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Royetta Needs Your Help

Royetta Felicia Moore had dealt with type 1 diabetes and chronic kidney disease from a young age. Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not make any or enough insulin to carry sugar throughout the blood. Stage 5 kidney disease is also referred to a ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease). This is when the kidneys do not filter blood normally, therefore, dialysis is needed.

Updates (6)

July 6, 2018

On June 7, 2018, I celebrated my one year transplant anniversary. Praise the Lord. Thanks to everyone who helped with fundraising and sending up prayers. Continue praying

February 20, 2018

On June 7, 2017, I had a kidney and a pancreas transplant. There have been many complications since then, but overall I am doing pretty good. I may have to have surgery in the future to close up an open drain wound. Please, continue to pray for my family and me. Thank you for all of your support.