Accessibility for all: Helping people connect with who and what matters most
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In September 2007, Gabe Chesman, a resident of Springfield, NJ was living in Philadelphia where he was enrolled at Drexel University. Having just celebrated his 21st birthday in August, he was looking forward to a new semester: starting classes, hanging out with friends, playing his guitar. But on September 17th, Gabe’s world turned upside down.
After spending the weekend playing soccer with friends (a passion since high school), and getting ready for classes, Gabe began to experience lower back pains and tingling sensations in his extremities. A friend rushed him to the hospital where Gabe rapidly started losing sensation in his limbs. Within the hour, he became completely paralyzed and unable to breathe on his own. The ER medical team diagnosed Gabe with Transverse Myelitis.
Gabe spent the next seven weeks in the ICU, battling a series of infections, before being transferred to the Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation in West Orange, NJ.
After months of grueling therapy, surgery and health complications, Gabe finally regained some use of his left arm and the ability to breathe on his own, but he remains confined to a wheelchair, unable to walk or take on the simple tasks others take for granted. He eventually was able to return home with his single mom Jamie, thanks to the efforts of caring community members who undertook the ongoing task of transforming the family house to fit his special needs.
Gabe has made tremendous progress over the last six years but he continues to face the overwhelming daily cost of health care and 24 hour/day personal home care which unfortunately remains largely uncovered by medical insurance or government assistance. As he continues to rebuild his life, he reluctantly comes to you to ask for your help to meet these expenses.
Finding normalcy in a world built for the independently mobile isn’t always easy, but with everyone’s support, Gabe is forging ahead. He is currently working for two Public Relations firms that specialize in Corporate Social Responsibility, providing Social Media strategy and implementation.
The high cost of Gabe’s ongoing health and personal care is well beyond the ordinary and would tax anyone’s resolve if it weren’t for the generosity of donors like you. Gabe has chosen to fundraise through Help Hope Live to provide both tax-deductibility and fiscal accountability to contributors. You can be sure your donation will be used to pay or reimburse expenses related to his medical condition.
To share Gabe’s story with others in your community who might wish to learn about his campaign, see the sharing options at the top of this page.
Since that September day, Gabe’s resolve and generous character have inspired everyone who has gotten to know him. Join our Facebook page to stay updated on Gabe’s progress.
Thanks for your support!
My name is Gabriel Chesman and I really appreciate your taking a few minutes to read my story. Of course, some of you know me, but for those of you who do not, let me tell you a little about myself.
In September of 2007, I was entering my fourth year at Drexel University: I had just moved into my first apartment with some friends, I was doing well in school, I was an avid soccer player, and I played guitar in a band. At 21, my whole life was ahead of me. Then, in one instant, all this was abruptly taken away by a still-unexplained spinal cord stroke that has left me quadriplegic. Life has never been the same.
Throughout the past 16 years, life as a quadriplegic has been quite a journey. Many of you have been part of that journey -- from the long weeks in the ICU when I was intubated and on a feeding tube, through the endless months of rehab, working to regain as much of my limited functionality as possible and through the transformation of my mother Jamie’s home to make it an accessible environment for someone in my condition. Through the many ups and downs, in both actions and financial donations, so many of you were there to help me move forward and I am forever grateful.
But perhaps the greatest gift I would receive in these early years was the gift of independence – a wheelchair accessible van.
My van was not just essential for getting to medical appointments and physical therapy; it has allowed me to go out into the world, to meet friends and make new connections, and eventually, it allowed me to move across the country to Vancouver which is now my home.
Today, my van is vital to go to university and to work outside of the house. It has allowed me to go out and enjoy local events and activities, to thrive and have a fulfilling social life, to take part in Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) related events and to support newly injured folks. But after 16 years of loyal service, my van needs to be retired. I am reaching out to request your help funding a replacement van which is essential to allow me to continue living a full and independent life.
Some of you may know that I worked for a non-profit that helps individuals with spinal cord injuries adjust and thrive. It was extremely rewarding, and I met some incredible people. During COVID, I took the opportunity to build on my education. After 2 years of taking classes online, I have been able to return to the university in person to finish my college degree. I can’t convey just how thrilling it is to be back at school and connect with my peers and professors. More than just a vehicle, my van has made it possible for me to play an active role in my community, connect personally with SCI folks to share my experience, and get to explore a bit of the world beyond Vancouver.
I humbly come to you to ask for your help to fund the purchase of a new accessible van and keep me going along this road.
All contributions to my campaign at HelpHopeLive, an accredited 501 3 (c) charitable organization, are tax deductible and the funds will be used only for my van, or other medical expenses that are not covered by insurance.
Thank you. Gabriel.
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Gabe is an Inspiration
Kevin Lynch
Gabe, you are an exceptional individual. Your accomplishments continue to demonstrate to everyone just how special you are. You have never disappointed me, proud of you for eternity. Love you
With love from the Clark Family! Keep up the positive energy Chesman Family - the world is a better place because of you!!
Ryan Clark
May you continue to move forward in every possible way, Gabe!
Jonathan Mandell
A blast from the past, remembering your co-op at Duane Morris working with all that data, so much fun! All the best Gabe.
Theresa Garcia
@JamieChesman this is only my "test" for the company matching ... more $$$ to come :)
Debra Heil
Hi Gabe!
I am on it! Sending a big hug your way...
Mary Ellen Insalaco Garofalo
Across the miles, we love you and support you Gabe!
Ted Tolles
Best wishes, Gabe!
Andrew Karter
Gabe, you got this!
Hope your able to achieve the goal soon.
Mariano Harari
Camp Takajo does it again. Good luck Gabe.
Dan Zenkel
Sending you good wishes Takajo brother.
David Meyerson
All our love. Rachel Penniman and Bryan Andregg
Rachel Penniman
Miss you Gabe! You are still such an inspiration on how to live right & make a positive impact.
Jeff Johnson
Gabe - Hoping you reach your goal soon! XO. Suzanne
Suzanne Madore
wishing you well, Gabe! go dragons.
Brittney Mckeever
Good luck, Gabe! I hope you hit your goal.
Amy Shepherd
Wishing you, Gabe, and your family, the very best of everything always!
Steven and Jane Kimmel
Jane Kimmel
Wishing you all the love and support you need Gabe! You are awesome and an inspiration to us all!
Susan Milne
Sending love.
Andy and Jen Gill
Andy Gill
All the best from Hank and Jane
Jane Martin-Fortin
The Camp Takajo family joins me in sending love and support to Gabe
Jeff Konigsberg
Good luck to our friend Gabe Chesman.
Barbara and Robert Rosenberg
I hope that this contribution is helpful.
Lee Schiller
I hope that this contribution helps you to meet your goal!
Dana Schiller
Hang in there Gabe. You are an inspiration!
James Waller
Your resilience in facing all the challenges life has thrown at you is inspiring. Enjoy the new van.
Carolyn & Tom Mulligan
I hope this contribution helps you in some way. Keep up the good work.
Diana Bridges
Gabe, I hope this donation helps you get to your goal of keeping your independence and mobility by being able to purchase a new van.
Ava Diamond
Gabe, I have known you since your wonderful birth. I am so very proud of all you have accomplished. You will always be in my families heart.
Dave and Char Penniman
Char Penniman
Bonnie Lauton
Love you, Gabe
Kara Penniman
Love ya Gabe! Looking forward to seeing you rolling with the homies again soon.
Alex Gelman
Hey Gabe, my name is Stefhon Brown. Not sure if you remember me. It has been 19 years since graduating from high school. You look great and you have not aged one bit. I have read your story and I thought I could help out in efforts to achieve your goal. I hope all is well and I hope to see you again one day my friend... God bless!!!
Stefhom Brown
You were an angel in one of the worst moments in my life; and changed it forever, I hope everything is going to be better than now, thanks for everything, hope to see you again pal, I miss you
Aristoteles Huerta
I remember you Gabe as a classmate of Ryan’s! (O’Sullivan)
Like a phoenix, you will rise.
Julie Jenner Pouliot
You are unstoppable, Gabe!
Nikki Griffiths
From Rachel, Meridyth, and the rest of the Orners
Richard Orner
Beep beep - love you buddy
Maria Bennett
Best of luck! We miss you. Cat&Chris
Cat Dyson
Hi Gabe! I'm sorry I couldn't be at the Wine Tasting event Saturday night. I am a friend of your mother from TBJ and I love you since I love her! I'm sending all my best wishes to you and visualizing like crazy your continuing recovery! xoxo
Susan Fein, Livingston, NJ
Your mom tells me great things are happening in your world... Keep up the great work, you are inspirational to many of us. All the best!
Sandy and Cindy McWilliams
Sandy and Cindy McWilliams
Dear Gabe
This holiday we decided to send a check to NTAF in your name instead of buying Christmas gifts. The whole family is doing this.
All our love sweet Gabe
Dave,Char,Kara,Rachel,John,Erin Penniman
Dear Gabe,
I'm thinking of you and your family. My prayers are with you.
Colleen Katzman, Norwood, NJ
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Gabe Chesman
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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