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I have wonderful news to share with you. On July 1st, I received the gift of life, a life-saving lung transplant. I have a long road of recovery ahead and I can now look forward to seeing my children graduate high school, go off to college and pursue their own passions and dreams. I would like to encourage all of you to consider becoming an organ donor. I am both incredibly grateful and humbled by the generous act of my donor’s family.
Three years ago, I was diagnosed with Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis and Pulmonary Hypertension. Since then, I was on oxygen 24 hours a day with my oxygen needs increasing over time. I am a single mother to my four children, Sean (11), twins Nevin and Bridget (12), and Garrett (15). They keep my spirits high and keep me going every day. I look forward to going back to work, resuming my volunteer work and mostly being the involved parent I have always wanted to be.
As you can imagine, my strenuous journey has led to staggering medical bills. Even with insurance I have many expenses that must be paid out of pocket. Already, thousands of dollars of uninsured medical expenses have accumulated and will continue to grow because of the need to be near the hospital for at least four months and very expensive anti-rejection medications. Because of this, I must continue to rely on those with giving and caring hearts.
To assist with these out-of-pocket expenses, a fundraising campaign in my honor has been established with HelpHOPELive, a nonprofit organization that has been assisting the transplant community for 30 years. All donations are tax-deductible, are held by HelpHOPELive in the Southwest Lung Transplant Fund, and are administered by HelpHOPELive for transplant-related expenses only. Please consider making a contribution.
On behalf of Sean, Nevin, Bridget, Garrett and myself, thank you for your kindness, generosity, support and prayers.
Teresa Cummins
[email protected]
Teresa continues to improve. Took the children up to see their Mother on Friday, they were very happy to see her, her cousins saw her yesterday and today, She now has her phone but we ask that you limit talking to less than 5 minutes as her throat is irritated and the doctors are concerned. She has her computer also so you can send email. She has lots of appointments and is not always available.Thanks for all your prayers and understanding.
Teresa was released from the hospital yesterday afternoon and is now in an apartment near Stanford for the next few months She is in a lot of pain but doing well ,yesterday due to an accident on hiway 17 it took 4 hours to get there so we know this has to be done, however it is an extra expense no one can afford and we are asking for your help.
they are having Teresa get up and walk and are still reducing pain meds in hopes of going to pills so she can be moved from hospital to apartment. If you want to send cards to her home address we will take them to her. She isn't taking phone calls as she can't talk for very long The children are doing fine and handling the situation very very well. They are with me
Teresa is still improving and they are cutting down on pain meds Nurses are happy with her status Irene is on her way up now
Just got an update yesterday afternoon 7/4 Teresa is still progressing as she should be, they removed 2 more IVs and one drainage tube from her chest, she is tired but her oxygen level is 100. She didn't eat soup but did drink ensure. She is still in ICU but they moved her to a different room
July 3 Teresa is still being kept in ICU but there are no complications.
Teresa is doing good, She was able to talk some today. Still short visit times as they don't want to tire her out, She can have cards
but the hospital will not answer inquiries about her health except to family, they don't have the time.
Teresa comes first
Teresa underwent surgery this morning and is now in recovery. No one can see her for 2-3 hours and then only family and caregiver, this is for an indefinite time.
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Hi Teresa,
I see hope and lots of love for your children in your picture. Keep it up and push through.
Good luck.
Haleh (Jeanne's friend)
Do you want Jack & I to send up knitting needles & yarn) Maybe it will help keep you busy making the kids beanie hats. Nice for winter.
Joan Scanlon
Love hearing the improvement updates as you get stronger. So much love is being sent your way. I can't wait to come out and see you in person!!!
Amy Sutherland
Praying for your recovery and for your strength to stay strong and never give up! <3
Natalie MacDonald
Prayers and Hugs Teresa! Begin your recovery......you have the strength!
Carolyn Adams-Duda
I will pray for your speedy recovery. I always think back to the days when we would stay with your family as a kid.
Michael Johnston
Sending love & prayers to your recovery. Honored to donate financially. I am a life coach/counselor/hypnotherapist & mom in Scotts Valley.... If I can be of any support to you (no charge) call me when you're able to get into my schedule 1-831-278-0430. -Tammy Rust
Tammy Rust
Teresa, Jack and I wish you well and back on your feet soon.
We send our love, and healing spirit to you.
Jack and Joan
Thinking of you...sending a very loving hug...love you, Teresa...Aunt Charlene...;)
Aunt Charlene
Thinking of you and holding you in my heart. Love and light my friend.
Nicole carrel
Teresa, our prayers are with you! Stay strong..All will be better :)
mary Torres cooper
I see your inner strength radiating as it always has, I am sending you brilliant healing light and love. XOXO
Mom O'Donald
Bonehead/Teresa you are in our thoughts and prayers..Love
Uncle Jerry and Aunt Charlez
You can do this and you will win the fight! Xoxo
our prayers and love are with you and have always been and will be. Love you and your family.
Aunt Sharon
Many prayers to you Teresa on your journey to recovery
Sandra Lemmons
Love you sister of my heart!
Let's DO this!
Love you! Please give the kiddos hugs for me and have them give you the same.
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Teresa Cummins
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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