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To my friends, family, and even strangers reading this, I am writing to you from one of my least favorite places to be long-term – a hospital bed at Columbia University Irving Medical Center in New York City. As other cystic fibrosis patients know, being stuck in the hospital is frustrating and, at times, incredibly lonely and isolating. But even at low points, I have hope and the internal strength to keep fighting. Unfortunately, my body doesn’t always get the message. Right now, my liver and kidneys are failing, so I am actively listed for transplant – again. It feels like yesterday when I was listed for my double lung transplant, but in all actuality, it has been nine years; nine years of gifted joy and achievement and loving the life I live.
From the bottom of my heart, I ask for your help. Your thoughts, messages, and, if you’re able, your financial support to help offset some of my medically-related costs as I await transplant.
I can promise you that I will continue to fight, and I can’t wait until I’m back volunteering at the Boomer Esiason Foundation, fighting for other people like me, and until I can get back on my bike to keep myself as healthy as possible.
Gerard has chosen to fundraise with Help Hope Live in part because Help Hope Live provides both tax-deductibility and fiscal accountability to his contributors. Contributors can be sure that funds contributed will be used only to pay or reimburse medically related expenses.
For more information, please contact Help Hope Live at 800-642-8399.
To contribute to Gerard’s fundraising campaign, click the “Contribute Now” button. To email this page directly to others in your community, who might wish to learn about Gerard’s campaign, click the email button and type in as many email addresses as you wish.
Thank you for your support!
To my amazing friend, you’re always in my prayers
Carla Minervini
Hello, my name is Joanna McCray from Columbia SC. I have been involved with help hope live for many years now. Now I\'m an Ambassador. I had a Kidney Transplant in June of 2018 and by God\'s Grace, I\'m doing well. God will give you more strength to keep on fighting and to keep your Faith. His Timing is Perfect. I will pray for your Healing! Be Blessed and Welcome!
Joanna McCray
Keep pedaling Jerry!
Harvey Sanders
Sending our love, always.
Roseann Rosetta
Prayers from the McGlinn family
Chris McGlinn
This donation is in loving memory of John (Chucky) Dunne who battled CF all of his life on his one year anniversary.
Jerry Cahill is an inspiration to all, wishing him a fast recovery! #TEAMBOOMER
Mary Oshea
Thank you for sharing your inspiring journey. I want to see you back on the bike in good time. If I think through it, seeing you and Emily Schaller do your Bike to Breathe events was one of the inspirational points in me beginning to ride more seriously a few years ago. Today it has become an intensely important part of my life - that\'s a gift.
To your good health and spirit!
Timothy Stevens
Love ya Jerry. You’re an inspiration to many. I’m glad to know you.
Brad Poole
You’re a ROCKSTAR, Jerry!
Prayers for continued healing!
I love you my dear college friend, and am inspired daily, not only by your spirit and strength, but by what you have done for thousands of children and people living and surviving with this disease. My youngest sister's best friend, Jane Lewis lost her fight at age 11, and my neighbors when I was a child, lost two siblings ages 14 and 15. Children back in the 1960's lived in oxygen tents, and took bottles of pills. Parents fought for their children's lives, but their quality of life was always compromised, as poor little Jane could never experience of a girl's sleepover party! That night....one late night, while we were talking during our sophomore year in college, you told me that you would probably not live to see your 30th birthday. I cried because I already knew too much. But you fought against those odds. You continued that fight, and by example, that fight has inspired thousands of people around the world. I'm so amazingly proud to have known you, especially when we were kids, still dreaming of what our futures would be. You ALWAYS smiled, hiding your cough, whether you were working with children, or soaring over that 16' bar in the air! Soar high my friend! Keep living and breathing. We need you! You can not fail! xoxo Nancy
Nancy De Paolantonio
God Bless you Jerry. Wishing you a speedy recovery. You are an inspiration. Much love, Maria Vicari-Tralongo
Maria Vicari
You are truly an inspiration, Jerry. Praying for a full recovery — your body, your spirit, and your wallet. We’re all behind you!
Sherri Batchelder
Hi Jerry,
I am a mum in Australia of a 14 year old CF Warrior
You have been an inspiration to me when I have my down days
Here’s to looking up and u jumping back on your bike literally
Keep doing what you are doing
Simone Bright
F@#k CF! You inspire more than you know.
Vincent Vallati
Hello Coach! Our thoughts and prayers are with you in this crucial time of yours. We hope you will be feeling better soon! Sending all our positive and healing thoughts to you and wish you a speedy and full recovery. May God Bless You!
The Negrete Family
Miguel Negrete
Best of luck in your recovery, Jerry! YCF!
Mary Sullivan
My hero. You will conquer this like everything else. Gail
Gail Triggs
Hi Jerry,
Thoughts and prayers are with you for speedy recovery!
Loved seeing the picture of you with the PV State Champ!
Eugenia Bradshaw
Eugenia Bradshaw
Wishing you a speedy recovery Jerry!
Kathleen Brown
Kathleen Jay
Get well soon!
Carole Barrera
You can not fail Jerry!
Kelly Simon
No retreat, no surrender.!
Tom D’Antonio
Hang in there!
Marilyn Lewis-Hampton
Go Jerry, go!
Annette Campbell
Boom! Go Jerry! You inspire us all. So much love!!!
Dylan Mortimer
We love Jerry and his liver and kidney too!
Diane & Artie Berkey
Diane Berkey
Thank you for all you have done for the CF community, Jerry. Wishing you a smooth and swift recovery.
Aimee Goyette
Prayers for fast healing! Stay strong!
Teena Mobley
The toughest mf I know! Unconditional my friend!
Vincent Fellegara
Stay strong Coach - you got this!!
The Bomba Family
Catherine BOMBA
You are amazing, Jerry. Sending a big hug from Cellary. ♥️
Catherine & Brendan O’Rourke
Always rooting for you Jerry! Keep inspiring us to overcome
Jon Diakanwa
Dear Jerry,
You are amazing!
Donna Vaters
Donna Vaters
You got this Jerry!! Like you have so many time’s before
Katie Dougherty
Here for you Jerry, as you’ve been for me! Love you! Lissy xoxo
Elisabeth Jones-Hennessy
Sending love ❤️ and prayers. You got this!
Gina & Al Marcello (Dukes)
Thought and prayers are with you Gerry.
Mike McCann
Keep up the good fight Big Air!!
Mike Hill
It is amazing to give the gift of life! Xoxo
Sari Benson
Get well soon Coach Cahill!
John Schuerger
Hope to see you by the vault in December!
Dave Bonagura
As a fellow Iona Prep employee, I continued to be inspired by your story of struggle and strength, pain and perseverance. You could have done so many things with your life, yet you've chosen to educate and inspire others. May this surgery be yet another bar you clear...Godspeed!
Alex Malecki
Thoughts and prayers from all us of the CHSAA Track & Field League!
Louis Vazquez
Get well soon
David Wood
Love and prayers from Pete Keen and family.
Caroline Keen
You have our prayers and support for a complete recovery!
The Carruthers Family, Iona Prep 2015
Lisa Carruthers
Get well soon Coach Cahill
Terence Cameron
You are in our prayers Coach!
Mary Shea
Get well soon!
Sending prayers -
Brendan Doran (Iona Prep 2020)
Brendan Doran
Prayers for a complete recovery!
Adrienne Stewart
Never Stop Fighting!! You are in my prayers!
Michelle Hanrahan-Heckman
Keep up the good fight Jerry!
Gerry Nugent
Prayers for a speedy recovery. Your inspiration is essential and we are there for you.
You cannot fail.
Matt Flesch
You Cannot Fail!
Heather Wood Gaccione
Wishing you all the best. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Jim McCluskey
Jerry - sending you prayers of strength and healing! Much love, my friend!
BJ Viau
Jerry you have inspired more people than you know, across the nation and globe. You cannot fail. We will not fail you. Sending love and hope.
Siri Vaeth (CFRI)
God bless the skilled hands of the surgeons caring for you and the entire medical and nursing teams in your recovery, Jerry!!
Virginia Hughes
Jerry, you are an inspiration! You will do great!
Mike Palumbo
Jerry and I were both born with CF in 1955. We have both received double lungs from angel donors. We met only once, over lunch at a NYC diner. Memorable and wonderful! We told CF war stories of survival and miracles, of the "old" days and new medicine. I admire him so much. He is a hero to many, a leader in CF advocacy, a coach, and a lover of life. I believe that he will continue to astound us all once again! A deep bow breathing in breathing out. Long may you live dear Jerry Cahill!
Luanne McKinnon
Praying for you!
Josephine Comfort
Coach Cahill is one of the strongest people that I know! You are are in my family’s thoughts and prayers as always. Keep on fighting!
- Lily Flynn
Lily Flynn
You got this coach!! Stay Strong
Andrew Wintergerst
Sending prayers and positive thoughts.
The Hevaghan Family
Michael Hevaghan
Jerry is one of the biggest inspirations for our families fight over the last 20 years. He is a fighter, a warrior against this CF bully. All prayers, positive thoughts and vibes for Jerry at this time
Patricia Dean
The Iona Prep Crew Team is pulling for you! You are an inspiration to the entire community.
Tom O’Grady
Sending prayers and love at this time.
Barbara King
We send our best wishes, thoughts and hopes for successful transplants. You have been an inspiration to all. Your courage, strength and perseverance are admirable. What an amazing fighter you are and have been throughout your life. We send you our love.
Mary Carroll, Tom, Sarah, Tom and Sarah
Jerry - You cannot fail!
Bob Emmelkamp
In honor of and thanks for all you have given Iona Prep athletes.
Kevin Kavanah
Brian Callanan
Rooting for you and your journey. Great to see how many student athletes and others you have inspired.
Donald Niss
Your strength, determination and positivity inspires us everyday here at TBio. Thank you for all that you do for the CF community. Sending our thoughts and support! #YouCannotFail
-Translate Bio Team
Maura Gavaghan
You've done so much for so many. Praying for you coach!
Marc Genovese
Get well soon Coach Jerry
Fordham Pole Vaulters
Jerry - you are in our thoughts and prayers - wishing you all the best -
Tara Boyan and Stephen Gallagher
Tara Boyan
Sending good thoughts and prayers Jerry! You got this!
Carol Capece
I’m sorry you are going through this again. You helped me in the past when I needed it most in dealing with my own CF. Your fight has given me the hope I have needed to pull through my own struggles. Hang in there.
God bless you and heal you Coach !
Michael Hijazin
Hi Jerry , we know you will fight as you have in the past, you got this! We contributed through our family foundation by sending a check. Thanks for all you have done for our grandson Michael . Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Dominic & Debbie Caruso
Dominic & Debbie Caruso
You got this!
Catherine Hughes
So thankful for all you do for the CF community which includes my daughter. You’re in my prayers.
Vickie Beasley
Jerry, My thoughts are with you. Be strong. Best, Bill Chirico ('74)
William Chirico
Thinking of you and sending good vibes!!
Maggie Taylor
Once upon a time we were just kids in high school on the track and field team. Our coach, Frank McCartney, set the achievement bar quite high for us. The class of 1974 showed what could be accomplished when, as underdogs, Xaverian was NUMBER ONE in the City of New York winning the Outdoor Track and Field City Championship. Never forget we all all winners despite the hard knocks life has thrown at all of us. Some hit harder than others but we are still in the game. Hoping all the best for you. I survived Acute Myeloid Leukemia and all of us are hoping the same for you. Your 50 year XHS class reunion will be here before you know it. Make sure you are there. Don't make Coach McCartney come looking for you!
Jack La Torre
Peace and love, Jerry
Josh Mogren
Sending the warmest thoughts and prayers for strength and courage during these trying times. I'm looking forward to seeing you back on your feet with the best of health!
-Stephanie Irvin
Stephanie Irvin
Wishing you the best Jerry! You are such a force and you cannot fail! Sending all my love and support.
Bridget Quinn
Wishing and praying for the best.
Frank Gambino
We love you Jerry! You Cannot Fail!
Jeanne Ross
Sending love and prayers to you Jerry. You are a fierce warrior and do so much every day for the CF community. We love you.
Katy & Joey Monte
Kathryn Monte
Good luck Jerry. Stay tough. Our prayers are with you. Coach
John McCartney
Stay strong, Jerry!
Max Mcguire
Jerry you are a Warrior! God will hear our prayers YOU CAN NOT FAIL! you are one of the strongest people I know. you hang tough.
Love ya buddy
We are all behind you Gerard, as well as legions of guardian angels. Miracles happen every day, as will also yours manifest. God Bless.
Thinking of you brother, sending strength, hope, love and lots of prayers your way! You know what it takes to beat the odds and trust you will continue to persevere!
Tony Davino
You got this Jerry! Toughest guy in Brooklyn!
Joe Fava
good luck jerry, bruce
Bruce Gundersen
Go get 'em Jerry... anyone who will run down a narrow lane with a pole in their hands and launch themselves over a bar is one brave SOB. Sending our prayers...
Steve Hartshorne
Best Wishes Jerry!!! Your brothers from you class at Xaverian High School are pulling for you!!!
Salvatore J. Russo
Love and prayers out to Jerry!
Tony Davino
Pugliese family sending our love and prayers! ♥️♥️
Teresa Pugliese
My prayers are with you as you go through this journey an always. Thank you for all you do in the cystic fibrosis community. Much love jerry
Jennifer Vasquez
Keep on fighting. Your organs are coming. Praying for you...
Lucy Femia
Sending love and prayers from the Tarletsky Family.
Noreen Tarletsky
Fighting Jerry!
Our thoughts, love and prayers are with you!
Rebecca Runyon Bryan
Rebecca Runyon Bryan
Jerry my prayers and best wishes are with you. Keep fighting AND REPEAT “YOU CANNOT FAIL”.
Quentin Phillips
Jerry we know how tough CF is. Please keep fighting.
lisa taylor-austin
Go for it, Jerry. We have your back.
Rod Spadinger
Please stay strong Jerry! You are an inspiration for all of us!! You can not fail!!
Maria Santiago
Dear Jerry,
You did it before and you can do it again!
You can not fail!
all our love,
Doreen & Ed
Doreen Ruotolo
Hoping that you feel all of the support that you have been giving to so many others coming back to you. Stay strong
Lynn Bonitz
You are an inspiration Jerry! Keep your head up. We are all in this together!
John Cimina
Keep fighting, Jerry. Lisa and I will keep you in our prayers. We miss you.
Seth Gonzales
❤️ We love you Jerry!!! ❤️ You are truly the hero of all our stories!!!
Donna Dorsett
Wishing you all the best!
Jean Campbell
All the best Gerry. Hang in there!
Casey Roche
Keep Fighting Jerry!! The pole vault community loves you. Jump the Fear !!
Tyler Thiele
Praying for you
Gloria Vigilante
We love you, Jerry!! Keep fighting!!
You’ve got this!!
Sarah Boshell
Stay strong and positive Jerry! God bless.
Richard Murach
You have always been an inspiration. You will get through this, just like you have gotten through every obstacle thrown at you throughout your entire life. #YouCannotFail
James Colligan
Many blessings and prayers to a great Coach and a strong human being-
Marty Brown and all your fans at Kellenberg track
Martin J Brown
Many blessings on a man who has been such a powerful force in the lives of so many young people.
Kevin Kelton
4theneed Lord Jesus 4 JerryCora
Nick Mitchell
Keep believing!!!
Diana Thoman
You are such an inspiration Jerry! I hope your recovery goes smoothly and we find some great body parts for you!
Arek Puzia
Jerry you are a great inspiration not only to those in the CF community but to all of us.
Sending you love and hugs…
Dorothy Stratford
Jerry— you are an inspiration — God Bless
Donal Buckley
Jerry, stay strong, stay positive, if anyone can get through this it's you. Look forward to a time when we can get lunch again! Best wishes Nick (cfvs.everest)
Nicholas Talbot
You cannot fail! Just 13 letters! Say it with me! Couldn’t hit donate fast enough. You got this Jerry!
Bridget Peden
Hi Jerry,
You came to speak at our CF Center in Syracuse a few years back where I work and I was so moved by your story. I have worn one of your “You Cannot Fail” bracelets ever since. You are such an inspiration to me and to so many! Prayers your transplants come soon
Betsy Talarico
No question about it......you are an inspiration to us! You've got this!!
Rosemary Annunziato
My sisters and I talk often about how my mom was not someone who freely doled out praise and compliments; you had to earn her respect. In the 36 years I was fortunate to share with her, there was only one person outside our immediate family who she would burst with pride when discussing, and it was you. Your grit, tenacity and advocacy are an inspiration to everyone who knows you. Sending healing thoughts and love to you and your family.
Janine Kenna Dozier
Stay Strong. You will be in our thoughts and prayers.
You got this Jerry!!!
Julie Desch
A true hero who reminds us to keep hope in our hearts!
Sabrina Walker
In the words of my beloved sister Bea, "You've got this!" Jerry!!!
Lindsay Briggs
From Iowa, with love!
Hope you get better soon.
Lucas Vicente
Prayers from the Canup family!!
Matt and Meghan Canup
YOU GOT THIS ~ sending strength and prayers from Team Tess in Syracuse!!
Mary Michaels
Stay strong Coach Cahill!!!! <3
Catherine Lang
All the best from Ireland.
Eilís Lyons
You are the hero of your own story, and also our hero. We love you!
Emily Schaller
Coach Jerry Cahill we are praying for you. We hate to see you going through this. You are the most inspirational person we know.
#youcannotfail. #sendingloveandprayers
Love ,
The Crispi Family
Melanie Crispi
The Flynn Family is praying for you, Coach Cahill!
Sarah Flynn
Keep fighting coach!
Alexa Diiorio
Thinking of Jerry! You’ve got this. Much love
Kate Norton
Thinking of and praying for you!
Brittany Dombrowski
Sending our love and support for your positive outcome and well being
Cynthia Ferraro
Appreciate you!
Jen Heinicke
Love you Jerry!!!
Kathleen Nihill
Jerry, your a hero to many of us, and our families. An inspiration. Keep the fight. We’re here for you!
Jonathan Vasquez
Get well soon coach!
Adam DeMattia
Sending all my love and strength Jerry!
Stacey Wu
#justbreathe #fucf #cfwarrior
Keeping fighting, Jerry! You’re the strongest person I know!
You are an inspiration to all of the lives you touch. Pulling for you Jerry, you cannot fail!
Amy McKenna
Praying for you jerry “you cannot fail “
Yanci Moran
Your the man coach Cahill. Sorry to see you gong through this. We support you. Your in my prayers.
Paul Wintergerst
Jerry you are part of our family. We have been through so much together. Keep fighting we are with you. Love, Kathy, Alex and Jen.
Kathy Berardi
We send our healing thoughts to you Jerry!
With love,
The Pulkovski Family
Sara Pulkovski
Thinking about you and wishing you a speedy recovery
Angela Nigro
Keeping fighting Coach
Vilma Fermin
Praying for you Jerry!
Brian Carney
Keep fighting, God is with you always.
From Jeremy Duncan (a.k.a. Jere-bear) who has met Jerry when he was eight years old. Jeremy now 12, has all of his books and loves them. Jerry has inspired Jeremy that He Can't Fail. Team Jeremy and all of us wish the very best to Jerry in all he has accomplished. Get well Jerry!!!!
Team Jeremy Duncan
Sending love to you, Jerry.
Joan Marie Seergy
Jerry has always been an amazing inspiration to many.
Louise Morman
Sending love and strength to you my old friend. My favorite memory of you is the night you, Marty and I rode the Cyclone 2X in a row in Coney Island after that big italian dinner in Brooklyn! Keeping fighting and flying high Jerry!
Much love,
kathleen mccarthy
My thoughts, hopes and wishes for the best of luck and continued strength are with you, dear Jerry. You've been such an inspiration! I myself am a 59 year old CF patient (no transplant yet), and I'm still hanging in there. :-) I love what you've done with your life and for the community! God bless you! - Máire
Maire Noonan
Prayers n Thoughts
Joe Dombrowski
Jerry, you are a rock star - you got this!! Our team is thinking of you. #YCF
Shannon Shensky
We need you back on the pole vault runway and in the coaches box
Reggie Henderson
You are a true inspiration and one of the strongest individuals I know. Keep on fighting!
Arley Yaghoubzadeh
augusta tsugranes
I am praying for you.
Mary Jane Sabatini
Mary Jane Sabatini
Sending prayers and positive thoughts for a successful transplant. Iona Prep family
Mulvany Family
You are an inspiration to us all. YOU CANNOT FAIL!
We pray for a donor and for you to get back on your bike soon.
Love from all the Fays
Carolyn Fay
Michele Soto
CF patients supporting each other—good luck!
Eliza Callard
Friend of Iona Prep /Ursuline.
Karen and John Fogarty
Please help Jerry as best you can so he can continue his life of service to those with CF and to all of the athletes he coaches!
Jan Mitchell
When you can’t breath or detox nothing else matters.
Marilyn Lewis-Hampton
Jerry, I hope that you will stay comfortable and faithful as you go through this process. I've been a big fan of yours for year's and it ain't us to see you in this situation again.
Doug Bouma
❤️ friend of Keane Family
Jennifer Pepper
Stay strong, Jerry!!
Kevin Dwyer
Jayne Cassidy
Katie Betts
sending you love and support, Jerry
brianne sisneros
We are all pulling for you, Jerry!
Valerie Allen
Lifting you up in our prayers
Mary and Rob Scarella
Love you Big Air
Brian Cahill
Sending hope and prayers across the miles.
Sissy Boyd
Positive thinking, positive attitude, positive results <3
Carol and Mike Trinker
You've done so much for others, Jerry. You deserve all the support in the world.
Brian McTear
We are thinking of you Jerry!! You are a fighter and an inspiration to us! We are all pulling for you!
Aidan Neville and Family
Megan Neville
Praying for you my friend. Praying that a match can be found for not only your liver but also for your kidney as well.
Brad Johns
You are an inspiration to so many including Emily, Emily’s Entourage and the entire KG family. Sending you all of our positive energy and healing vibes. You have a lot of love surrounding you.
Love the KG family
Liza Kramer
If anyone can fight this, it’s you. Sending you so much love and strength Jerry! ❤️
Michelle Herpolsheimer
Jerry, you are a tremendous inspiration to me and JT, as you were to Lyn. One day at a time, my friend... #YouCannotFail
Thomas Kaminski
You cannot fail!! Praying for you!
Amy Miller
You have been an inspiration to so many in the CF community! Wishing you a successful transplant and renewed health and longevity!
Laura Riccio (Boston, MA)
You will never know how much of impact you have had on my son and myself. You truly are inspiring person and took the time to talk to my son with cystic fibrosis as well as sent stuff out to him.
I can never thank you enough, and will say prayers for your strength and for a successful transplant.
Kristin Duncan
You were always one of our mom’s favorite relatives. I know she is looking down praying for you to beat this obstacle too. If anyone can do it, you can! Sending healing thoughts and prayers to you. Love, Jordan Kenna
Jordan Kenna
Sending wishes your way as I echoing your amazing words: "I have hope and the internal strength to keep fighting." Champion on Jerry!
Tracy Young
What a terrific inspiration this man has been for our nephew, Gregory Gallagher, and so many other young people and athletes. God speed Gerry.
Ellen Gallagher
We are sending you healing vibes and keeping you in our prayers Jerry. You are an inspiration to us all. You Cannot Fail.
Jerry got you in my prayers. Love you.
We’re with you coach!
Sean Watson
Prayers and blessings, Jerry!
LoriJean Rooney
Always in my thoughts and prayers ❤️
Darrell Murphy
We have never met but we hope that you will get better soon! Lots of good vibes and prayers being sent your way!
Pellayia Roustemis
Coach Cahill - you're a real-life super hero! Keeping you in thoughts and prayers
Greg Gallagher
Keeping you in our prayers!
Donna & Jimmy
Donna Caffrey
We are honored to help and appreciate all that you do for the Cystic Fibrosis Community. With love from Chloe Swientek and Family.
Erin Swientek
Sending our thoughts and prayers.
Rosemarie McClean
Supporting on behalf of Emily’s Entourage
Julia Kramer-Golinkoff
Sending love and support all the way..
Erin Mathis
You’re an inspiration to everyone Jerry and I’m so privileged to know you. YOU CANNOT FAIL
William Marler
Thanks for all you do Gerry! Best wishes to you!
Jane and Bill Napolitano
So sorry to hear this news. Sending strength and keeping you in my thoughts, Jerry!
Coby Kramer-Golinkoff
We love you, Coach. You’re a MegaBall and I’ll be thinking of you. You’re an inspiration, always!
Kerby Lewis
You are in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you for being such a positive inspiration in my life, because of you I have hope and I know I cannot fail. Keep fighting.
Brayden Walsh
Brayden Walsh
Jerry,thank you for being such an inspiration as our grandson Sean Powers lives his life with CF. Our prayers and love, Jim and Pat Powers
Pat & Jim Powers
You are hero to all of us Jerry! Thank You for dedicating your life to improving the quality of care for people with Cystic Fibrosis. Stay strong!!! You cannot fail!!! Love you!!! Praying you get a liver and kidney soon.
Alison Lynch
Jerry so hard to believe that you just finished your huge bike trip and now have to be in the hospital. That STINKS!!! I love your attitude and positive spirit. Thanks for sharing all of your life with us. Happy to donate! You Cannot Fail!
Our prayers are with you xox
Carla Minervini
Hang in there Jerry! We will be praying for you.
Paul Pereira
I hope all goes well with you. You are an inspiration.
Valerie Smith
You got it coach!
Rory Beglane
You are still one of my heroes!
Karen Dopher
You got this, Jerry!!
Chris Kvam
You have always overcome every obstacle, Jerry, and you will this time too!
James Kenna
Sending you all the love and strength to get through this!
Diana Heppe
You Cannot Fail! Love you Jerry
Margaret Lewis
We love you Jerry. Mom was always so proud of you and talked of you often.
Justine Fludgate
You are such an inspiration to so many! Fight on!
Dara Davison
Jerry, we love and support you. You inspire everyone with CF and those of us working at the CF Foundation. Stay strong you amazing human.
Dawn,CT chapter, CF Foundation
Dawn Doraz Harris
The Giaffoglione family is lifting you up and cheering you on, Jerry!
Myra Giaffoglione
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I am Richie Keane\'s older sister and I know how much he went through. You have spoken at fundraiser for the Richard T Keane Foundation and we so much appreciated that. I truly hope that you get all the help you need.
Mary Lou Keane and Richie\'s Mom, Nancy Keane
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Carl and Miriam Huff
Dear Jerry
Sending you a huge hug and praying that your donor will come ASAP. We are all rooting for you!!!♻️☘️
Denise Horgan
Our prayers are with you!
Ann Marie Raiano
You've been an inspiration since CF entered my life when my son was born 13 years ago. I wish you improved health and I know you won't stop fighting!
Kirby Halloran
Sending hugs and prayers your way! You have been an inspiration to all of us and a huge sign of hope for all fighting CF. We are all behind you! <3
Amanda Everard
Rooting for you and sending all the best vibes and prayers, Jerry!
Blake Leyers
For my inspiration. My friend. Love you. Fight on!!
Jennifer Davison
Jerry has no quit. I'll help however I can. I love you man.
Jerry, you inspire us every day! Love, the Bonanno family.
Gillian Bonanno
For the past 12 years you have been an inspiration to our family. Our sweet V was born in 2010 & because of your strength you provided HOPE to us. Hope is the most important thing we can carry. Our family is sending all our love
Melanie Donnell
Hoping you get matched to donors soon and have a speedy recovery!
Chika-Dike Nwokike
The epitome of strength, courage and resilience — You’ve got this, Jerry, and we are behind you every step of the way!
Emily Kramer-Golinkoff
with you Jerry
Scot Rittenbaum
You got this Jer Bear! Keeping you in my prayers.
Traci Young
We love you Jerry! CF & TX Strong!
MJ Sanchez
Praying all goes well!
Rachael Pritchard
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Gerard Cahill
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
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