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Nico’s road to recovery has been slow but promising. Since he returned home, Nico’s health has stabilized, allowing him to complete his high school career with the rest of his class. He has regained some movement in his arms and shoulders, and is experiencing increased sensation in his extremities. Nico has learned to maneuver his electric wheelchair with a joystick, has become proficient in Dragon Speak (speech recognition software), can comfortably use the “standing frame” for an hour(+) at a time, is involved with the peer-mentoring program at Magee Rehabilitation, and is even is even studying independently across the country at UC Berkeley. And amazingly, to help secure his hold on life, Nico has been able to wean himself off of the ventilator full-time!
As great as his achievements in the last years have been, he still requires attendant care and a lot more assistance with everyday things than he would like. His road to recovery still stretches very long, but the great news is he’s moving forward on it.
According to the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, the average expenses for a person who has sustained an injury like Nico’s is over $700,000 in the first year alone, not to mention the rest of his life. Many critical expenses will not be covered by insurance. When you consider medical inflation and Nico’s young age, these costs will escalate even further.
We ask that you please consider a contribution to Nico’s recovery. Contributions to this campaign will be used only for Nico’s injury-related expenses. All contributions made to HelpHOPELive in Nico’s honor are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. If, God willing, Nico has a full recovery and the money can no longer be used to its fullest capabilities, they will go toward HelpHOPELive’s valuable work on behalf of catastrophic injury patients. Many businesses offer matching gifts to non-profits, so please check to see if your employer participates. The gift you give will help Nico on his journey towards healing and independence.
Please click on the Donate Now button or call 800-642-8399 to make a credit card contribution or use the instructions in the blue box to mail a check.
Dear George, Audrey & Nico - It has been ages since we talked George, but as a childhood SCI survivor myself, my best wishes are with Nico & your family for a bright future. Right now I'm sure that it looks like the white water goes on forever, but at some point the waters will get calmer, you just have to keep paddling with that in mind.
Dave Price, GSB '87, Brentwood, TN
Nico, Our good friend, Jeff Harris, has encountered many of the same challenges you face now and hopefully can be a resource to you in your recovery. (We have mentioned you to him.) Meanwhile, you are in our prayers and we are pleased to have the opportunity to support you in this small way. God bless you. The Bucks
The Buck Family / Bryn Mawr, PA
Our message is one of hope for a great recovery. We think of you everyday, Nico.
Tony and Linda Parrotto/ West Conshohocken, PA
Dear Clothier Family,
Our dear friend Frank Gannon just passed away and his wishes were that donations be made to NTAF in his memory for Nico.We have done that and are praying that Nico will make a full recovery. We thank Helen and Frank for alerting us to Nico's plight.
Tunia and Bill Hyland, Santa Fe,NM
Nico, George, and Clothiers,
We are sorry to hear about your accident, but we have you in our prayers -- and we have confidence that Nico will be able to get much, much better. It was good to see the picture of Nico sitting in his wheelchair.
Bill and Kate Duhamel, Corte Madera, CA
Dear Clothiers,
Please know that every Sunday, Nico is offered up in our weekly prayer requests at Doylestown Presbyterian Church.
Carole Ermold
Dear Clothier Family: I finally figured out how to do this computer message thing. Sorry it has taken me so long to "get with it". I think anyone born before 1950 is technologically challenged - but we try. Your courage is amazing and we trust that Nico will come through this. You are loved. Mary+
The Rev. Mary E. Laney, St. Christopher's
Nico: The folks at St. Christopher's are praying for you every day. We miss you very much and look forward to the day when you will have to listen to one of my boring sermons. Rev. Mary Laney
Rev. Mary Laney/St. Christopher'sChurch
Nico, we miss you so much at school. I think about you all the time, and I hope you know how much everyone at school cares about you.
With Love,
Jessie Rohrer
Friends Central School
hope, patience, faith, optimism, and love will continue to foster miracles. love and prayers to you always.
Tony Caner/Barrington, Rhode Island
Dear Clothier Family, Know that people are praying for you all over the world. Hang in there.
The Spar Family/London, England
Dear Clothier Family - We wish you much strength, love, and compassion in dealing with and supporting Nico's recovery. The Morris Family.
Chip Morris
Dear Audrey, George and especially Nico,
We have you in our prayers and send you lots of love,
Pamela and Fred Jacobs
Pamela Jacobs
Dear Nico, George, Audrey, Cristian and Alec,
It meant a lot to Jibreel, Rory and Emily and me to visit yesterday. As I hold you and your family in the light, please know how much you have touched us, and how much strength and love and healing we wish for you in 2010.
Eve Troutt Powell, Germantown, PA
To the Clothier Family - you all have been in our thoughts and prayers from when we first heard. In following Nico's progress we do our best not to take anything for granted and pray for your whole family to find strength and peace. Warmly - Keith Van Keuren and family.
Bob and Donna Heyduk (Keith Van Keuren)
Clothier Family - our children(Matt '08; Suzy '13 and Lisa '15) are students at FCS and know Nico. Matt and Suzy are both very involved in the soccer program at school. I too have been following your family's journey through the website and wish you strength and peace in the new year. During the service at our synagogue there is prayer for healing that is said. I often add Nico's name in the hope of aiding the healing of his body and spirit. Our best wishes for the holiday season and the new year.
Ellan and Len Bernstein/Merion, PA
Audrey and George,
Thinking about all of you during this holiday season. We wanted to send our positive healing vibes Nico's way. Love, Nathanael, Stacy, Elory and Elias
Nathanael and Stacy/Laguna Beach, CA
To Audrey, George, Nico, Alec and Christian- Our son Austin has been riding the Haverford Township bus home from FCS with your boys since Kindergarten. He called your boys "the triplets" until about 3rd grade. I have been following your journey on line and have wanted to reach out for some time. My mother, Austin's grandmother, suffered a catastophic stroke in 2001 and the first few months for us, and for her, were much as you describe in your updates. We were very much in the "now/today" and that is how it goes-one day at a time. Watching the miracles unfold and the milestones occur provides the fuel to keep them coming. We live nearby and will be looking for additional ways to help you and your family along this journey. My thoughts have been with you and Nico every day. Have a wonderful family holiday. Fran, Rob and Austin Margulies
The Margulies Family, Havertown, PA
Rita and I think of you and your family often. Our prayers are with you.
Sandy Reichlin/[email protected]
Emily and I pray every day for you to find the strength you need to fight back! Let all of the love around you help you to find that place inside where amazing things begin.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, Nico, and they will continue to be until you are back where you want to be...
Sherri and Emily Pillet
The Pillets/Neighbors
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Nico Clothier
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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