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Marla Needs Your Urgent Help!

Spending quality time with family and friends has always been very important to Marla Neal. As a young divorcee, mother of a toddler, full-time employee, and college student, much of Marla’s time was spent balancing the parts of her life; especially spending quality time with the gift of her life, her son Christopher. In time, it became clear that Marla was being challenged by illness. After 16 years of working, fibromyalgia presented a new challenge, permanently disabling Marla at the age of 43. Several years later, Marla learned that she had inherited Polycystic Kidney Disease. She is now in end stage renal failure, and desperately needs a kidney transplant and your help.

Updates (9)

October 19, 2016

I haven't blogged on my page for a long time. I have had a lot of personal, physical and financial problems for the past several months; but who hasn't had the same issues.

I think the only difference is that with complete kidney failure my stresses seem to feel as if they are more traumatic. You're fighting for your life with each dialysis treatment as you wait for a transplant, while fighting daily stresses. Sometimes I just what to SCREAM!

January 24, 2015

Today is my 1-year anniversary as a dialysis patient. I initially went on dialysis at my nephrologist's suggetion that the treatments would increase my energy. I was the Queen of Fatigue! LOL SMH Although constantly lethargic, I still had functioning kidneys; but my blood workup had an increased toxicity level. My end stage renal failure came within a month of starting dialysis treatments. Oh well. 1. God, the Father 2. Jesus Christ, the Son 3. The Holy Spirit 4. Dialysis
