Accessibility for all: Helping people connect with who and what matters most
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My name is Marlene Medina and this August it has been 10 years since the accident that left me a quadriplegic with C4, C5 spinal cord injury. Before the accident I loved working as a dental assistant and waitress and enjoyed working with people. Despite my situation, I am determined to make my dreams come true. I am determined to purchase a modified van so that I can help others in need with transportation which is the most frustrating aspect of my current situation – not having some independence.
My past jobs taught me to have patience with others and I have applied my patience to my life since the accident. I have learned to be patient with my caregivers, doctors, nurses, family and especially with myself. Now that I am healthy and stable, I am eager to move on with the next chapter of my life.
I have been hoping for a promising new therapy to come along and in August 2014 I was blessed with the opportunity to receive stem cell therapy. Since receiving this treatment, I have gained more strength and hope for my future. I know that I am one of the lucky ones to have received this therapy, and I thank God. Those of you who are not as fortunate should not despair — take every opportunity that comes to you.
That next chapter includes more reliable transportation. With your help, I am determined to raise $60,000 for a wheelchair accessible van. This van will allow me a lot more freedom to accomplish my goals which include getting a job, becoming a motivational speaker to inspire others at churches, schools and prisons. I also plan to form a support group for other spinal cord injury victims in my area. Unfortunately a van is not something that insurance will pay for – so this is where I need your help.
To help offset such the expense of a van, a fundraising campaign in my honor has been established with Help Hope Live, a trusted nonprofit organization that has been providing community-based fundraising guidance to patients and their families for more than 35 years. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent of the law, are held by Help Hope Live, are held by Help Hope Live in the Southwest Catastrophic Injury Fund, and are administered by Help Hope Live for injury-related expenses only. If you would like to make a donation today, please click the GIVE tab.
As time moves forward, I would like to receive a supernatural blessing, a supernatural healing and a supernatural miracle, but until then, to make it short and simple, if I can’t stand up for now I will stand out with my voice. Now, at this point in my life, doors are opening and I am rolling through them.
God Bless and Stay Strong,
I want to give special recognition to my family — my mother, father, daughter, three brothers and two grandchildren have been there for me throughout this journey. Without them I’m not sure I would be here today.
Finally, remember just because you have a disability does not mean your dreams are lost. You just may just have to find a different path to reach your goals.
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Hello I'm Marlene's mother Barbara thank u for ur time reading her needs the most important is trying to get her transportation to all her medical appointments and many other important places I know it's going to happen one da she will not to b waiting for a long period of time to get from here to there again Thank u in so many ways u will get bless rewarding from our Lord Jesus Christ Amen .with lot's of loving care MoM.
Barbara Gallardo
Hey Marlene, your words are inspiring. May God bless you with a 'supernatural' miracle.
Your neighbor, Joe
Hey Marlene. You have a great sense of humor and an inspiring attitude about life. This world could use more genuine people such as yourself. Please continue to have a positive influence on those you meet and enjoy your life
Thanks for reading my story an please help me full my dreams to become true means alot to me i appreciated with all my heart an soul you start donation to get my van
If I know you like I think I do... you CAN and you WILL, and nothing's going to get in your way! I can't wait to see how this next chapter unfolds for you.
stay strong
I have been inspired by you since the first day I met you in 2013.
You are optimistic and always thinking of ways to better your situation.
Stay strong friend and never give up.
Love to you,
hey beautiful,i just met you at cvs.my computer skills are obviously lacking.i was blessed by your company.lines in any store can and usually are so mundane.may God and The Great Spirit bless you.
dan from cvs
Marlene left an amazing impression on me when I met her at the clinic I work as a research student at. I give surveys to patients in the waiting room and while balk at the idea of filling out these things, Marlene happily obliged. Afterwards, she explained to me her situation as a quadriplegic with a C4, C5 spinal cord injury. What struck me throughout her explanation was her level of patience and resilience and she basically made my day. Marlene I wish you the best of luck and I look forward to tracking your progress toward our dreams.
Tiffany T.
Stay strong Marlene, u can do it
Hello Marlene,
You have a strong heart and I love you and thank you for all the positive support you have given me. With your generosity, kind words, laughter and most of all your huge pretty smile! Watch out with those dimples!! Let's do this. Let's get you some mobility gurl and get you this van!
Thank You so much for your friendship!!!!
God blessed me when he brought you in my life!!! You're an amazing friend, motivator, and strong female.....I know you will continue touch many lives with your wisdom........Thank you for always keeping it positive!!!!
Lori Love
Lori Love
stay strong big sister and postive good things will come your way when the time is right!!!,
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Marlene Medina
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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