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Tina Nelson is a 57 year-old woman who is very ill. Tina is my wife of thirty-two years, a mother, grandmother and a nurse by profession. Unknown at the time, she was born with Alpha1-Antitrypsin Deficiency, a rare genetic lung disease. Not until 1996 was she diagnosed with genetic emphysema. Now, after many years of treatment it’s time for a life-saving double lung transplant.
Tina loves life. She is a caregiver by nature who takes enormous pleasure in her family, making a celebration of each birthday and all holidays. She chose to become a registered nurse and thrived in that role until her illness made it impossible for her to continue. Tina is an avid Tampa Bay Rays fan and loves spending time outdoors camping and boating.
However, since 2010, Tina has been on oxygen 24/7. Through the years her health has declined, but an illness in March of 2014 took such a toll that a double lung transplant is desperately needed. She has been on the transplant waiting for over 16 months. Though transplants are life-saving they are also financially draining. We’re on a fixed income with disability. Even with Medicare, Tina is facing very high expenses that include copays, lab fees, and costly post-transplant medications she’ll need to take for the rest of her life. Your help can make the difference.
It’s time to help Tina take a deep breath. To help with the financial burden of her uninsured expenses, a fundraising campaign in her honor has been established with Help Hope Live, a trusted nonprofit organization that has been providing community-based fundraising guidance to patients and their families for more than 30 years. All donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law, are held by Help Hope Live in the Southeast Lung Transplant Fund, and are administered by Help Hope Live for transplant-related expenses only. Please consider a tax deductible donation.
For credit card contributions, please click on the Donate Now button.
Please help us reach our goal for this life-saving procedure. Any size donation will make a difference. Thank you in advance for your support and generosity.
Henry Nelson (Tina’s husband)
[email protected]
April 6 th 2019
Made two years since my double lung transplant. It has been a long journey but I have to say well worth it. Thank you for all your love and support and prayers you’ve given me through this time for me and continuing to do so. Without help hope and live , I would not have been able to do the things I needed to do Post Transplant . They made it easy to send payments out and recover what I had already spent on medical supplies in treatment. As I continue to fund raise please keep my campaign in your thoughts. Thanking you Tina Nelson
It’s been 18 months since my double lung transplant I am so blessed to have the gift of life. Although some days it’s still a struggle again I am so blessed thank you for your love and support and if you can continue to help me on my campaign I would appreciate it. Henry and Tina Nelson
April 6,2018 was a milestone. One year since my double lung transplant . Wow what a wonderful difference. I’m able to do and enjoy things again with out dragging my oxygen equipment. And most importantly without being so short of breath that I couldn’t enjoy myself .being around family and friends and spending quality time has meant so much to me . I am blessed that I was given a second chance with transplant. Thank you all for your support and your encouragement through this journey . I am looking forward to my new journey ahead . I will keep you updated . Always Tina and Henry Nelson
Just an update I am eight months post lung transplant . It is absolutely wonderful not having to drag around oxygen. I have had a few setbacks and been hospitalized a few times hopefully again I’m back on the road to mend thank you for your continued support and prayers .
Henry and Tina Nelson
October 6, 2017 made 6 months since my transplant . I'm doing well. A few setbacks but all in all wow what a difference . I look forward to the new journey that I have ahead. Thank you for your continued support and prayers .
Henry and Tina Nelson
Just an update :
today was my three month follow-up post lung transplant. Some of the restrictions have been lifted I can drive my own car now I can start moving around and doing a few more things. . It's still going to be a process but I'm so thankful that I'm feeling much better. I actually called the oxygen company and gave them a copy of the order to come and pick up the oxygen ,wow... I've had oxygen here in my house for 10 years I'm so excited.
On April 6, 2017, Tina received her Life Saving Double Lung Transplant. She is at home on the mend. She has had some issues but is doing well. We would like to Thank you for your continued prayers and support.
The post Transplant cost are still on the rise and if you can pass this on or help in our continued campaign it is greatly appreciated.
Thank you, Henry and Tina Nelson
Hello everyone just a quick update I have now been active on the list for two years and two months still waiting for that important phone call , thank you again for your prayers and support . Henry and Tina Nelson
Hello everyone this is just an update it now has been 22 months that I've been on the list . It has been a long time and I thank each and everyone of you for your support and kindness , with two dry runs under my belt I'm still waiting for the call to come with life-saving lungs . I do believe it will come . I will update as soon as I get more information . Again thank you for your support and prayers .
Always Henry and Tina Nelson
Hello everyone well here I am 20 months on the transplant list and staying positive as I can. With two dry runs under my belt I'm ready for my next journey hopefully it will be the call that will turn out to be positive. I have had some family illnesses so I have not posted as much as I would've liked too. Thank you all for your continued support and prayers. Henry and Tina
Well it's been a while since I have updated. So here it is. 17 months on the list and still waiting.. Hopefully I will get the call soon for lungs. Again please post and share. Thank you for your continued prayers and support.
Tina and Henry.
Hello everyone,
Well it's 14 months on the Transplant List, but whose counting ...me of course. Just had my latest appointment on this past Monday the 23rd, all is still going good. Just waiting for the PHONE to ring with lungs. We are thankful for each day and know when its time we'll get the call. Thank you for your continued support and prayers.
Always Henry and Tina
The 29th of December will be 1 year on the Transplant List. It has been a hard year, but we look forward to the call for lungs. We wish each and everyone a Happy and Safe Holiday Season. Again we thank you for your support and prayer.
Always, Henry and Tina
A new update to you all.
Well next week will be 11 months on the Lung Transplant List. It has been a long struggle, but thanks to your support and prayers we are still in the fight and running strong.
Thank you again,
Tina and Henry.
Just an update. Still doing well as can be. got the call on the 24 of September but after hours at hospital, the lungs weren't good for transplant. So we came Home . waiting for the next call. Again thank you for your support and prayers.
Henry and Tina
Just an update. I'm on the list for 8 months plus now. All is going well, it's just the waiting. I'm officially in the 3 month club, that means I actually get a little of a break only have to go to pre transplant clinic every 3 months instead of each month. I must be doing something right ! we appreciate your prayers and support. Hopefully I'll get the call soon.
Thank you, Tina and Henry
Officially 7 months on the list. Still hanging in there, no new changes again just the waiting. Thanks to everyone for your continued support and prayers.
Always Henry and Tina
hello everyone,
Well it's 6 months on the list and doing ok. Just the waiting time. Just a quick update to say all is about the same. Again, Thank you for your support.
Hello everyone,
I thank everyone who came out to the Benefit on the 23rd. It was great seeing you all. We had a wonderful time. Even got in a dance or two.
I had my appointment on the 26th of May and it went well . On the list now for 5 months. Time is really going by. Thank you again for your continued support and prayers.
Another month has passed, appointment went well at TGH. Just the waiting .
Can't believe it's already been four months. Hope to see you all on the 23rd, at Uncle Mikes Smokehouse for the fundraiser. Thanking you all for your support and prayers.
TGH appointment went well today. 3- months on list as of 30th.....Hope to see you all at the Fundraiser on the 23rd of May.
Thank you again for your support. Tina
2 months today on list ! I'm ready. Again thank you for your prayers and support.
Monday the 23rd is my next appointment at TGH.
My scheduled monthly clinic meeting which is required to be active on the list. Wish me luck all is still good. Having to watch my weight but with the steroids it makes it harder to do. Can't believe it's almost 2 months on the list. Again thank you for all your prayers and support. we really appreciate it. Always,
Tina and Henry
one month and three days on list. But who's counting. That would be me! Feeling good this week. Thankful for each day.
I had my monthly appointment at TGH, all still a go. just waiting. Can't wait for the weather to make up its mind to be cold or hot. Until next time. Take care and again, thank you for your support. Tina and Henry.
Had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's. A lot of family and friend times which made it very nice. I'm looking forward to a healthier new year,hopefully with a new set of lungs soon. each day is a challenge for me but I'm happy that I get the opportunity to take that challenge.Will keep you updated so please check back on my page.thank you for your continued support . Tina
Wishing everyone a Happy and safe New Year. Thank you for your continued support. Henry and Tina.
Tina had her listing meeting today, it was the final step. She is officially on the Transplant list. Thank you for your prayers and support. Henry
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You can do this!!! One step at a time. Love you..
God is good he well look after you and we well be praying
Julius and Maxine Sauchelli
Aunt T....Things have not been easy lately, but we are here to help. Stay strong...Love you!!
Always there for you. Love and prayers your big sis.
I just read what's going on with you Tina...I am so sorry I didn't know sooner. I hate that I lost touch with everyone from school. Please know you are in my thoughts and in my prayers always.... Hugs my Friend...
Debbie Rhodes
Tina, I am praying for you. I hope this donation helps. When I can, I will donate more. Are you part of LifeLink?
Sandy Thompson Hutton
Wishing you good health, Tina.
Andy Davis (Leslie's friend and coworker)
You are a fighter! Stay strong. We are behind you all the way. Best wishes always.
Julie Vining
Tina I know it has been a long hard fight for you through the years with this battle with your lungs. I hope and pray you get the transplant and all will be good for you again, if anyone deserves this gift of life it is you my friend. All my love and prayers goes out to you and Henry. Henry thank you so much for taking such good care of our girl for all these years.
Pam Hagerman
Aunt T...Thank you for always being there and taking care of us when we needed you.
Now it is our turn to help you. Please know that we are here supporting you and both of you are in our prayers. We love you very much!
Kasia,Shannon and Lydia
Dear Tina,
I love you very much and I pray every day for a lung to come through for you. Miss you.
We are all praying for you, we love and miss you.
Veronica and Art
I hope you get well soon! My thoughts are with you.
Marie Velez
Tina ,
Well wishes for you and your family with thoughts and prayers of support!
Take care!
My prayers are with you and Henry every minute. Love
Judy Humphreys
Praying for you, my dear friend. We love you
Jane Gandy
Tina you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Much love!
Annie Bouchard
Tina my thoughts and prayers will be with you. I pray that God releases his Glory all around you for new lungs. God Bless you Tina. Susan
Susan Porter Sweeney
God bless you. Love and prayers coming your way!
Autumn B.
Love you Tina will continue to pray for you
Linda Salazar
Praying for you Tina
Jane G
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Tina Nelson
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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