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We are the proud parents of Dylan, a child who was brain injured at birth. We are here because Dylan needs a new piece of equipment to help with his balance, coordination and flexibility. Dylan has come so far but his dream is to walk unaided.

Dylan currently continues to do a whole host of therapies on a daily and/or weekly basis in an effort to help him gain strength, balance and improve his vestibular system. A few of those therapies are: he rides horses, sees a physical therapist (who works on his motor skills & stretching), stands in his stander every morning before school, uses a gait trainer both at school and at home, practices walking with his walker, swims, does a daily spinning program (on the astronaut board), a listening program (on the ILS system), a stretching program, sees a chiropractor (Pam Cobbs) for Sacral Occipital Therapy, does Neurofeedback at Bend Counceling and Biofeedback, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy in a soft chamber. He is a trooper who works hard every day and never complains.

Updates (1)

November 13, 2015

Please read this wonderful article about Dylan and the Galileo machine that he needs:


June 17, 2016

Dylan, You are one good looking young man! I look forward to the next time we can spend some time together. Your loving grammy...

Grammy Tucker

November 16, 2015

Hi Dylan, "We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails". With the grace of God, your wonderful parents and all who pray and love you, the day will come where you walk with us.

Love, John & Colleen Schostalo