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Hi, I hope this finds you well. I wanted to provide a brief update on my life and share some important information with you. Unfortunately, my cellular-mediated rejection has been affecting my kidney more this year. I have a new kidney team monitoring my kidney. I remain hopeful and determined to face this new challenge.

In the midst of these difficulties, I have found solace in painting and learning how to post art videos on YouTube. It has become a therapeutic outlet for me. Additionally, I have been volunteering my time to help elderly and disabled individuals at the Leetsdale high rise.

Updates (47)

May 4, 2020

Thank you for following me through my journey pre and post transplants of liver and kidney. I face many challenging days and again I have been facing the challenge of cell mediated antibody rejection of my transplanted kidney.

This is very serious, and my doctors have been following me very carefully by monitoring my kidney biopsy lab work. As a result of this type of rejection, I just went through a 2-week intensive treatment at Allegheny General Hospital in April to combat the rejection. I am happy to report that my numbers are looking so much better.

Would you consider supporting me by giving to Helphopelive in my honor to help me meet my ongoing medical expenses and treatments? Thank you for your prayers and support!

November 28, 2018

Some of you may know that I am currently having cell-mediated rejection of my transplanted kidney. As a result I am going through an intensive treatment which hopefully will halt the rejection and save my kidney. The treatment plan involves 4 steps of special medications targeting the rejection. I am currently in the first step which is a high dose steroid treatment. Once it is completed I will have the following 3 steps. Please pray for me. This treatment plan requires some very expensive medications which are not totally covered by my insurance.

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December 29, 2023

Your positive attitude, as you have lived with all of your ongoing health challenges, is inspirational!

Karen Fadzen

November 28, 2023

We continue to pray for complete healing for you. We are so blessed to know and love you. Continue to be a light shining in the darkness of this world.

Sharon Aho

November 24, 2023

You are a beautiful bright light!
Shine On!
We love you and are sending you healing love and energy!
Linda, Jeff, and Aurora Rosey

Linda Tucci