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Dear Friends and Family,
As many of you know, for the past two years, my dear friend Mary Chavez has been courageously battling end stage renal disease. For the past year, she has been on dialysis 3 days per week, 4 hours a day. Mary has struggled through many medical complications and hospitalizations, and a transplant is now her only chance of survival. Through all of this, Mary has maintained a good attitude and is firmly focused on “living” so that she can enjoy her grandchildren as they grow up to be adults. Her strength to live is an inspiration to me and all those around her.
Currently, Mary is completing her medical evaluation at St Luke’s Episcopal Hospital in the Medical Center in Houston, Texas. Mary will receive the gift of life from her daughter, Andrea Thomas, through a living donor kidney transplant. However, due to the extraordinary expense of the transplantation, as well as Mary’s inability to work and lack of insurance, funding for this life-saving operation is a monumental task. Mary will need between $7,000 and $13,000 (for the first year) for her admission to the hospital and her lifelong immunosuppressant medications.
To help defray Mary’s uninsured medical expenses, a fundraising campaign in Mary’s honor has been established with HelpHOPELive (HelpHOPELive) to help pay transplant-related expenses not covered by Medicare. HelpHOPELive is a nonprofit organization that has been assisting the transplant community for over twenty-eight years. You can make a difference in Mary’s life – please consider making a tax-deductible contribution on her behalf.
Credit card contributions can be made by calling 800-642-8399 or by selecting the DONATE NOW button.
Or, make checks payable to: HelpHOPELive South-Central Kidney Transplant Fund
Note in the memo section: In honor of Mary E. Chavez
Please send to: HelpHOPELive
Two Radnor Corporate Center100 Matsonford Road, Suite 100
Radnor, PA 19087

At times like these, the help of family, friends and the community is crucial to help ensure a successful outcome. Your financial gifts and prayers are greatly appreciated.
Warm regards,
Stella Contreras


June 26, 2011

Hi Mary, So many of us have you in our prayers and your strength is admirable. Stella keeps us all updated on your progres. You have been blessed to have a wonderful daughter and great friend. Lots of love pouring out to you both.

Janet Lee

June 3, 2011

Hi Mary,
Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Please say hello to Andrea and send kisses and hugs to the grand-kids. I will be helping out and post this to my friends/family to help you get to your goal. Lets reach for the stars. Sending you lots of love from California. XOXO

Cindy Miller - Riverside, CA

April 26, 2011

Hi Mary! I'm keeping you and Stella both in my thoughts and prayers. I have posted this on Facebook, and plan to repost again next week - hope it helps :) Stay strong!

Becky T/friend of Charles & Terry