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Dear Friends, Family and Community,
As you may know, my dear wife, Eileen, had a fall down the stairs in 2014. After a life spent enjoying skiing, golf, gardening, cooking, and traveling, and splitting her time between Chicago and Durango she now faces a future with many obstacles due to the extent of the spinal cord injury she has sustained. Eileen is partially paralyzed and is now able to walk with a walker for very short distances. She needs approximately 20 hours a week of private home health care in addition to 2-3 sessions per week of various forms of rehabilitation therapy. She is a determined woman, and is working very hard to get back to a productive life with the support of myself, our three children, friends, and family.
Thankfully, we have health insurance, but not all of her medical expenses are covered, and we must pay a significant amount out of pocket. Costs for the home modification, adequate transportation, home health care, rehab, and doctors’ visits are very high. In addition, we are exploring various cutting-edge facilities that specialize in spinal cord injury therapies. Total expenses for this year will be around $80,000-$90,000 annually
To help with the financial burden of Eileen‘s uninsured expenses, a fundraising campaign in her honor has been established with Help Hope Live, a trusted nonprofit organization that has been providing community-based fundraising guidance to patients and their families for more than 35 years. All donations are tax-deductible, are held by Help Hope Live in the North-Central Catastrophic Injury Fund, and are administered by Help Hope Live for injury-related expenses only. Please consider an end of year tax-deductible contribution. Please keep an eye on this website because we will be planning the 9th annual golf outing at the Golf Club of Illinois on Friday, June 23, 2023 and will keep you updated on Eileen’s progress. Feel free to share this page with your friends in hope that we reach more people that might be able to assist.
On behalf of Eileen, our children and family, thank you for your kindness, support and generosity.
Registration and sponsorships are now open!!!
Rich Reedy
THANK YOU to all who donated at the 2024 end of the year campaign!!! Funds will be used to offset the cost of Eileen's caregivers. Every little bit helps. Have a blessed day!
Thanks to all for all your support to make the 10th Annual Eileen Strong a huge success!
Please join us next year at The Golf Club of Illinois on Friday, June 27,2025 for the 11th Annual.
Love , Eileen
Details will be forthcoming.
Please check out the photos from the Ninth Annual Eileen Strong Golf Outing held on June 23,2023 at the Golf Club of Illinois. They are located in the albums section................
Please save the date for the TENTH ANNUAL EILEEN STRONG GOLF OUTING ON JUNE 28,2024.
Last year the golf and dinner only sold out so sign up early... Silent auction and raffle will be online next year.
The Golf Outing is sold out!! If you have told me that you were playing you will need to call me(847-624-3213) so I can give you instructions as to how to pay so that your spot is reserved. If you missed out, please consider coming to the cocktail party, silent auction, dinner and live auction. Thanks to all you for your unbelievable support! The Reedy's
Dear Friends, Family and Community,
As you may know, my dear wife, Eileen, had a fall down the stairs in 2014. After a life spent enjoying skiing, golf, gardening, cooking, and traveling, and splitting her time between Chicago and Durango she now faces a future with many obstacles due to the extent of the spinal cord injury she has sustained. Eileen is partially paralyzed and is now able to walk with a walker for very short distances. She needs approximately 20 hours a week of private home health care in addition to 2-3 sessions per week of various forms of rehabilitation therapy. She is a determined woman, and is working very hard to get back to a productive life with the support of myself, our three children, friends, and family.
Thankfully, we have health insurance, but not all of her medical expenses are covered, and we must pay a significant amount out of pocket. Costs for the home modification, adequate transportation, home health care, rehab, and doctors’ visits are very high. In addition, we are exploring various cutting-edge facilities that specialize in spinal cord injury therapies. Total expenses for this year will be around $80,000-$90,000 annually
To help with the financial burden of Eileen‘s uninsured expenses, a fundraising campaign in her honor has been established with Help Hope Live, a trusted nonprofit organization that has been providing community-based fundraising guidance to patients and their families for more than 35 years. All donations are tax-deductible, are held by Help Hope Live in the North-Central Catastrophic Injury Fund, and are administered by Help Hope Live for injury-related expenses only. Please consider an end of year tax-deductible contribution.
Please keep an eye on this website because we will be planning the 8th annual golf outing at the Golf Club of Illinois on Friday, June 23, 2023 and will keep you updated on Eileen’s progress. Feel free to share this page with your friends in hope that we reach more people that might be able to assist.
On behalf of Eileen, our children and family, thank you for your kindness, support and generosity.
Rich Reedy
Dear Friends, Family and Community,
As you may know, my dear wife, Eileen, had a fall down the stairs in 2014. After a life spent enjoying skiing, golf, gardening, cooking, and traveling, and splitting her time between Chicago and Durango she now faces a future with many obstacles due to the extent of the spinal cord injury she has sustained. Eileen is partially paralyzed and is now able to walk with a walker for very short distances. She needs approximately 20 hours a week of private home health care in addition to 2-3 sessions per week of various forms of rehabilitation therapy. She is a determined woman, and is working very hard to get back to a productive life with the support of myself, our three children, friends, and family.
Thankfully, we have health insurance, but not all of her medical expenses are covered, and we must pay a significant amount out of pocket. Costs for the home modification, adequate transportation, home health care, rehab, and doctors’ visits are very high. In addition, we are exploring various cutting-edge facilities that specialize in spinal cord injury therapies. Total expenses for this year will be around $80,000-$90,000 annually
To help with the financial burden of Eileen‘s uninsured expenses, a fundraising campaign in her honor has been established with Help Hope Live, a trusted nonprofit organization that has been providing community-based fundraising guidance to patients and their families for more than 35 years. All donations are tax-deductible, are held by Help Hope Live in the North-Central Catastrophic Injury Fund, and are administered by Help Hope Live for injury-related expenses only. Please consider an end of year tax-deductible contribution.
Dear Friends, Family and Community,
As you may know, my dear wife, Eileen, had a fall down the stairs in 2014. After a life spent enjoying skiing, golf, gardening, cooking, and traveling, and splitting her time between Chicago and Durango she now faces a future with many obstacles due to the extent of the spinal cord injury she has sustained. Eileen is partially paralyzed and is now able to walk with a walker for very short distances. She needs approximately 20 hours a week of private home health care in addition to 2-3 sessions per week of various forms of rehabilitation therapy. She is a determined woman, and is working very hard to get back to a productive life with the support of myself, our three children, friends, and family.
Thankfully, we have health insurance, but not all of her medical expenses are covered, and we must pay a significant amount out of pocket. Costs for the home modification, adequate transportation, home health care, rehab, and doctors’ visits are very high. In addition, we are exploring various cutting-edge facilities that specialize in spinal cord injury therapies. Total expenses for this year will be around $80,000-$90,000 annually
To help with the financial burden of Eileen‘s uninsured expenses, a fundraising campaign in her honor has been established with Help Hope Live, a trusted nonprofit organization that has been providing community-based fundraising guidance to patients and their families for more than 35 years. All donations are tax-deductible, are held by Help Hope Live in the North-Central Catastrophic Injury Fund, and are administered by Help Hope Live for injury-related expenses only. Please consider an end of year tax-deductible contribution.
Please keep an eye on this website because we will be planning the 9th annual golf outing at the Golf Club of Illinois on Friday, July 21,2023 and will keep you updated on Eileen’s progress. Feel free to share this page with your friends in hope that we reach more people that might be able to assist.
On behalf of Eileen, our children and family, thank you for your kindness, support and generosity.
Rich Reedy
A big THANKS to all of our sponsors, donors, golfers and diners! We have surpassed the last record of net profits thanks to all of you!!
Many had a wet but wonderful time on the course and the raffle, silent auction and live auction added to the fun!!!!!
See you next year!
Picture should be posted in the next couple weeks please check back.
I just uploaded the pictures for last year's event! Please check them out below!!!!
Many , many THANKS to all of you who donated to our annual end of the year fundraiser. Eileen continues to try to get back more functionality. With your help she continues to get therapies that are not covered by insurance.
We hope to see you all at the 8th Annual Eileen Strong Golf Outing on July 15th at the Golf Club of Illinois.
Thanks The Reedy Family
Wow what a great Golf Outing we had! The weather cooperated and the temperature stayed nice!
Many many thanks to the Golfers, Sponsors, and Online auction supporters, and our wonderful Volunteers.
I will be adding the pictures real soon, so please check back again.
Next year we return to are original format with a dinner, live and silent auction.
On behalf of Eileen and our entire family...…THANKS
Online auction is up and running, August 1-8,2021
Thank you everybody who participated in our recent raffle. Tons of great items now have new homes and we were able to raise almost $40,000. See you all next year at the 7 th Golf Outing. Our facebook live event has had over 500 views.....if I knew so many people would watch I would have dressed better!!! THANKS AND GOD BLESS
The 6th Annual Eileen Golf Outing has been rescheduled for September 14, 2020.
Thanks for your support, Rich
Many, many thanks to all of you who participated in our end of the year annual appeal. Hope to see you all at the golf outing on June 22, 2020.
The Reedy's
I want to thank all of you who participated and or donated to the Fifth Annual Eileen Strong Golf Outing. The event was a tremendous success again this year. We had 141 golfers and 80 additional people for dinner!! Save the date for next year June 15, 2020.
This is the Video for the year in review, shown at the Outing.
Pictures from this year will be posted soon
Thanks to all of you who participated in our end of the year campaign!! We are so fortunate to have all of you in Eileen's corner everyday. Progress is being made every day thanks to you!!!
See you all at the 5th annual Eileen Strong Golf Outing on June 17th!!!
Rich and Family
Best wishes to you and your families for the New Year!!!
Thanks to all of you who attended or supported our Fourth Annual Golf Outing , Dinner and auction. We netted @ $70, 000 towards Eileen's Care and her road to recovery.
I have posted pictures from the day on this site.
Thanks, Rich Reedy
This year in review as shown at the Fourth Annual Golf Outing on June 18th.
Merry Christmas to you and yours from The Reedy’s! May the New Year bring you joy and happiness!
Peace and Love, Eileen
Please watch our video that we used at the 2017 Golf Outing. The year in review 2016-2017.
Thanks, Rich
Busy Times.................
Eileen continues to improve every day and her spirits remain high! She was released from both her Occupational Therapy and her Physical Therapy from Centegra . Even though she continues to improve both the program and insurance company said this is enough which really sucks(sorry about this but I couldn't find another word).
She continues with her Aqua Therapy but her therapist there has taken a new job and she is now working with the owner Kelly. We have learned to be rather resilient and for those of you that know us well, this has been difficult but we seem to be adjusting and adapting. Angelo our in house therapist has been increased from one 2 hour session per week to three 2 hour sessions per week.
While I was out in Durango with my 47th annual ski trip with my buddies, we had a real nice fundraiser at the Sow's Ear with live music and all the prime rib and wine you could consume. George donated the restaurant and prime rib and Chris donated all the wine and Deanna and Lynda helped so much in insuring that all went well. Another big THANK YOU to all of you and the great people of Durango who donated the raffle prizes. We had almost 80 people on a snowy night which was awesome and raised over $4100(which almost covered Eileen's Botax injection(in her hand ) when I returned. Pictures I promise will be posted in a week......
With the wedding up coming we are trying to get the house spruced up as well as tend to the wedding plans and all that is involved. Eileen as well as all of us welcome JR and are so looking forward to the big day. Eileen's dress is totally awesome !
At the same time we have begun the planning of the 3rd Annual Eileen Strong Golf Outing on June 19th at the Golf Club of Illinois. Over 500 personalized solicitation letters just went out trying to get items for the silent and live auction as well as sponsor letters. If you can help us with any items please contact me. The mass mailing and email mailings will go out latter. Please consider golfing or at least going to the dinner/auction.
We are planing another trip to Craig in the fall, and will continue to look at other options to find the help Eileen needs with PT and OT. Insurance and out of network expenses continue to keep me up at night, Right now non of Eileen's options are covered under her Blue Cross plan such as RIC, Marion Joy and Craig Hospital. Three sessions at any one of these center could be $4000 a week and Craig is more like $12,000 for the week.
This week we bought an used regular chair so Eileen can sit in something other than her wheel chair a little bit each day.
Your prayers and assistance are always needed and very appreciated.
To follow the postings and/or to make any donations
Please visit https://helphopelive.org/campaign/5887
Peace, Rich
Happy Holidays!
Dear Friends and Family,
As the holiday season approaches, we want to thank each of you for all you have done for Eileen on her road to recovery and for our family. Words cannot express how much your support and encouragement means to us.
Eileen continues to work hard every day. Two days a week she goes to the Neuro Center of Illinois at Centegra for OT and PT. Her physical therapist comes to the house one day a week to work with her and help her with exercises she can do at home. She also continues with aquatic and massage therapy. Judy continues to come twice a day to help Eileen in the morning and again at night.
Eileen works hard at getting back to being able to walk and to improve the movement in her hands. We are continuing to search for a clinical trial that might help Eileen move forward at a more advanced pace. We have had a few setbacks sending Eileen to the hospital twice over the last month. As you can imagine all of this is very expensive and most must be paid out of pocket.
Our insurance policy has been discontinued, and last year when I was shopping for our new policy I had 52 choices of PPO’S that were offered in Illinois. Now I have only one company available to us…makes the shopping easier but comes at a price of $2500 per month.
Patrick, Bridget and Jacquelyn continue to do whatever they can to assist us with Eileen’s care. Patrick is living in Crystal Lake, Bridget is going to be married this coming April (Eileen has a goal to walk down the aisle), is living in the city and working hard at Toll Brothers, and Jacquelyn still teaches and lives in the city. The kids give up much of their free time to assist both of us.
Our holiday wishes this year for you and your family are good health, peace and happiness. We hope you enjoy the holiday season and that you will remember Eileen as you make your end of year tax-deductible contributions. If you would like to make a contribution in honor of Eileen, please visit: https://helphopelive.org/campaign/5887. You will also find our latest blog posts, photos and videos.
Much love,
Rich, Eileen, Patrick, Bridget and Jacquelyn
Happy Fall to all!
I am sorry I have not kept up with the posting and I will try to keep you all informed on what is going on with Eileen and her recovery.
We are well past two years since Eileen’s injury and she continues to heal with the determination that she will once again walk.
The Golf Outing in June was a huge success, netting over $55,000 towards Eileen’s care. The date has been set for 2017 and it is June 19th, 2017 at The Golf Club of Illinois.
We had a great trip to Craig Hospital in August and also went down to Durango for a few weeks. The trip was hard but well worth it and it was great seeing everyone.
Eileen continues to have Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Aqua Therapy 4 days a week. Keep in mind she has been doing this for over two years and yet doesn’t complain……… Not much noticeable improvement but she is improving and has not stopped improving or gone backwards at all.
Lately we have had a few more setbacks, like a few overnights at Sherman Hospital and then there is the insurance issue. Like most people we have been informed that our current policy has been discontinued in Illinois. The choice for PPO (so we can pick up Docs and Hospitals) are slim with only one company offering coverage with policies that are $1900- $2600 per month and doesn’t even cover half of our providers. Who put the word Affordable in this!!!! Real scary stuff, and the net result is that in addition to the premium we will have to pay out of pocket possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars.
I have loaded up all the fundraiser photos on Eileen’s website for you to see and will be adding quite a few videos when I have a free moment!
Time to sign off now so I can continue to research our insurance options and I promise to keep you posted with more blogs.
Love ,
We made it to Craig Hospital in three days as we can only travel five hours per day. Starting boot camp today with three sessions a day with the pt's and million dollar machines. Next week is Eileen 's revaluations , tune ups and sessions!
The golf outing was a huge success netting over $52,000 ! This will come in handy as the two weeks at Craig is out of network and will be @ $20,000!
Thank you for for all your support!
2nd Annual Golf Outing Registrants please be advised that the link to register for the event has changed. This is the new link: http://bit.ly/2016golfoutingeileen.
With our Love
Dear Eileen and Rich,
We had such a wonderful visit with you yesterday and a delicious dinner. Rich you are quiet the cook and look like a natural in your kitchen. We realize after our visit the extreme work and money it takes to continue Eileen's recovery. Which by the way we were amazed by her current abilities but know that there is a lot more improvement to come. With that we would like to donate our Colorado condo to the golf event you are having soon. We will be in touch with you about the details very soon.
Rick and Leslie Hennig
Happy Spring,
Eileen continues what we have been doing since the first of the year. She continues to have Angelo , three times a week , Aqua Therapy once, Julie comes every other week with her magic fingers , Judy works with Eileen 6 days a week and Jacqueline has become our electronic stim person once a week. Eileen continues to push forward and she will not give up.All of these are out of pocket expenses which are not covered by insurance. Our needs have never been so great and we are happy for all that you have done for Eileen.
We went to Ortho Illinois for a couple of weeks, but Eileenis far advanced for these therapies and we were told to go to Centegra Neurocenter in Crystal Lake. We have been athe waiting list already and hope to get into their program so that Eileen may do more with her hands, like brush her hair, teeth and put on her own make -up.(I am getting better in the make up department!) She will also try to learn to dress her self. We are getting closer to them having an opening soon.
On the Family front we are all doing well - doing what we can for Eileen . Jacqui is heading to Europe for a much deserved vacation with some of her girlfriends, Bridget just got back from JR's State Farm incentive trip with an engagement ring and Patrick is living in Denver. I was fortunate enough to get to Durango to check on the business as well a participate in my 46th Annual Ski Bash.
The registration for the 2nd Annual Golf outing on June 20th has started and hopefully will sell out early like last year. We are in need of items for the silent auction as well as the live auction,(items, sports tickets,condos and gift certificates) so if you can assist us please get a hold of me. Sponsorship opportunities are available as well. Please visit http://bit.ly/2ndannualgolfouting .
Thanks so much for all that you do for us,
The Reedy's
It has been a long time since our last posting and for that I apologize!
In October Jerry , Eileen's brother held a great afternoon fundraiser at the Emerald Isle, many thanks to him , the management and all of you who attended.
For Thanksgiving I got my chance to cook the whole thing as Bridget was in Florida and Jacquelyn went to Pete's family first and than joined us. It was real good if I do say so myself and we were very grateful to be home and somewhat together for the holiday. We ended up over night in Sherman Hospital for an infection and some tests.
We continued going to RIC Wheeling until the second week in December and than Eileen was dismissed to Continue to work at home on what we have learned. We go the rec center a few times a week to walk on the track. Eileen continues to get stronger and stronger. Angelo her trainer, comes twice a week and Eileen goes to Aquatic Therapy once a week. Angelo will start coming three time a week next week. Julie, from Fox Valley Spa comes for a massage every other week.
Judy and the rest of us work with Eileen daily to continue to work on her improving.
Eileen continues to feed herself with the use of an arm aid and does a lot of therapy in her bed by herself. Her continued determination is unbelievable.
The St Catherine's Prayer group brings dinner once a week and it is totally awesome. Thank you!
Chef Tom Stanley continues to bring some gourmet meals once a month and it is always good to see him. Many others including Annette, Monica and Jeanette bring us wonderful meals as well.
Christmas was truly special because we were all together ..... We put up the Christmas Decorations right before Thanksgiving so we could enjoy them for more than a month! Patrick moved to Denver the day after Christmas and we wish him luck with this stage of his life. We miss him but am so happy for him!
We have been getting out some but have to be careful as to where we go....accessibility still has a long way to go......
Eileen's college friends got together for Eileen's 60th Birthday at Salsa Street and a great time was had by all. she had a blast and is still talking about how great it was to see you all.
The next weekend the Gibbon's brothers had a little party at Dan Pisani's new bar in Lombard, The Marquette Bar....again it was great seeing everyone!
Jess and Tim from Durango surprised Eileen and showed up with Bridget while we were having dinner last Saturday at Montarra. Boy was she surprised
We are know trying to find a great occupational therapy place that takes our insurance so that Eileen can continue to relearn how to do everyday chores......
We have a few trips planned for Winona this spring and summer, As I end my trustee ship in May after 10 years and I have my 40 year reunion from college.
Eileen and I will be heading to Denver for a couple of weeks in late July for a revisit to Craig Hospital .and than head down to Durango for a few weeks in August. She and I so miss all our Denver and Durango friends and can't wait to see you all!
The sacrifices and time that the kids have supported Eileen and I are totally awesome. Thank You!
Thanks to all of you for your thoughts , prayers and your generosity!
Love, Rich
Dear Friends and Family,
We hope each of you has enjoyed the beautiful fall season and are looking forward to spending time this Thanksgiving with your family and friends.
Looking back on the past 15 months and reflecting on all that has happened we would like you to know how very thankful we are for your numerous acts of kindness. The generosity that has been shown, whether it was dropping off delicious meals, driving Eileen back and forth to her ongoing rehabilitation therapy, stopping by for lunch or just popping in for a short visit has kept us going through many days, good and bad. Your prayers for Eileen and our family and the generous contributions you have made to HelpHOPELive in Eileen’s honor have enabled Eileen to make tremendous progress in her goal of recovery. Words cannot express the gratitude we are all feeling.
Our Thanksgiving wishes are blessing of love and peace to you and your family.
A million thanks.
Much love,
Rich, Eileen, Patrick, Bridget and Jacquelyn Reedy
Check out the latest group photo from the Saint Mary's University alumni fundraiser in honor of Eileen on October 17, 2015
A word from Eileen.........
Today I observe the first anniversary of a life altering event. I am amused that is falls on Labor Day because I have never worked so hard in my life. I am extremely grateful for the numerous acts of kindness by so many friends. It has helped more than you can imagine. Please pray for Rich,Patrick,Bridget,Jacquelyn as well my fellow patients. Keep me in your prayers as I step into my second year of healing.
Much Love,
The trip to Craig Hospital went very well. We had to stop every 20-30 minutes for Eileen to do a weight shift( a weight shift prevents sores on the rear end) The trip to Denver took two an a half days with all the stops and further complicated by 2 hour turns in her bed. The turns are done every two hours on a new mattress, and as long as we stay on that mattress we can increase a half hour every night we remain on that mattress. This make for not very good sleep for either of us.
It was kind of weird going back but we quickly got back into the swing of things. We were lucky enough to stay in the apartments the entire stay, which meant Eileen could get to her appointments all by herself. The apartments are actually 50 yards from the hospital!
I would catch up with her later.
We quickly went to Undici to see our friends at the restaurant, It was like old home week! Seeing Vince, Deena and Alex was so good. Since I didn't want to cook , we ate there a lot!!
The first week was game on from 10 am - 6 pm, where she underwent a lot of testing and adjustments. After her normal schedule she would do two sessions at the Peak Center with the million dollar machines and the pool. Everyone was amazed at her progress and couldn't believe we just left!
We saw some of the patients that were there back in January as well as many of the therapists that she worked with her first stay. Maria helped us big time and we saw our good friends Brooke and David(who helped so much in the fall and winter) and there precious new borne. The second week was a little more laid back as we had just three therapies a day. We had plenty of visitors which was great! Cousin Kathy, Our Durango Friends, Bran, Heidi, Scott, Ann and Mickey, all stopped by. Kathy Loebel stayed with us and is planning a trip to Chicago for a week so I can go to Durango to get some work done there in October between seasons.
We thought we could make it to Durango, but decided against it. Another time for the two of us, our goal is next summer and to stay for a long time.
We left Friday morning with three stops including a great visit with Dahn and Mary Clemens in Omaha where we shared laughs and dinner. It really means a lot seeing our friends.
We got back and Eileen took the week off of RIC, which was much needed.
Eileen still goes to RIC three times a week and has Angelo twice a week at our house.
She continues to move forward every day and is walking better with the use of her walker. She got fitted for some braces and when asked if she wanted any designs on them she picked the Black hawks logo! That's my girl!!!
She has started to go out with friends, welcomes guests on the weekend(please call first) as well as phone calls. Eileen has started to feed herself and uses her phone and the Direct TV remote controller by herself both from bed and her power chair.
The deck is almost complete which gives her more space to cruise around and many thanks to Chris Reedy, Patrick Reedy, Dick Schaefer , Chis and Keith and rest the boys from Toll Brothers and Andy and his crew. Joe Golat has been a God send doing and supervising all the house modifications. THANKS ALL!
I asked Eileen if we can put a lift one the stairs and she said, screw that I'm going to walk up those stairs.................I can't wait!!!!
Please check out this u tube video https://youtu.be/jpIdAQ3mb8I
We found out today Eileen will continue at RIC Wheeling till the middle of November, three days a week .
Again I have posted some additional photos and videos as well as the upcoming event in October, Please visit the website www.helphopelive.org/campaign/5887 to view these.
Thanks and keep on praying as it is working!!!
Eileen is making incredible progress! Two new videos and look at her new photos from Craig this summer:
New videos! Eileen walking, eating independently and more: https://youtu.be/tzQ7ZBnj4Io
Wow, what a long strange trip this has been....... We decided not to go see our believed Grateful Dead, but instead watched the five broadcasts from the comfort of our cave(no longer referred to as the man- cave.
Eileen and I have finally come down from the golf outing ,which was a tremendous success as we raised a lot of money and put over $50,000in the coffers for future care. Thanks to all that attended and those of you who supported us and were unable to attend .....THANKS.
Eileen has been hitting all of her goals at RIC and was released today so that we can go to Craig for a few weeks for her re-evaluationand additional therapies. She will also participate in the out patient program there and is looking forward to showing off all her new skills to her friends at Craig. We will return to RIC when we get back. It is amazing that Eileen is being cared by two of the finest organizations in the country for her injury and that they work together for her benefit not theirs!! Our RIC people are talking strategies to the Craig folksand the Craig people will be calling the RIC folks when we are done there !!!!TRULY AMAZING!!!!!
Eileen has been doing a lot of sit to stand exercises,walking on the tread mill walking with her up right walker, walking with the little walker, no walker and a four legged cane!!! Additionally, she has regained some additional movement with her hands. And is so close to starting to feed herself. She can eat an orange but is having a little more trouble wit a spoon and fork. Hopefully I will be able to post some additional photos/videos so you can see that her hard work and determination are paying off. Her core is stronger than ever and I am confident that she is still continuing to heal. She works so hard and the hard work is starting to really pay off!
If you see our kids , please give them a big hug...seemslike all of this is wearing them down, and I am sure the break will be good for them. Their unselfishness doesn't go un noticed and they have sacrificed a ton of their personal time to help Eileen and I. I am so glad that I have them and their support! And their love for their mother is un believable!!!!
We leave this morning for the trip to Craig and both of us are real excited....If the trip goes well ,we will drive down to Durango for little fun with our friends there. There is a big party(benefit) planned for August 1 at Tom Hodge's house. Travelingposes new challenges. We have to pull over every 20 minutes to half hour so Eileen can do a weight shift, and every third one I need to stop and get her out of the car and stand for a few minutes, Also every time Eileen gets a newmattress( hotel, hospital, etc,) we have to re start her night turns to every2.5 hours, adding a half hour each night till she leaves that mattress. I had to actually plan where to overnight so we have an accessible room, etc. Looks like we will do about 5 hours of driving and with all the stops we will be on the road about 7 hours each day.That means in order to get to Durango we need 8 days of actual travel days,which may be to much this time. We can't wait to get back, but this might not be the time.
Thanks for all the meals as they are so good and really help me relax!!! The daily wash and the dishes are enough, so I really do appreciate the good food!!! Also if recently I have been short with you , I apologizeas everything has been rather overwhelming lately.
In closing let me leave you with some new humor......
Last week , if you could of seen me bra and skirt shopping with Eileen...you would have been amused , I am sure.
Enjoy your summer and please be safe!!!
Thanks to everyone who participated in our very successfull golf outing this past Monday.
We raised over $50,000 for Eileen's needs!!!!
A great time was had by all and Eileen is still smilling from seeing all of you.
Thanks to the sponsors, donors, golfers,diners and the volunteers!!!
Here ar two links to the pictures taken:
Now that the golf outing is over I will post an update on Eileen's great progress.
Thanks, Rich
The Golf Outing is underway! Great turnout and wonderful support. Keep checking photos to see excitement of today.
We will be closing the registration for the Golf Outing and the Dinner tonight at 11:59PM
Thanks for making this a sell out!
If you want to be on the waiting list, please call me at 847-624-3213.
Sponsorships still being taken. Please contact me directly at 847-624-3213
Thanks, Rich Reedy
I would very much like to make Eileen's Golf outing a sellout!
The auction and silent auction will be awesome with many desired items:
Condos(Chicago,Durango, Vail, Florida and Downtown), Branson.MO package with helicopter, helicopter ride on lake front, the wine cooler with wine, golf at country clubs, and public courses.
Cameras, range finder,3 month membership at the Anvil Club with a case a wine, deluxe Weber Grill, sports memorabilia and baskets just to name a few.
Please review the following link and see if you can join us for golf and dinner , or just dinner. Put together your foursome or if it is just you , I will put you in a fun foursome. We will have two gambling holes and a one par three a chance to win a Nissan Car, and on another par three a Volvo.
Sponsorship opportunities are available.
I am trying to wrap up reservations as soon as possible. So please come out for a great time for a great cause!!
Sorry it has been so long since my last journal. Eileen continues to work as hard as anybody with both her physical and occupational therapies.
We met with her Dr , three weeks ago and she has definitely improved in all areas as far as regaining her strength in her legs and arms. Her core continues to improve as well. Eileen has not peaked nor lost any momentum with her rehab so we continue to go to RCI three times a week. Both her occupational and physical therapist have recommended that we stay in the program , probably until we head to Craig in July. Awesome news but a lot of work for my honey!!!
She has been on a treadmill often as well as she walks with her walker and the help of her therapist. Last week she was walking with the help of a harness , but with no help. If you look at the video you can see the kind of determination that she has!! You will also notice that the harness that supports her has slack, so that means she is on her own. This is so good, it made us all cry. The injury Eileen suffers from has a window of 18 months after the accident where most of the recovery happens, this is why we are so adamant in getting her the beat treatments possible.
Last week she also sat on the end of a mat and stood up by herself and sat down 5 times, Again more tears as this is major!!!
Eileen has been practicing eating and brushing her own teeth and though we have a real long way to go...she will be able to do these soon.
I have a real understanding and admiration for all of the ladies out there and what you do around the house!! Enough said...however just picture Eileen and I in the bathroom with me applying her make up, blush and eye liner.....pretty funny scene and I pray that I can get this soon for both of our sake....
Chef Stanley has been bringing us the most awesome meals as well as many other folks, Pat and Ray, Julie and Phil and numerous others. These meals and your consideration are always welcomed.
The fundraiser last week at Theory was a blast as it was great to get Eileen out . The results from this event were awesome and kudos to Matt Marani for pulling this off . As he kind of had a full plate with he and his wife expecting any day and they were moving this week as well.
My grade school friend Roseanne Nuzerello Lynch won the wine cooler and wine and donated back to us to use at the golf outing at Golf Club of Illinois on June 22nd. Please check the HELP HOPE LIVE website later this week for more details, Please sign up early and check out the sponsorship opportunities that might work for you. We will have a silent auction as well as a live auction, so if you have anything to donate please give me a call. I could use some country club foursomes, condo stays, etc. If you don't golf and want to come just for the cocktail party/silent auction and dinner, you will be able to sign up on line as well.
Eileen and I celebrated our 36th wedding anniversary yesterday by having a wonderful dinner by ourselves
The van is working out great for us and we plan to go out to dinner tonight with the kids and our great friends , Jess and Tim, from Durango. We leave for our first road trip on Friday to the twin cities for a wedding . We are both excited and nervous. This will be a good test for our summer trip to Denver/Durango.
Keep the prayers coming and again we all thank you for your support.
Eileen continues her battle to regain use of her arms and legs with grace!
Everyday she continues to do everything she can to achieve this goal.
We received our modified Honda Odessey , that has a nice ramp for Eileen to ride up the ramp. We immediately went for a ride to have some dinner, which was great. We really have to plan where we go , because of her chair, and it has opened up a whole new chapter , regarding accesibility.
This was the first time in almost two months that Eileen has left the house other than to go to rehab.
Eileen's thereapist at RIC asked that she come three times a week, which Eileen said of course. So now her busy week consists of three days at RIC, two days at home therapy with Angelo, every other week, one day, with Julie , from Fox River Spa.
Additionaly at home we work with Eileen on standing and we stretch her. We also use electrical stim on Eileen several times a week. This weekend we will begin using a device that we hook unto her chair to assist her to begin to feed herself. Every day there is progress, so we keep going!!!!
Bridget's work, Toll Brothers is sponsoring a golf outing for Help Hope Live in Eileen's honor. Funds raised will go to assist us to pay for continued rehabs, etc. The date is June 22nd at Golf Club of Illinois.
Even if you don't golf come for dinner to help support Eileen and say hi to her.
Thanks for all your support and prayers,
THANK YOU TO ALL who participated in the 1971 Dodge Monaco Raffle. We pulled the winning ticket while Eileen, Rich and Jaqui watched on face time. Eileen, you looked fantastic. The winner is William Cahill. Bill has graciously asked us to sell the car and send the proceeds to HHL in Eileen's honor. THANK YOU Bill Cahill.
Another special THANK YOU to Steve Mudjer for donating the car to Eileen's cause.
We we are all humbled by the generosity of everyone involved.
Prayers Always,
Dennis and Tom
Only 4 days left to buy tickets for the 1971 Dodge Monaco Raffle...you will look way cool behind the wheel of this classic.
Another video of Eileen has just been released for supporters and friends to watch: http://youtu.be/wl8VnpIw_y0
Make that THREE new videos of Eileen in therapy! Incredible progress, thanks to friends, family and supporters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8E_1Wy2Cbs
Two incredible new videos of Eileen in therapy:
6 month's later
By rich reedy
Well we just finished up with our six month anniversary of Eileen's accident. Our lives have been turned upside down, but we and especially Eileen, is determined, that she will walk again.
We are constantly struggling trying to find the right person/ persons to assist us in the home. I went with a firm in the area, but the results are far from even being good. Cancellations with out back up and frankly employees with the knowledge and dedication that I demand are not there. It seems I just get a new one trained and than they are gone. I pray that we can find the right person/ person that will assist us.
Ideally I need assistance three to four nights a week for two hours and at least twice a week in the AM for an hour. If you know of someone, please give me a call.
Eileen continues to make strides at RCI, and her therapists are asking if we can come three days a week, I think we are going to wait till we get the car, which should be here in about three weeks. The cost is $586 per hour for Eileen's Therapy, However if I pay in advance they give me a large discount and the hourly rate than is $150. Thank heavens for the discount, However it is still $900 -$1350 per week out of pocket right now.
Our friend Tom , has been kind enough to supply Eileen with an in home Physical Therapist, Angelo , who comes into our home twice a week to assist Eileen with her recovery. Julie , from Fox River Spa, stops in twice a month to give Eileen a healing massage.
I did enroll in Obama Care as of March 1, and hopefully her treatments will be covered by the new insurance policy , as there is no cap, just medical necessity. The insurance battles remain a daily event and thanks to Tim and John for their legal assistance.
We are enjoying so much being home and having visitors and the wonderful meals you all have been bringing. The web site for meals is almost finished and I will post later. We are so blessed to have so many fond and caring friends.
The kids and Eileen allowed me to attend my 45th annual ski bash in Durango. I have been organizing this, for 45 years and it was great being with my high school and college friends . I managed to de compress , ski and check in on my business's in Durango. We brought in over 2 feet of snow and when we left they got another 3 feet. Traveling was interesting , but I did get home on time, having been very innovative in dealing with canceled flights, etc. It was great to be back on ski's and the new knee works just fine.
I want to post some new videos of Eileen walking with assistance but am technically challenged. I hope to have these posted with some help this weekend. Eileen is also wanting to write her update on the sites which will be posted soon.
Tom and Dennis have been doing a great job with the car raffle for the 1971 Dodge Monaco that Steve Mudger donated. Amazing , I haven't seen Steve in 30 years, since my high school 10 year anniversary, and boom , he appears out of no where and donates the car!! If you haven't bought a ticket yet , please visit http://bit.ly/1971dodgemonacoraffle
Should you wish to donate to Eileen's fund so she can continue her treatments, pleas visit http://m.helphopelive.org/campaign/5887
Thanks so much for all your love!!!
Eileen started therapies last week at RIC in Wheeling , three times a week for two hours. The facility is about 45 minutes ( Craig was 45 seconds) so we are getting used to the commute. The therapist , like in Denver Tthe therapists also see potential in Eileen , so we all remain very optimistic.
Starting today we are going twice a week for three hours , so far so good. Eileen gets picked up at 10:15 AM for her 12:15 PM appointments. Not the most ideal but we make the most of having lunch that we bring from home. The ride is @#$% in the van they send and I am currently on the hunt for a decent van with a lift that would handle Eileen and her 350 lb power wheel chair.
Eileen set some goals with her OT , eating by herself, brushing her teeth and her hair.
PT continues to concentrate on her walking with various devices and she picked this up where she left off!!!!!!!
RCI has been voted number one for the last 23 years . Again we are at the right place without having to wait for an opening.
It has been very tough for her, being in her house and she can't cook. All in all ,she has been fine but has many more of those" moments."
I again am so proud of my kids and how they assist me in giving me some time and how dedicated that they assist their mother. Thanks!!!!!
One of my high school buddies donated a 1971 restored car and Dennis Marani and Tom Evon are getting ready to launch the raffle on this site. Please pass on to all your friends. Our goal is to sell at least 500 tickets!!! Please check back later this week and the raffle info will be posted.
Till next time!
Let's go back a few weeks first , than I will bring you up to speed........
First of all let me say Eileen loves to read all of your kind posts on Help, Hope ,Live as well as the Caring Bridge. Unfortunately , neither site allows us to post, response. Know that she loves these and keep them coming.
Tom Evon, fly up from Florida to accompany me to the Durango Fundraiser , which was a huge success. Deanna Luna and her crew had a truly great event that was had by all. If you are from Durango/New Mexico or Arizona and you could not attend and you still want to donate, please visit https://m.helphopelive.org/campaign/5887 . Deanna , Julie, Chuck and Laura and others thanks for raising over $10,000. It was very nice to get away for both of us, as we have been very together for over 4 months. Eileen had some wonderful girl time with my sister Julie, Cousin Kathy and Kathy Loebel!! The girls had a surprise birthday party for Eileen and she was totally surprised.
The last two weeks at Craig were spent honing my skills for when we returned home as well as numerous therapies, which we were able to participate in , do to all of your generosity!!!! Some days she would have 5 sessions of extra therapy. She continues to get better every day . She did some more swimming as well as tons of walking with various devices. The head of the therapists, commented that her determination and spirit were absolutely the best!
We said our good byes and Eileen made her way around the Peak (therapy Gym) saying her so longs!!!!
She was asked to participate in a very aggressive program that is offered to just a select few......but we thought it was time to come home for a while and regroup. Number one , it is a four month program which you must stay at the hotel. The Craig Apartments are not available for this program. Secondly , Eileen had to ween off all her medications, and she was not ready to do so yet. Thirdly the cost is rather expensive and we wanted to raise more money , first, The program/reasearch is partly funded by the Uttley Foundation and the Christopher Reeves foundation, however it is the living expenses and 4 months of therapies which are expensive. We will revisit this again, later.
We did make a reservation for Eileen's reevaluation in the summer at Craig.
Jeannine Budreck came to the rescue , taking back some of our belongings, while Patrick, drove back my very stuffed car to beat us home. We Had our last supper at Undici, and tears were shared by all.......they were great to us and we look forward to returning again
John was nice enough to send a private 8 passenger jet to Centennial Airport in Denver, where we drove right to the plane with two of her techs , Brooke and David as well as Jake Hunter assisted in getting Eileen on the plane. We arrived at West Chicago Airport 2 hours later to the kids and the Brother in Laws. IT WAS AWESOME seeing them all. Ray's friend Lauren, was kind enough to offer use of his wheel chair accessible van for 8 days, so we could get home and get to the doctors offices the next week.
We arrived to our handicapped accessible home(just the first floor) and interviewed a young gal to assist us a few nights. The 24/7 was starting to take a toll on yours truly. She as well as a few others didn't work out. We are still trying to find the right person.....if you know of anybody please get a hold of me.
The house is still a project as we lost tons of storage space, and when you haven't moved in over 35 years, it is amazing all the stuff you have(looks like another project). Joe Golat , my neighbor, my friend and construction guy, did a great job on the house modifications and today we will re hang cabinets in the garage to put away some of the stuff. We took the powder room and busted through the garage to make a larger bathroom that would accommodate Eileen's chair.
Thursday of last week we met with the out patient director of the rehabilitatin center of Chicago(RIC) and she recommended her Wheeling facilely for out patient service for Eileen as soon as there is an opening. Well God continues to pull a few strings as Eileen starts on Monday. They even pick her up for $12 round trip.
Patrick, Bridget and Jacquelyn have been awesome and continue to learn how to care for their Mom. I am so proud of them ,in how they have adjusted their life's to assist us. Between all of them .they will be here from Wednesday night to Late Sunday, which really gives me some relief.
Continue to pray for Eileen and hopefully one day she will walk and use her hands again.
Love, Rich
Happy New Year...Eileen's journey so far.....a video by Deanna Luna
I first must apologize for not posting for a while. Just not enough time in the day!!!
Eileen is still making a little progress with her therapies, and thanks to the generous donations, we are continuing her aggressive regiment thru January 16th. Some days she has over 5 hours of physical therapies, from standing, walking , rolling over , swimming and core development. We have her phone dialed in now where she can totally make and receive phone calls and texts. She is also working on developing her skill to be able to feed herself. She loves the pool , especially and I have many videos to share , once I figure out how to(don't hold your breathe , as I am very technically challenged)
We will return home on the 17th to begin another chapter in her rehabilitation. Eileen is gaining strength in her inner core and is starting to do some more things with her body. She still remains confined to her power chair and relies on yours truly to do everything for her. The least one could do, for the love of my life and the mother of my wonderful children. Upon our return home , I will be shopping for a used van with a ramp for Eileen's chair. We have a meeting on the 22nd to meet and start her rehab program at the Rehab institute of Chicago, which is also , one of the best in the country. We will not stop till we get her to the furthest level possible.
Christmas , as you can imagine, has been different and sad, not being able to be with our families!! The kids are gathering at Bridget's today to celebrate the birth of our Savior and we are so proud of them.
Kathy was back for a few visits as well as Dee Dee Goldman. The weather has been outstanding so we have been able to get out one day a week to visit our friends at Undici, for happy hour on Friday. Thanks heavens for half off apps!!!!! Bridget bought some light fixtures for the remodeled bath in the hollow and Pat,Leslie and Jacqui ,Pete, sent us a nice package of lobster tails, bisque, steaks and crab cakes for our Christmas Eve. We had the tails last night and will have the rest later on. Today we will have the Christmas buffet with our new Craig Family !!
Looking forward to visits from the Michon's as well as the Stanley's in the next few days.
I will be heading to Durango with Tom Evon to attend the Durango Mountain fundraiser for Eileen. Many thanks especially to Deanna and Dave Luna and Julie and Chuck Stanley for all their hard work on making this happen. Julie and Kathy Loebel will spend time with Eileen while I am gone and I have hired nurses for a twice a day visit. Durango folks please attend and if you have an item to donate , please contact Deanna. May all of you have the best Christmas and may the joy of Christmas continue thrum the year.
Love you all,
To our Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona Friends!!
Durango Mountain Resort fundraiser Sunday , January 11, 2015 1-5 PM
We were in the Herald on Sunday for the Fundraiser. You can share this link with your friends
We have some great raffle and silent auction items including skis, snowboards, Cessna Plane Ride to Telluride, Glacier Club Stay and Golf Package for 4 people, Condo stay at DMR, Plus more! Visit our FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1494804057462611
See you on the 11th!!
A special note from Eileen.....
Dear Loved Ones,
It has been three months since my accident and I wanted to share some thoughts with everyone. It has been a bump in the road but we are trying to get it down to a pebble. Since I came to Craig hospital September 17 I have met some remarkable people who are dedicated to the wellness of people with brain and spinal injuries. All of the patients of this 90 bed hospital arrived here from different paths. Be it skateboard accidents, oil rigs, iron workers, car and motorcycle accidents and in my case falling down the stairs. I had very minimal movement when I got to Craig, but I took my first short walk with a walker today. Along the way I have learned many tricks that babies learn, such a rolling, finding their extremities and getting dressed. My legs are coming along much faster than my arms and hands, which is common with my type of injury. I would love to gain more skills such as writing, eating and grooming. Imagine your spouse doing your hair each day. : )
I truly believe we made the right decision to come to Craig. I was very fortunate to be admitted here post surgery when I learned that some of my fellow patients have had to wait as long as 6 months for admission. It is a very competitive market to gain employment at Craig, so they have the best staff possible. This includes, doctors, nurses, techs, physical therapist, occupational therapists, right down to the housekeepers that keep this place shiny and bright. The equipment is state of the art and is not available at other rehabilitation centers. I have tried numerous machines in the PEAK gym and look forward to more. I have had electrical stimulation in the upper extremity lab that makes me feel like a bionic woman. I have also had sessions in the tech lab to enable me to use my phone, iPad and simple ideas for around the house. The clapper is definitely in! Today I feel very good, my only complaints physically are nerve pain and muscle spasms. They have subsided since I got here, but it is typical when the nervous system wants to repair itself.
I am very humbled and truly overwhelmed to the kindness that has been bestowed to me. I want to thank Durango, Denver and Centennial Fire and Rescue along with Careflight for transporting me. So lucky that I had talented surgeons that performed my delicate surgery at St. Anthony's Hospital. Thank you to Julie, Phil and Rita for keeping Rich company during surgery . I would also like to give Rita a special shout of for the countless number of airport runs. I want to thank my special Angels who came to Craig to help me with my daily tasks and therapy sessions. My thanks goes out to Patrick, Bridget, Jacquelyn, Michael, Jerry, Ray, Phil, Julie, Paul, Candye, Christina, Kathy Loebel, Tom, Monica, Nancy, Jess, and Tim. Thank you Kathy Grotemeyer for such tender loving care. I also appreciate the many visits from Chicago and Durango friends. I have also been so lucky to have such beautiful friends send me floral arrangements, plants, baked goods, pajamas, Lou Malnati's, Chicago Dogs, Bari beef,blankets,scarves, earrings, wonderful dinners, tailgate party, lotions and Durango snacks. I loved receiving the numerous amounts of cards with the warmest sentiments. You have no idea how much they have meant to me. Lots of love to the Gibbons, Reedy's, Galvins, Budrecks, and McCann's. A special thank you to St. Mary's University, St. Mary's alumni association, St. Ed's, Women on the Edge, Green Lake boys, Rushville, class of 77 Skemp girls, Durango friends, and Sleepy Hollow neighbors. Thank you to our neighbor Joe Golat and Chris Reedy for the renovations to our home. Special thank to Erin Zierk for my hair dressing appointment. I also appreciate all the Caring bridge, Facebook and help, hope live posts. With so many people supporting me I guarantee I give it 100% everyday.
Please continue to pray for my children and amazing husband. I couldn't have gotten this far without them. We had no idea what a life altering event this would be, but they have shown true love in numerous ways. Rich has learned the true meaning of sickness and in health. You would be very proud of how well he continues to take care of me.
During this Christmas season please take the time to really hug your friends and family, that is the thing I miss the most.
Many blessings and love to all of you,
Eileen is making great strides with her new therapists and we will certainly be here through the end of the year, thanks to all of your very generous donations! She continues to do new things every day.
Yesterday, she was on her stomach trying to lift her body, later she was doing knee crunches like a pro! The last four days she has been walking in several differant devices, which brings tears to everyone eyes. This is a most awesome place, and again thanks to all of you, we hope to stay here at least through the end of January , as long as she continues to improve!
Bridget took Eileen and I to dinner tonight to Undici for some steaks, brought in from th owners brother's restaurant, Steakhouse 10, which was awesome! Thanks Bridget!!!!
The holiday is coming and we want to wish all of you the most joyous holiday season, and continue to pray for Eileen's full recovery!
By rich reedy — Dec 5, 2014 8:19am
From Kathy Grotemeyer::
I spent Tuesday and Wednesday with Eileen and she is working so very hard. Every time they ask her if she wants to try something new - her response is always "sure". She truly trusts her therapists and welcomes the aggressive physical therapy sessions. You may have seen her "walking" on facebook - the therapist is guiding her feet but those "baby steps" are her steps!!! I was thrilled to help her "walk" yesterday and just watching her brought tears to my eyes because I see improvement every time I visit. Every new movement is a milestone and she continues to move forward. She is gaining confidence driving her wheelchair and does well maneuvering throughout the hospital.
I do want to share a story from yesterday. We were in the physical therapy gym waiting for Eileen's therapist and we could overhear another therapist trying to convince a young girl to participate in her swim therapy session. She was afraid to swim for various reasons and the therapist was trying to convince her to go although she herself could not accompany the girl since she had another patient. Eileen spoke to the girl in a very gentle way and told her that the therapy pool was warm and safe. She encouraged her to give it a try and informed her that when she got out that there would be warm blankets waiting her (being cold was one of her fears). The therapist was grateful for Eileen's words of encouragement and hoped the young girl would head to the pool. After Eileen's session, we were curious to see if the young girl had changed her mind so we swung by the pool. And yes - there she was in the pool and when she saw Eileen she gave her a huge smile and a big thumb's up. Eileen made a difference in this young girl's day. We both had big smiles on our faces as we returned to the apartment.
There is so much encouragement in this environment and it is truly the best place for Eileen to be at this time! Can't wait to see the progress on my next visit.
I was told we could stay at the Craig Apartments till the end of the year. Eileen has a very aggressive schedule between now and the end of the year! of physical and occupational therapies which will be paid by insuranance(untill it runs out) and peak therapies which are paid by us.
This was a blessing ,as the apartments, where we live are 50 yards from all the rehab. The next steps are up in the air....please do me a favor, don't ask me when we are returning home, because we don't know.......
We have settled down here at the Apartments, and life is easier in some aspects and a little trying in some areas, Still takes me some time to get her up and of course at the end of the day back into bed..
Thanks to the generous donations we are able to continue treatment here thru the end of December !!! https://m.helphopelive.org/campaign/5887
Bob Becker came by on Monday to pay a visit to Eileen , and we had a blast at the Black Hawks game, which they not only looked great but won! We went with Kathy, Jim and Tim Grotemeyer and met up with my nieces, Patricia and Kathryn at the game. A good time was had by all and Thanks to Kathy for giving us the tickets and Craig Hospital for the free ride.
Thanksgiving was like old times,,,,watchin the Bears loose. Used to drive my father in law crazy, wasting a great holiday to watch the monsters of the midway/? play horrible. Jess amd Tim watched the game with us and said they were even cheering for the Bears( Really. A green bay fan and Patriots fan) Any way it was grand spending the day with them and eating a wonderful Thanksgiving meal in the cafeteria. Sure wasn't home but yet it was nice. We missed the family but thought it would be better to have them come later.....
Both on Wednesday and Friday, Eileen had therapies in which she was walking some more with the help of a harness, This was real neat and again a step in the right direction....
Again, thanks for all your love and support, Rich
This year our lives have changed, but it has shown us all to be more thankful than ever. While we wish my mom was not in her current situation, we have been blessed with so many generous and caring people. The amount of donations so far have been amazing and we are very grateful. The continuous cards, emails, posts, flowers and donations are equally as appreciated. I am so thankful for my family and our amazing support system. I hope every one has a very Happy Thanksgiving.
Love, Bridget
Thank you all for contributing to Eileen's fund.
it has been a very hectic week for us , as Eileen was distchearged from Craig as an impatient and is now an outpatient , living with me in the Craig Apartments. The wonderfull folks at Blue Cross Blue Shield , as I have reported before have stopped paying for the hospital as of October 15th.The believe this is all they have to do. I will not get into this any more, but we are working on trying to correct this.
The good news is that we can do what we want to do, and the flip side is I am solely responsible for handling all of Eileen's needs, from getting her up, brushing her teeth, brushing her hair, getting her dressed, feeding her , showering her, toilet duty , etc. It is overwelming and I am looking for some local skillled help here, because one person can not do this 24/7.
I went to a few agencies here, and the care givers are on the average $65 per hour! I have a young lady coming tonight, who works at Craig, for much less. She will come for two hours every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday to get Eileen ready for bed.
Eileen's new chair arrived from Buffalo , NY right before the storm hit , but her cushion is still in Buffalo!.The week consisted of a ton of testing. We still don't know if she will recover any more. I have a saying incomplete spinal injury means very incomplete answers.
In my spare time , i am fighting the insurance company, learning about what type of vehicle we have to buy,testing lifts thaat will assist us in moving her , home modifications, other items such as which blue tooth that works best with her, and other home devices that will assist her and running Double R.
For my Denver friends and Colorado friends, thanks for the visits as it allows me to get the bove done. I could use more help if you have the time.
Kathryn cam by this week, as well as Cousin Cathy, who gave Eileen a facial yesterday and dropped a pair of Black Hawk tickets for Wednesday nights game in Denver on the kitchen table. Craig will drive us there, just have to pay for the gas.
Craig has been wonderfull and I truly thank them that all they have done for us. We will stay in Denver as long as we can do the outpatient and live here on campus, or the money runs out.
Kudos to those of you who are planning some fund raisers for early next year!
I could go on and on but it is time to get my honey up for the day
Thanksgiving is upon us and I am truly grateful for all of our friends and alot of new friends that we don't even know who have shown their support by thoughts , prayers and financial support.
Fondly, Rich
From the pen of Brother Michael (Sorry – no Christian Brother jokes please)
From Tues, Nov 4th to Sat, Nov 8 I visited with Eileen and Rich for the first time since her accident. I would like to express my visit in a journal format to describe a day in Eileen and Rich’s life at Craig Hospital.
Tuesday Nov. 4-
I arrive at Eileen’s room in the early evening thanks to Denver’s Secretary of Transportation the ever-thoughtful Rita Kerber. Having somewhat of a medical background I was aware of the term medically dependent, but now I quickly comprehended the true meaning on a personal basis. Eileen needs assistance from wiping the tip of her nose to massaging the cramps in her feet.
When I got there Rich was finishing feeding Eileen her dinner with his everlasting love. We visited until it was time for the staff to get Eileen ready for the night because tomorrow is an entire day of physical therapy.
Wednesday Nov 5-
Rich is up early and over to Eileen’s room because this week he is practicing getting her ready for the day. He must transfer Eileen from bed to chair, getting dressed,hygiene and breakfast – much more involved than you realize When I arrive Rich has Eileen completely ready for a full physical therapy day while I am trying to experience things from her perspective she drives her chair to the “Big Physical Therapy Gym” for an exercise in standing. Her therapist Craig transfers her from chair to therapy chair, which sequentially allows Eileen to stand upright. She does this for half-hour all while conversing with Craig and myself until she is lowered to a sitting position and transferred back to her chair.
From the big therapy gym we roll to a classroom for a lecture on airline transportation.This was very informative when planning the extra logistics involved in airline travel. After lecture our next destination is the “Big Exercise Gym” to meet with physical therapist Audrey who applies electrical stimulation pads to Eileen’s thighs and calves. She then transfers to cycle machine for a serious hour bike ride. After removing the stimulation pads transfer back to chair and we went to gardening class. Eileen made a spectacular pumpkin floral arrangement. She selected the flowers, made the base for inside the pumpkin,and instead all the flowers in the base. Is everyone still following along?
The final session for the day is another stimulation lab where for half hour only fingers were stimulated along with recreational game for mental participating and then another half hour for fingers and hand with another game. These exercises are designed fore greater hand activity.
Next stop Eileen drives to the occupational gym for a 90-minute class with Maggie to practice utilizing an elbow device to allow movement with her right arm from side to side. Eileen has some hand movement up and down with a deltoid apparatus and together the combination of these actions will approximate hand movements for eating they practice her actions for a half-hour then Eileen was able to use the combined movements to have some lunch of chicken and watermelon. No back to the big therapy gym for a hour class to practice bed movements.Eileen and her physical therapist, Wes, who is a tremendous guy, practice transfers from chair to bed, rolling over in bed from side to side and then back to the other side which they do for several repetitions. By putting all these motions together it allows for efficient movement of muscle groups along with gravity to provide for and easy transfer from lying in bed, to sitting upright and transfer to chair. At the end of the session Wes encourages Eileen by stating how far she has come by moving her body trunk and to constantly improve
Today has been non-stop from 11-7 and we get to the cafeteria just before closing time. Rich feeds Eileen dinner, we go back to her room where it is time for the staff to help Eileen with nightly activities and bedtime. When Eileen has classes she operates her chair everywhere – building to building, gym to gym, floor to floor through a rather intricate hospital complex, which is extremely busy due to 80 other patients going to classes giving their best efforts to improve as well.
At times Eileen’s right thumb can slip out of hand controls but this makes her more determine instead of frustrated. However, along with all this physical activity whenever Eileen is in her chair she must do position shifts every ten minutes the chair will recline horizontally for a few minutes to redistribute her body weight to avoid skin ulcerations. It is also imperative that Eileen is properly hydrated at all times so it seems like there is something going on every waking minute.
Thursday Nov 6-
Rich is up early and has Eileen ready for a 10AM start. Craig hospital therapeutic treatment program philosophy is similar to an athletic training schedule with today being cross-training with a purpose. We are going on a field trip to Colorado’s Historical Museum for chair practice in an enjoyable environment thanks to Rich’s persistence. There is practice getting on the transport bus,off the bus and up ramps in the museum. From there moving from exhibit to exhibit we were dodging students on a field trip which was challenging and a wonderful activity. The next practice session was lunch in a public setting.Following lunch more practice on ramps, transport on the bus, transport off the bus and back to Craig for a technology course on phone and iPad use. We had an early finish so we took advantage of some leisure time at Eileen and Rich’s favorite spot Undice’s restaurant. The food was tremendous but observing Eileen and Rich’s ability to make wonderful new friends is a testament to their dynamic personalities.
Friday Nov 7-
Rich is up early and has Eileen ready at 9AM because it is back to serious training with a complete day of physical therapy. The first class is in the occupational therapy gym for painting. She uses an elbow device similar to when she practice eating on Wednesday. Eileen is painting a bowl but the real activity is side-to-side arm and hand movement. Next class is physical therapy with Maggie and Wes where they practice going from chair to transport chair and then an airplane seat. This takes considerable effort on everyone’s part. The second half of class is from airplane seat to transport chair and finally back to Eileen’s chair. All of Eileen’s movements are carefully planned and the practice will help to make things perfect. The third class for the morning is in the “big exercise gym” with Audrey. Eileen is transferred from chair to an upright harness. Next simulation pads are applied to arms, thighs and calves where Eileen walks on a treadmill for 45 minutes, which was outstanding to watch her.Go girl go! The morning session is completed and back to Eileen’s room for some much needed lunch and rest before a full afternoon of activity. Back over to the big exercise gym again with Audrey for bike riding and leg stimulation.Eileen puts maximum effort into each activity just like she did back in the day as a St. Patrick’s cheerleader, which is totally impressive – she really is quite an athlete. The last classes for Friday are in the occupational stimulation lab with therapy assisting finger hand and forearm movements. What a day, what a week and I was only here for three days while it has been “Eileen Strong” since September 15. Friday night everyone was pretty wiped out and we ordered pizza from outside the hospital Eileen’s favorite sausage and cheese rolled thing and well cooked (Classic Gibbons)
Thanks to all of you who have been so kind.
Please visit our Journal on www.caringbridge.org/visit/eileenreedy
I am still learning about this site and I am not sure I can respond to your good wishes, directly. I will be reading all postings to Eileen.
Thanks, The Reedy Family
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Love and Prayers, Rita
Rita Kerber
Best of holiday prayers.
Matthew & Billie Brown
Merry Christmas....and wishing you a very healthy happy new year!
Carl & Kim Swanson
Rich and Eileen
May you family have a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year
Maureen Higgins Lantero
Maureen Lantero
Our thoughts and prayers are with you for a better quality of life.
Dan and Diana Miller
Daniel Miller
Thinking of you this at this time.
Chris and Joe Galvin
Donation in honor of Rich’s birthday!
Laura Stukel
Sorry I can be there physically but wishing you the best!
Fred Lamb
Wishing you all the best!
Improving every day...
Laurel and Fred Lamb
Fred Michael Lamb
Happy Birthday Eileen!!
Have a great year.
Brian Burgh
Happy Birthday Eileen!
Keep on Improving!
The Lambs
Fred Lamb
All the Best each and every day of the New Year 2024 !
All our Love,
Jan & Tom Myers
Tom Myers
Merry Christmas
John Ruddy
With love and warm wishes for a Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Annette Clark
Rich and Eileen,
You two are so beautiful! Have a hugely blessed Christmas.
Love and hugs!
Bill and Mary
Mary Poillion
All our best for a Merry Christmas and a great New Year!
Jim Izzo
All the best to you Eileen! God bless and Merry Christmas!
William Krug
Happy Holidays Reedy Family!!
Sue Siegler
Eileen, all the best to you!
Cooney and The Dog
Mark Cooney
Thank you!
Gary Slipke
Pappy! And alliance!
Nick Fontana
We love you so much Eileen!
Colleen Avila
I'm sure the golf outing will be a success for the Reedy family. My continued love and prayers are going out to Eileen, Rich and Family.
Mary Hofschulte
We’re rooting for you, Eileen and Rich!
Kathy and Peter Knott
Thanks for always keeping us in the loop.
Jim & Joan Izzo
Wishing Eileen the best of wishes always.
God bless !
joAnn Sergi
Happy new year eileen and Rich eileen we’re so proud of all the work you are doing and wish you all the best. Love, Terry and Phil Buscemi
Terri Buscemi
Merry Christmas!
John Ruddy
John Ruddy
Merry Christmas to the Reedy family. Sending all positive thoughts for your continued improvement, Eileen.
Jim & Joan Izzo
We’re sorry we weren’t able to make it to the golf outing!
Brooke Beaudoin
Sorry we couldn't attend your event due to unforeseen circumstances. We felt it would be good to show our support for such a deserving cause and lovely couple. Best Wishes to Rich and Eileen.
Shawn and Shirley Draper
Sorry we couldn't make the event today, but we still wanted to show our support for Eileen and Rich.
Steve and Jill DeAtley
All the best to Eileen and her family, with love from the Clarks.
Annette Clark
Good luck with the golf outing, and to Eileen: Stay strong!!
Bradley Freeman
Keep the faith!
Christopher Wing
Praying this year’s Golf Outing is a huge success!!
Love you all!
Rita Kerber
Love the Sanders Family
Catherine Sanders
Good luck with this year's golf outing - hope you have great weather!
Jim & Joan Izzo
Best wishes for a Strong & Happy New Year.
John Ruddy
Happy New Year to all the Reedy Family.
John Fahy
Happy Holidays Reedy Family! Praying for Eileen's continued recovery. Wishing you all the best.
The Buscemi Family
Terri & Phil Buscemi
Wishing all of you a healthy and happy new year! God knows we all need it!!!
Michael DeBoer
Merry Christmas and a great and Blessed New Year! God Bless you all!
Jeff and Janine Norris
Jeffrey and Janine Norris
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Eileen and Rich.
Mary Beth & Tim Ocasek
Timothy Ocasek
John Phelan
We hope you are all doing well, and wish you the merriest of Christmases and a peaceful, happy New Year!
Jim and Joan Izzo
Sorry we missed the golf outing this year. So excited to see all the progress you are making Eileen!
Love you guys!
Terri & Phil Buscemi
Terri Buscemi
Good Luck on this year's Golf Outing
Patrick McKenna
Eileen - We are with you all the way! Stay strong! Brad Freeman and Mary Scanlon
Love- The Kohler Group
Kari Kohler
So happy to see Eileen staying strong!
Best of luck for the 7th Annual Eileen Strong Golf Outing! We'll keep fingers and toes crossed for good weather.
Joan & Jim Izzo
Continue to hold you in light and prayer Eileen. In awe of your courage and growth.
JoAnne and Bill
Happy Birthday Eileen
Sue Vitale
We're cheering for your continued recovery, Eileen! Kathy and Peter Knott
Peter Knott
May God Bless you, Eileen, with continued healing!!
Rita Kerber
Keep on Eileen and looking forward to a better 2021!!
Nancy Filas
Eileen, keep up the good work !
Thomas Myers
Merry Christmas to the whole Reedy family! Here's hoping for an end to the pandemic SOON!
Joan & Jim
Jim Izzo
Merry Christmas To All
Timothy Ocasek
What a long strange trip it is...love ya
I love you, Eileen. You are one of the bravest people I know. Keep fighting and moving forward!!!
Patricia Galvin
Happy Holidays to the Reedy Family
Maureen Lantero
Happy Thanksgiving to Eileen and everyone in the Reedy family!!
William Crimmins
May God bless you every single day and may He keep you strong in His loving embrace.
Mary Poillion
'Eileen Strong" is a perfect name from my perspective because you are definitely one of the strongest women I know. Keep up the excellent progress!! You're an inspiration to us all!
All the best and looking forward to our next meeting.
Fred Lamb
Always thinking, caring and holding you Eileen and your family in our prayers.
Keep the faith. With Love Dominic & JoAnn Sergi and Family
JoAnn sergi
We're thinking of you every day, and are amazed at all your hard work.
Jim & Joan
Jim & Joan Izzo
Keep up the good work Eileen!! Sending you love and best wishes!!
Hi Eileen,
Congratulations on the arrival of your granddaughter, Sara.
Best of luck as you continue your hard work of getting better.
Love, Leo and Polly
Note: New address for us.
Leo and Polly Reedy
Love from Gina and Jeremy. Have a great summer, and congrats on another granddaughter, Emma :)
Regina Gibbons
Spring can't come fast enough, right? Thinking of all of you, always!
Joan & Jim
Jim & Joan Izzo
Hi Eileen & Rich,
We're always sending you our positive thoughts & so happy for all of your tremendous progress. Best wishes to the entire Reedy family for a healthy & cheerful new year!
Chuck & Julie
Chuck & Julie Stanley
So happy to hear of your progress Eileen! You are a true inspiration. Happy New Year!
Love you!
Terri & Phil
Terri Buscemi
In Honor of Eileen Reedy
Ken Kasarski
Keep getting better!
Mary Ann Atkinson
Eileen. so glad to see your progress. God bless you for continued and rapid progress! Merry Christmas to you and Rich and your family! Bill Krug
William Krug
Wishing you, a better New Year with more strength and flexibility. God's Blessings for wonderful Christmas Season.
Suzette De Salvo
Eileen, I am very proud of all of the improvement you have a achieved; rep it up
Michael Dooley
Eileen, so excited to hear about your progress! We love you and thank you for everything you and your beautiful family does for us.
Curt Kremer
We love you, Eileen!
You look just fabulous! May God continue to send His healing grace upon you.
Bill and Mary Poillion
Mary Poillion
We're so impressed with the progress you've made, Eileen. Holy cow! All our best to your whole family. Merry Christmas.
Jim & Joan Izzo
Sorry we can't make the golf outing. Have a great event and keep going Eileen!
Lawrence Reedy
Eileen & Rich,
Worry we cannot make the golf outing this year. I hope it's a huge success!
Terri & Phil
Terri Buscemi
Hope Eileen is doing better in her fight.
Doug Hoffman
We can't make the fundraiser next week but still wanted to support through a donation.
Steve and Jill DeAtley
Wish I could be there with all of you! Have a great day! Miss you guys! Hope to see you soon!
Love to all!
Rita Kerber
Love you, Reedy's! From Dave & Lee Ann Saslavsky
Lee Ann Morris
Wouldn\'t miss it for the world! Can\'t wait to see everyone.
Cristina Moravy
Hoping for good weather for all the golfers. And Eileen, keep up your exceptional spirit!
Jim & Joan Izzo
Keep it up you’re in my prayers
Bob McClellan
Keep up your hard work, Eileen. The last years may have been long, but you have come such a long, long way. I know there are many wonderful memories to make in 2019. Wishing you and your family all the best.
Eileen, you are one tough cookie!
Keep up the hard work and all the best to you and yours in 2019!
Love and kisses.
Mark Cooney
You keep on beating the odds, Eileen! I'd say I'm proud of you but that would imply I had anything to do with your dedicated hard work. You and Rich and Brigette and Patrick and Jacqui have all shown what sheer determination can do.
Bravo! And Bravo again!
With love,
Judith Smith
Our best to both of you. Happy New Year!
Steve and Caroline Berend
Caroline Berend
George Velisaris
We are so happy to hear about the incredible progress you have made this year & hope your hard work & dedication pays off even more in the new year! You're always in our hearts...keep up the good work!
Chuck & Julie Stanley
Merry Christmas Eileen and Rich. You are in our hearts!
The Siegler Family
Sue Siegler
Christmas cheer and blessings to all.
John Ruddy
Wishing all of you a Merry Christmas. Here's to your goal, Eileen - we know how hard you're working to achieve it!
Jim & Joan Izzo
I'm cheering for you Eileen!
Ken Kasarski
Many blessings to The Reedy Family. Your beautiful family bond is inspirational. Much love and constant prayers. Xo
Mel (Reedy)and Gary Stone
Eileen, you are an inspiration to all! Keep up the great determination!
I hope th Golf outing was a total success and good luck with the auction! WishI could be there to help!
Good Bless you!
Love, Rita
Rita Kerber
Have a wonderful Golf Outing! Wish that we could be there! Sending love!
-Nicole & Tom Galvin
Nicole & Tom Galvin
Best wishes for a successful Annual Golf Outing; sending love...
Mary Jane Stitt
Mary Jane Stitt
Eileen, you are one of the strongest, courageous people I know. Hugs to you and your desire for all life has to offer. We are so sorry we are not able to attend the golf outing and dinner. Hope you have a beautiful day!
Best wishes,
Bill and JoAnne
Bill and JoAnne McElroy
Sending positive energy and love to you, Eileen,
Judy Smith
Keep up the great work Eileen. Truly inspirational!
Peggy Horvath
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Debbi Romero
Hi Eileen!
We recently became aware of your new life situation, and want you to know you are in our prayers! May you experience God's presence every day!
Sue and Gary
Gary DeGregorio
Looking fantastic, Eileen! We are sending really tight hugs!!
Bill and Mary
Mary Poillion
Jordan Chow
Watching the videos & seeing your progress is amazing & beyond inspiring. Especially awesome was the walk down the church aisle! Congratulations to all for that! Keep up the great work & Happy Holidays & best wishes in the new year! We miss you guys.
Chuck & Julie Stanley
Eileen continues to work hard and make great improvement!! Keep up the awesome work!!
Love, JR
JR Jones
So exciting to see the progress you have made Eileen! You are a rockstar, can't wait to see you fully recovered!
Love Terri & Phil
Terri & Phil Buscemi
Dear Eileen,
I just learned of your tragic accident through Rich's FB page. We haven't seen each other in so many years and that was certainly the last thing I expected to hear. Not at all surprised that you have been such a heroic fighter! Your videos are inspirational and truly amazing! I will be praying for you and your beautiful family~ keep up the fight! Not many could be so strong~
Love to you and Rich
Eileen, I am looking forward to seeing you walk down the Aisle in St. Catherine's at Bridget's wedding. You have made sooooo much progress! You go girl! And keep up the good work!
Love you, Rita Kerber
Eileen, You have worked so hard for your recovery. Bless you for that. We pray that you will be able to walk down the aisle for Bridget's wedding in April.
Have a very Merry Christmas with your family,
Steve and Toni Qualls
We're happy to see you progressing so well on your long road to recovery! All the best to you and the family during this Holiday Season. May God bless you and continue to guide you on improving each day. Keep on Truckin'!
Fred and Laurel Lamb
Hi Reedy's, Sorry I can't join you shopping tomorrow night. Thanks for the invite. By the sounds of the Spring update and Rich's FB page it certainly sounds like there has been quite a few events happening in your family.Congratulations !
You are all in my thoughts and prayers, especially you Eileen. You are an inspiration and a fighter. Wishing you all the best every day in all you do. Much Love!
P. J . Cullerton
You are continuing to make wonderful progress and I'm amazed on how far you've come along! Looking forward to spending Mother's Day with you and the family soon. Keep up the good work and you'll continue to be in my thoughts. Much Love..
-JR Jones
Glad to see so much progress, Eileen! So happy for you and the rest of the family. Onward and upward. Het's off to you! Much love from all the Smiths
Eileen, another Christmas season is upon us, and we are witness to your continued stamina and successes great and small with your recovery. Please know that you remain in our continued, constant prayers for recovery. As always, we'll do the praying' and you do the workin'. Just keep it goin', girl!
May God Bless you now, always and all ways!
Rita Kerber
We were so sorry to hear about your accident and all that you're going through. You are in our thoughts & prayers and we wish you the best Christmas possible under the circumstances. God Bless & Help You!
Suzette & John Heinz
Eileen and Rich,
I only wish I could be there to say hello on the 17th. I've kept up with your hard work and am truly inspired. Keep on Truckin'
Peggy McElroy Horvath
I am so sorry to hear about your struggle with health. I have multiple sclerosis that comes with many health issues. A month in bed and not able to take care of my children was so hard. Going through the loss of a part of who you are is such a painstaking ordeal. It's like loosing a loved one, the loss is a part of you. I hope you will find other rewarding activities and blessings to be grateful for that can help this grief. I have lesions in my spinal cord. Not the same as you, but fear can be our greatest enemy. My family and I stayed at your place in Durango a while ago. I was sad to hear the news about you falling. My advice to how I deal with my many health issues, in the end it is only prayer, and gratitude for our many blessing that can carry us when we are down. You are loved by your Heavenly Father and prayer will help with all you are going through. It is the only thing that can miraculously get me out of bed to take care of my family some days.
Hoping And Wishing For Nothing But Continued Success...
Your YouTube Videos Are Inspiring... Mike Gibbons, (A Fellow LifeGuard) Shared Your Story With Me, And The Others
At Our Annual Gathering; As It Is Our Hope To Help However We (LifeGuards) Can... God Bless...
George Velisaris
Eileen, you and your family will forever be in my prayers. Keep up the fight!
Laureen Giovannetti Andre
Wishing you a huge success with today's golf outing...I will be out there later today. Positive thoughts and prayers on behalf of Tom O'Connell and Bob & Jean O'Connell
Bob O'Connell [email protected]
You look terrific. Hope the golf
outing is a big success.
JoAnn Pastorius
Go Eileen!
We can not be at the outing - Sponsored a Green.
Keep up the great progress...very proud of you!
The Tovar Family
Dennis & Maureen
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers Eileen!
Alison Peters
Eileen, your daughter is our son's teacher. He says he loves her everyday, and we do also. We are praying for you and your family.
Martinez Family (Martin, Rosy, Jacob & Justin)
sending prayers and positive thoughts! Your spirit is inspiring. xx Wishing you continued progress toward a full recovery . . .
Donna (Hawkins) and John Quirk (part of the DePaul crowd)
Dear Rich and Eileen,
I have been following your story since I first read about it in some communication from St. Mary's. I was so sorry to hear about your fall, Eileen. It seems like just a few years ago that we spent four wonderful years at St. Mary's, with the first two being on 1st floor Skemp. I want you to know that I have been praying for you and that my desire is for you to walk in total complete healing as you continue to work through your therapy each day. I will continue to pray for you.
Ellen Motz Zavala
Eileen, keep up the strong work! You have always been one to be admired! Much love,
Anne and Jim Dolan
glad to see you are doing better. We love you and are praying for you.
Remember your friends are like stars in the sky. You may not always see them but you know they are there.....
God Bless
Fred Lamb
Eileen, My thoughts and prayers have been with you!!
Travis Holgate
I'm praying for you, and your family, and especially that other guy, what's his name, Gibby. He's one hell of a brother and not a bad friend either.
Good speed.
Rick & Colleen Mesi
I wish there was more we could do. You and your family remain in our hearts and prayers. Merry Christmas, my friend. May 2015 bring you continued successes. You continue to amaze me! My love to all, and a special hug to you...
Carrie Richardson
Your strength is an inspiration and you continue to be in my prayers. May God bless you as you continue to improve and may he watch over those that help and care for you each day. Merry Christmas to you, Rich, Pat, Bridget and Jacqui. Kisses & hugs!
Margaret Reedy
It is inspiring to see your determination and attitude, with the love & support of so many. May God watch over you in continued improvement.
From a fellow St Mary's Alum from Chicago ..class of '79
Sue (Spetter) Wolfe
Positive waves! Give 'em hell, Eileen!
Lou Babe
Although it has been a long time since we last saw each other, you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers....
Mark DIPPER Dwyer
Check in the mail
Tom Hodges
Eileen, your strength is inspirational. My prayers are with you.
Debbie Wodrich (BABS Investment group)
Reed Family,
Please know that our prayers and love are with you. Stay encouraged. We serve a good God. God is good all the time and all the time, God is good!!!
Renee Smith-Quinn
We were so sorry to hear of your terrible accident, Eileen. Am sure with the support of your family and friends, rehab, and your strong determination you will be able to handle the challenges ahead ..though am sure it'll be a difficult journey. We will keep you in our prayers!
Mary Jo & Tom Lee
Reedy Family,
You are in our thoughts and prayers. Best wishes.
Felicia (Tarrant) & Jordan Tokarz
Eileen. Sending thoughts and prayers your way. Rooting for you hard. We will help in any way we can.
Josh and Mel Radde
Eileen and Rich
Sending many prayers your way.
Judy and John Lucas - SMC
Eileen and Rich,
Wishing you both the best this Holiday Season! Eileen, I know God is watching over his special Angel and with that special smile on your face, you will succeed in your physical endeavors! The Angels Keep watch over their own! Blessings to you and your family and much Love to all.
Ginger Kieffer <3 <3 <3
My prayers are with Eileen, the Gibbons family and the Reedy family. God bless you!
James J. Blaha
Eileen and Rich,
Our prayers go out to both of you, and your extended families, through this tough time. This makes my employment transition seem like a walk in park...which it is in comparison. Hang in there and keep working at it...things will get better!
Jim Gavin '77
Eileen, my prayers are with you as you travel this difficult journey. May you and your family have the strength and help you need to meet the challenges you will face. My best,
Josie Howard-Ruben
Be strong and keep working hard. Because as we all know, nothing can stop a good Irishwoman! Love you.
Mark Cooney
Mark Cooney
Hi Eileen,
I was saddened to hear the news about your tragic fall and the spinal cord injuries you're suffering through. I have faith that the combination of your strength, the commitment of your PT staff and the love of your family and friends will get you mobile again. I'm so proud that you have been my friend for over 50 years and I'm praying and pulling for you to get back on your feet again and give life a kick in the ass. Your friend, always
John Vinci
Your courage and strength is an inspiration to us all. Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving and praying for Eileen's complete recovery.
Love, Terri & Phil Buscemi
Eileen, I continue to ask God to watch over you and your family. You are always on my mind and you truly are an amazing woman.
Julie Jacques
We continue to keep Eileen in our daily thoughts and prayers. Love to all of you! Your strength is inspirational.
Ali and Ryan Mitchell
Rich and Eileen,
It was so wonderful to hear both of your voices yesterday. Know that you and your family are in my daily prayer.
Bob Fisher
We're thinking of the whole Reedy family over Thanksgiving and encouraged by your love for Eileen. All the best.
Rob & Kim Figliulo
You and Rich are in our thoughts and prayers...
Mike & Brenna LaForest
Wish that we were there and I could help out. George and I send lots of loving, healing thoughts to you both. You are in our prayers.
Abi & George
Rich and Eileen,
You've always been my favorite couple on the planet. Hanging out with you guys at purgatory and the schoolhouse, I would sometimes sit back and just watch as you two exemplified the true meaning of love. Eileen, I know these are the most challenging days you've ever had to face but I know that you will continue to shine, because of your heart, your strength, and the love of your family. xoxo
Heather (Liggett) Hughes
Hi Eileen,
I'm sorry to hear about your accident. Your grace under pressure will see through. Still a beautiful smile and you inspire me. God bless.
Mary Targosz
Les and Pam VanStone from Michigan send our prayers to the Reedy family. God bless you all.
Pam VanStone
So sad to hear about your injury Eileen. Our friendship is one of over 50+ years and we're not done counting yet. I'll be praying for you and checking your progress so please remember all of your Ferd's buddies are pulling for you. Love you.
Always your friend
John Vinci
My goodness, Eileen, I haven't seen you in 40 years. I'm so sorry that you have to face this challenge at this point in your life, but my prayers and hopes go with you. God bless you.
Robert Bauer
Reedy family,
Keeping you guys in our thoughts and prayers daily. Big Hugs!
Ryan & Colleen Samuelson
Colleen Samuelson
Hi Eileen,
So sorry about your accident. With the wonderful support from family and friends things can only get better so stay strong! Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Mike and Erin Nieft
Hello Eileen and Rich-
This is Pete Smith’s UB (Uncle Bob) and AMJ (Aunt Mary Jane) here. We are so fond of Jacqui and she and Pete are a special pair! They have shared with us many great stories of times with you and in reading your journal, it’s clear that the good times will continue to roll, that you will take this challenge on and tame it. As a PT, I recognize and rejoice in your winning attitude – it makes all the difference. There are certainly stretches of exasperation you’ll encounter, but it’s clear you’ll persevere. We pray for you and look forward to spending happy times together in the future
Bob and Mary Jane
Eileen and Rich,
Our thoughts are with you.Peace and love.
Bobby and Carmen Carlson
Eileen, we have never met, but I worked with your lovely daughter back at WXRT several years ago. She shared your story, and we want to offer our love, encouragement and light to you as you continue this difficult journey.
We have a dear friend who recently became paralyzed from the chest down, last year in a swimming accident. (C6 Injury) We have seen him and his family through the heart-ache, the rehab and now the "new normal." Every day is full of challenges and miracles.
Stay strong, stay positive, and work hard every day in your sessions.
We will continue to pray for you and your family, and wish you all the best.
Jen & Luke Rosiere
Was saddened to hear of Eileen's accident. Keeping you all in my prayers and confident that the good Lord will strengthen you and give you all the courage you need to get through this most difficult time.
Jan (Freiday) Pearson
We are pulling for you, Eileen! Wish we could do more. You are such a giving and loving person. We will pray for your full recovery.
Your Friends, Jim and Pat Perkins
Eileen - The optimism in your picture says it all! You are an amazing woman. So sorry you are going through this - but confident you will get stronger every day towards your goal of recover!
Much love - Laura & Ray Stukel
We are so sorry to hear about your accident, Eileen. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. You are an inspiration. Stay strong.
Ann and Jim Julsrud
Thinking of you Eileen, Rich and kids. We send our prayers and positive vibes to you. Eileen your strength and determination are an inspiration to all! Love and prayers
Terry & Mary
Eileen & Rich,
Our thoughts and prayers to you, and we will pray that God continues
to give you the strength and courage you need to continue improving
each and every day. A contribution has been sent to help you with the expenses.
Your friends, Steve & Nancy Geyer / Debbie & Rich Dominelli
Thinking of you both each day. Sending our thoughts and prayers to you, and
praying that God continues to give you the strength you need to continue improving.
A contribution will for sure be sent.
John Paul and Jan Jones
nancy's friend scheila here sending lots of healing light.....keeping you in my prayers for full recovery....
scheila scheffler
Sending you tons of love, Mrs. Reedy! I am so fortunate to know such a strong willed woman like yourself. Thoughts and prayers to all your many friends and family..... you are so loved! XO
Nicole Kendall
In July 2004 I fell down the stairs in my home. I was alone and scared. But with good luck and great support I healed. Since then I have never taken for granted my ability to walk. Sending prayers to you, Eileen, and your family. May the days ahead be blessed with love and support!
Kim Radatz
I think about you every day. I'm sending you love. See you soon.
Nancy Cervenka
Any friend of Nancy Cervenka is a friend of mine. Sending healing vibes and a donation.
Julie Latimer
Eileen and Reedy Family,
Thinking good thoughts for you.
Brennan Perkins
Eileen and Rich
Our thoughts and prayers are with you always. Stay strong, buddy.
Bruce and Anita Taylor
I have never met you, but Ray and Pat.. well, words can not express how much they mean to us. I am truly sorry about what you are going thru and am sending you positive thoughts and love.
Melissa Zilonis
Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Stay strong !
Mike & Linda kornelson
While I've never met you, I have worked with and known your brother Ray for many years. I'm sorry this happened, but I hope that with the help of your family and friends, things get better for you and your family.
Dean Iacopelli
Hi Eileen,
We've never met but I'm friends with your daughter Jacqui. I just wanted to let you know you're in my thoughts and I hope you have a speedy recovery.
Mickey Kellerman
Eileen, Rich and family, so very sorry to hear of your accident. We will keep you and your family in our prayers.
Love, Ralph & Becky Ghiselli
Hi Eileen,
Ellen and I were really sorry to hear this happened to you. Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you push through the challenges ahead.
Pat & Ellen Murray
Eileen, sending you our thoughts and prayers. So sorry to hear about this freak accident! All our love to you and the family.
Linda & Steve Lee
Hi Eileen, we are so sorry to hear of your accident. You will be in our prayers for hope and strength. Sending positive thoughts your way.
Marilyn (Zelasko) and Jim Straz
Hi Eileen, thinking and praying for you and your family; sending you strength and positive vibes too! With all the resources available, in time things will progress. Hoping for the very best always!
Nancy McKenna
Lots of love. Almost every memory of my childhood includes you and your family. Thinking of all of you each and everyday! I will make sure to contribute.
Erin (Johnson) Brewer
Eileen, Rich and Family
Sorry to hear of your injury but hope and pray that the strides that have been made with spinal cord injuries work in your favor. God bless you all during this long road to recovery.
Judy and John Lucas - SMC
Love you Ei! I think of you daily and pray you continue to work hard and improve. Sending you a (( hug)) and look forward to seeing you.
Sending thoughts and prayers your way!! Concentrate on all the little successes each day! We're thinking of you.
Jan and Greg Schneider
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Eileen Gibbons Reedy
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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