Please help Tom get his second chance. Together we can make a difference. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.
Rachelle Thurston
I doing pretty good, i got out the hospital on Sunday, have had two check ups this week. The kidney is working well. As i recover expenses still add up so as always feel free to donate. If anyone has some ideas for fund raisers please let me know. Thank you for the prayers keep them coming.
Yesterday was a great day! (March 8th) I received my kidney. I doing pretty good and the new kidney is working good. Will be in the hospital until Sunday at the earliest. I appreciate the prayers and if you feel like donating some money. Please do so.
I doing ok, still would like ideas and most of all help with a fundraiser. If anyone can donate please do so. God is good! Please sign my guest book. Thanks for the prayers and keep them coming.
Things are going ok, I doing fairly well on dialysis but have bad days of severe cramping and feeling light headed. It will be a glorious day when I can get a kidney. If you would like to donate towards my kidney transplant, remember donate before the end of December to enjoy tax savings in 2016.
Things are going ok. I would like to do another fundraiser. If anyone has any ideas let me know. God bless everyone. Keep the prayers coming for a new kidneysoon. If you can give please prayerfully consider it. Thank you one and all.
Things are going ok, i am back on the transplant list ❤. Money is really tight right now as we have had no income since early April. Please pray and give if you so choose.
Its has been awhile since I updated. Things are going ok. Dialysis three days a week takes a toil on me but going pretty well considering. I appreciate allthe prayers and financial support. I again on hold on the transplant list but hope to be reactivated in the next week or so. Blessing everyone and take care.
I just got out of the hospital after spending 4 days. I am now on dialysis did two rounds here in the hospital and now start 3 days a week. Prayers appreciated as I start a new journey.
Whist spent a day and night in the hospital, looks like I will be starting kidney dialysis within the next week or two. Keep praying for a donor, God has keep me sustained this long without dialysis, He can deliver me a new kidney today. Keep me and the family in prayers and if you can donate to me feel free to do so
Still working on the next fund raiser. I have been doing ok, keep the prayers coming
Doing some planning for my next fund raiser announcement coming in the next few days!!!!
It has been cold the last few days, I been sick the last couple days as well. I am doing OK now, remember to keep me in your prayers.
Merry Christmas I hope everyone had a blessed day on Christmas. Remember when you donate to my campaign before Dec 31 you can enjoy tax savings in 2015. Thanks to all that have prayed and contributed to my campaign. More information will be coming about my next fundraiser. Blessing in the new year for everyone.
Rainy Sunday, a good day so far. I have a Dr Appointment on Tuesday , I don't expect much to change. I am still feeling pretty good. Prayers are always welcomed
Put up a few new pictures up. If you have not signed my guest book please feel free to do so. Keep the prayers coming!!
I am going to post some new pictures later today. Keep checking out this page and FB for updates. People have been asking about my next fund raiser and if they could donate money. Too donate money just click on the button on this page that says "Donate Now". My next fund raiser is going to be this spring (March or April) its going to be a benefit bike race/ride. Details coming soon
It has been awhile since i updated this page. Things are going my kidney function has been as low as 7% now at 9%. If you know of someone who would be willing to donate me a kidney please let me or my wife know and we will get you a phone number you can call to get you tested
It has been hot, but thankful for air conditioning. God is good all the time.
Sorry for no updates. I feeling pretty good although my kidney function continues to fail. I'm still not on dyalsis but I not sure how much longer that will be the case tho. It anyone wants to on get tested or knows someone that wants to donate a kidney please let me know. I appreciate your prayers and your financial gifts keep both of them comin.
Great news, I am officially back on the transplant list. Thanks for the prayers for the nearly four months I was on hold. Continue the prayers so I can get a new kidney soon
Have not updated for awhile, just had a heart cath done and I did not have any heart problems. God is good. I hope this gets me back on the transplant list.
I am doing well, after my (this time) successful fistula surgery! I hope to be back to work the end of the week. I have been to KU med and go back again the 19th for a couple more test.Thanks for all the prayers
been a awhile since I updated, I had surgery on January 14th to put a fistula in my arm for eventually dyalsis. The surgery did not work as the fistula didn't work. As I have blood clouting issues. I have a scar from my wrist to my elbow, and it is stiff and swollen. I am not sure what the next step is . But God is good and in control.
Thanksgiving is over and the CHRISTmas season is here. Remember the real reason for the season. Still taking donations Be Blessed eveyone
only two more days before the big event!! We are working trying to get everything done lots of work to do yet. Thanks everyone who has donated silent auction items and desserts and most of all your prayers!! See you all on Sunday!!!!
Less than a week to go til my benefit. I hope everyone can come out next Sunday starting at 11:30 and eat spaghetti and bid on the awesome silent auction items. We will also have George Cop speak about the benefits of being an organ donor. We will have live music as well. Blessing to everyone see you all Sunday.
Nice today just two weeks before the Spaghetti feed and Silent Auction see me or wife for advanced tickets.
Getting closer to the benefit, see me or Rachelle for advance tickets. It was rough week was sick on Monday and Tuesday but the rest of fb the week was okay.
Great church service today. We had Ray Hildabrand give a good message. Good church dinner and fellowship afterward plus got Ray Hilabrand's autographed cd for the silent auction!
well we are only about a month away from the Spaghetti benefit, lots of silent auction items being gathered. Be blessed everyone and get out and enjoy the weather.
Busy time here for us getting ready for our Spaghetti Feed & Silent Auction!! We'd like to thank the following sponsors for their generous silent auction Donations! Kansas City Zoo for your donation of tickets to see your precious animals! Soaring Over America, Inc. for your generous donation of THREE hot air balloon rides! PinkCalyx for your awesome $50 gift certificate! KC Chiefs Football Team for your donation of Chiefs Merchandise! KC Royals Baseball Team for your donation of Royals merchandise! Melvern Pride for your donation of facilities for our event at no charge! Beadful Things for your donation of a beautiful beaded hair accessory! Topeka RoadRunners Hockey Team for your generous donation of FOUR Premium tickets to any regular season game! We are so excited about these wonderful donations and more will be coming soon!! - Rach
The rains have been nice. We are gearing up for the Spaghetti feed and silent auction in Melvern. We are taking donations for the silent auction so let me or my wife know what you have we will be happy to arrange pickup for all items donated.
Thank you to the Kansas City Chiefs Football Team for your donation of an item for our silent auction!!!
We would like to thank Panera Bread, The Topeka RoadRunners (hockey team) and the Kansas City Zoo for their donations to our upcoming silent auction!!
I've just gotten back from an amazing vacation and now back on the fundraising trail. Today I sent in applications to around 25 major corporations for items to auction at Tom's next fundraiser. Places like Disney World, SeaWorld, Panera Bread, Cabelas, KC Chiefs, KC Royals, and many others are considering donation of auction items! I'm so excited!! Be sure and register early for the spaghetti feed prebook tickets are discounted!! See you there in November!!!
things are going pretty good. I start back nights at work. We are working on the next fundraiser. Everyone have a great day
Lots of new photos loaded up from the Bass Tourney/Chili Cook-off go take a peek!!
Our next event has been scheduled!! Spaghetti Lunch and Silent Auction to be held on November 2, 2014 at the Melvern Community Center, Melvern KS. Advance tickets can be purchased below, Adults $12 advance, children 3- 12 $9 advance, 2 and under eat free!! Reserve your spot today!!
We have a date set for the next fundraiser November 2nd. more information to follow in the next few days. please sign the guestbook if you have not done so alread we still have t-shirts available
Pictures from the event should be posted in a day or two. Planning on next event more details in the next week or so.
It's been a few days since we've updated everyone on our progress. We've taken a few days off after the Bass Tourney and Chili Cook-off to catch our breath before forging ahead. Now, it's back on the fundraising trail planning a spaghetti dinner and silent auction for this coming November. We want to thank everyone who participated in any way in our last fundraiser and encourage you to send Tom little notes here on his HelpHOPELive page to encourage him to keep fighting. He gets such joy from reading all your notes. Thanks again everyone and I'll be back with more updates as we progress toward November.
Thank you everyone, we had a great day. We had lots of fun and lots of money was raised. Pictures to follow in the next day or so. Tom
It was another busy day , pick up some donated items and Lexi , Andi and Johnny painted signs. My wife and mother in law worked on a little but of everything. My father in law worked on fishing tournament stuff.
thank you to Melvern Pride for the free advertising on the city Marquis!!! (picture of Tom with the message in the bass tournament album).
Taking the week off to help with last minute preparation. Its going to be a great day everyone be blessed....Tom
Just one week till the big event! We've gotten word a bass fishing team is coming all the way from Oklahoma to fish in our tourney! We've got so many people supporting Tom and offering help and financial support.. we are so bless by each and every one of you. The love and prayers of Tom's friends and family mean so much to us. Thank you everyone for everything you are doing and have done in his behalf. We look forward to seeing you all next Saturday!
Tonight we took two of our nephews to the site where we will be holding the Bass Tourney and Chili Cook-off.. (I've posted pictures in the album with the flyer for the event). I'm not really sure how sliding and swinging and playing on the jungle gym qualify as preparing for our event, but Uncle Tom sure had fun with the boys.
Next week will be very busy making final preparations and we are looking forward to seeing all of you there. - Rach
We would again like to thank the area business that have supported my tshirt drive by donating at least $25.00 to have their names printed on the back of the shirts. Orders go in on Friday, so if any area business still would like to support my tshirt fundraiser please let me or Rachelle know by tomorrow.
How about this heat? Much to hot! I got a dr appointment in Topeka and will be picking up some donated fund raisers prizes for August 2nd. Be blessed supposed to cool down some tommorow. Tom
We are so blessed! Today Tom and I met a couple at lunch, the wife had donated a kidney to her mother and is doing wonderfully well, the husband received a kidney from his wife's co-worker 4 years ago and he's doing amazingly well. It was a great uplift for Tom to know that there are people out there who are living post-trasplant and doing well.
Preparations for the benefit are going wonderfully also, just a few loose ends to tie up and we're ready to rock and roll. We've even got plans for a cupcake eating contest and a kids' obstacle course that day! - Rach
We'd like to thank, Strawn Lumber and Equipment Rental, Pizza Hut, The Bakary, Coffey County Honda, Hoover's Thriftway, Huntsman's Service, Waverly Lumber for your generous sponsorship and donations toward our event!
We sent the first of Tom's monthly blood work off to the lab at Mid-West Transplant Network today. This will test his antibodies for donor evaluation. We are fully ready now to accept living donors for testing and find him a new kidney. If you or someone you know is interested in more information, contact me and I'd be happy to visit with you and give you information on who to contact at KU Medical Center for testing.- Rach
We've just had the most wonderful phone contact with Mr. George Cop. He's an ambassador with MidWest Transplant and will be attending the Bass Tournament/Chili Cook-off to speak on organ donation and transplant qualification! Thank you George for all your knowledge and for supporting Tom through spreading the word on donation!
Gosh the past few days have been so filled! We said our goodbye's to Tom's sweet niece yesterday as most of you know. My nephew J.T. was good friends with her so he went to the service with us and then spent the night. I took him home today and as a surprise stopped by Tom's job to say a quick hello. Tonight we repotted a few houseplants and made dinner together. I know this sounds like "normal" stuff, but through all the struggle and waiting we try to keep our life as normal and "mundane" as possible so the kidney stuff doesn't dominate our entire lifestyle (sounds heroic but it's impossible to be quite honest). Hope everyone is having a great start to the week and enjoying cooler weather.- Rach
Wow! so much going on this weekend, I've barely had time to breathe! Preparations for the fundraiser are coming along nicely, lots of great prizes have been donated, we're getting more volunteers to help at the event and even got a couple of judges lined up for the chili cook-off. If you haven't done so, be sure to check out the flyer and register here online. Tshirts will be for sale that day, soda, chips, candy, chili, lots of games for everyone of all ages! Come out and show Tom your support on August 2nd at Melvern Lake!- Rach
We have received the official notification from our patient coordinator at KU Med. Tom is listed on the Midwest Kidney Transplant List and we should have his ranking by Monday. We can begin testing living donors as soon as we receive the ranking confirmation!!
We've been so busy here, getting ready for the upcoming Bass Tourney and Chili Cook-off. Just a couple of weeks until the event kicks off. We'd like to thank Aldi for their generous donation and Lyndon State Bank for their sponsorship of the Bass Tournament!.. Thanks so much!!!
We would like to thank Lyndon State Bank for providing copies for our flyers and Lifeway for donation of prizes for the benefit. ...Tom
Today we received the best news we've had in nearly a month. After tireless days spent trying to figure out how to overcome seemingly insurmountable odds, we got a phone call from KU Med. I told them what we've been doing to raise funds and cover Tom's prescription needs after surgery and our financial coordinator said "I think that the progress you have made so far will show the selection committee you are committed to a lifestyle that will sustain the transplant.".. In other words.. it will become official on Thursday of this week that TOM IS ON THE TRANSPLANT LIST!!!.. This doesn't mean we're finished working toward the ultimate goal of keeping him on his meds and maintaining the new kidney, or that we an relax in fundraising efforts, but it does mean that we have overcome a huge hurdle and are on our way toward transplant! Thank you to everyone who has prayed, helped in raising awareness and funds, sponsored on tshirts and countless other things that have helped us get this far. But ultimately thank God for His plan and His purpose, we know He has opened doors that no man can close.
Today has been a rather lazy family day in the Thurston home. We've been watching as the farmer that rents our crop land has been gathering in his wheat, done some laundry, enjoyed time with our doggie Cricket and watched a movie or two. Tomorrow it's back out on the streets gathering support and funds for Tom's transplant and also calling KU Med to let them know of the progress that is being made. Pray that the help we have found with a few of the drug companies is enough to get Tom placed on the transplant list so we can move into donor drives and eventually to surgery!- Rach
Happy fourth of July weekend. We had a great time at my parents with my brother and sisters and our many nieces and nephews yesterday.
Today we are so grateful to Citizen's State Bank and Lyndon Motors for thier tshirt sponsorships! Thanks so much!
Another good day we handed out some flyers and also we would like to thank USD 456 MdCV and Sonic for their sponsership of our tshirt campaign! Tom
What a wonderful day of fundraising we had today!.. I'd like to thank Rowe's Machine Shop, Feltner Furniture, Ink, Hair Creations, Osage Hardware and The Osage County Herald-Chronicle for their sponsorship of our Tshirt drive and fundraiser.. What a blessing!- Rach
Another busy day on tap for us today. Chasing down donations for the upcoming fundraiser, hanging up flyers, making lil green ribbons and trying to keep Tom healthy. We're so thankful to Ink, Jerry's Thriftway, The Army Corp of Engineers and Eisenhower State Park for all they've done to help us along the road to transplant by sponsoring our 1st fundraiser.. Thanks so much!!
Today is a busy day, I'll be out and about gathering support for Tom's fundraiser coming up in August. Tom is at work today and looked pretty tired when I dropped him off. Stress and anxiety in our lives have taken a toll on both of us lately and we are trusting God to bring things to the right conclusion. We have had good results from the creation of a public event page on facebook for the fundraiser so we are encouraged there, and looks like we'll have at least 2 chili makers, no fishermen as yet, but there's lots of time. Be sure to register soon!
Plans for the 1st Annual Benefit Bass Tournament and Chili Cook-off are coming together wonderfully. An event page has been created on Facebook, Online registration page has been placed here on HelpHOPELive.org. We have several volunteers in place to help with various tasks, and even an artist volunteering not only her time but all the supplies needed to do face painting for the children! Come one, Come ALL and enjoy the day with us. Check the Fundraising Activities section here on this page for further details or contact Rachelle Thurston 785.248.3534.
Good time at church this morning, may finish up mowing this afternoon. May everyone have a blessed Sunday. --Tom
Tom and I had a very nice time together, working in the garden, pulling weeds and picking veggies. We got 6 very nice zuccini squash, a few green beans and a few peas. He put some cages on the tomato plants and of course Cricket had to help Daddy with that venture. If help is what you call a Pit Bull snout stuffed in a tomato cage while Daddy is trying to put it on a tomato plant. We had a good laugh over that. This evening is dinner in, and cuddle time with the puppy dog. Hope you've all had as much enjoyment in your day as we have in ours today. God bless. Check back tomorrow for the latest in our continuing saga toward transplant.
Good morning what a beautiful day! We are going to be working outside today. Everyone have a blessed day. -Tom. "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13
Today Tom and I celebrate our 5th anniversary. Being married to him has been the joy of my life and I hope for many many more years together. His kidney transplant will make that possible for us. Please look inside your heart and give what you can to help Tom along the journey ahead. It will be arduous but with God's blessings, our love, and your support he can do it!
OUR FIRST FUNDRAISER IS SCHEDULED!! Check out the information in our Fundraising activities section. Call Rachelle if you have questions or need help with registration. Registration only required if you will be participating one of the tournaments. Those wishing to come for lunch need not register. Chili lunch will be available for sale at 12pm. But come early for the Bass Tournament and other fun activities!!!
Be sure and sign the guestbook so Tom knows who's visited the campaign page!..He loves to see who's been looking around. Visit the photo album(s) and look at the pictures, we will post pictures of each fundraising event after they are concluded. So many interesting things going on and though we are just getting started the road ahead looks brighter every day. Thanks for stopping by!! (Rach)
Good Afternoon we are busy planning our first fundraiser Aug 2. Stay tune for details!
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Let me know about your fund raiser.
Angela Streit
Ken Harred
Angela Streit
Tom, I just found about your situation and I want you to know I will be praying for you. Keep on keeping on.
Kevin Birdsong
Thinking of you and sending prayers of comfort and healing.
Kenny Elrod
Praying for your health.
Lance Lenard
best wishes and prayers for you Tom
Duane Newell
Keeping you in my prayers, my friend. God bless and love ya man!
Shane NIchols
Wish I was closer to help more. Let me know what I can do down here from Texas. Love you!
Marci Kerr
Hi! Our Love and Prayers are with you and your family.
Love, Bob and Sheri Mills
Son, we are so proud of the way you live your life for others to see Jesus.
Love, Mom Chris
You're the best uncle in the world and I love you!!!!
Been thinking about you Tom, hope things continue to go the way you want them to. I'm hoping I can make it down for your benefit. Will continue to pray.
God Bless you brother.Keep up the fight.You are in my prayers.
Shane Nichols
Tom , so sorry to hear about that darn disease. I will be praying and thinking of you. Will do what I can. xoxoxo
Sharon Smock
I know who you are but you may not know of me. I never knew what you were going through and it saddens me. You're very nice and polite guy. Its quite strange how you can know of someone but not notice or know of their struggles or pain. I hope very much you feel strong because throughout all these years, you have survived when so many would have given up. I hope whatever keeps you motivated, never fails. Excuse me if you think I'm being to bold but I've seen people struggle and as weak as can be but sometimes even the weakest can still become the strongest.
Even after the day you pass, I will still consider you strong because you never gave up even when you felt at your lowest.
Keeping you in my thoughts and my families prayers that you find your transplant.
I apologize if this message upsets you in anyway, I just feel like its always nice to remind people of their strength.
Tom, prayers going up for you and your family! You will remember me as the mother of Kevin and Melanie Birdsong.
Debby Reynolds
Tom, You won't remember me, but I remember you. My girs were selling Girl Scout cookies in Olivet and we came to your house to sell and you bought from them. Several boxes as I recall. We will be praying for you and will put your name on our prayer chain at church at Lebo Baptist Church. May God grant you all that you need, and He knows your needs. P.S. Brad is my brother!!
Leanna ( Pollman) Thomas
Tom and Rachelle please know that Sherri and I are praying for you. God has blessed me by having you in my life.
Brad Pollman
Peace, Love, Encourgement, Strength, Hope, Health, and many many hugs !!! You are a strong person.. Nothing to positive energy coming your way... hang in there my dear friend. You got this !!!! :)))
Rhonda Kendall Beatty
We're on the road to transplant Honey, hang in there!!
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Tom Thurston
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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