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Ed Colbert is a friend of mine. He is married to my cousin Rosemary, lucky man that he is. 🙂 But Ed and Rosemary desperately need our help, and quickly.

This is a life and death situation. Literally. Ed’s very survival is hanging in the balance.

Updates (4)

January 16, 2015

I went to my lung doctor today and took a breathing test.I am not doing very well at the moment. 1/15/2015 I am going to the hospital end of

Jan. to take all the tests to make sure I am ready for a transplant. I want to thank everyone who has donated. I start rehab 1/20/2015 to get ready for lung transplant.

December 18, 2014

I am home resting after a few days in hospital. Seems I had pneumonia and Diastolic Dysfunction of the heart, which made my legs and feet,along with my hands swell up like the dough boy . Had a follow-up today with my lung doctor and she says everything looks better !! I just want to THANK EVERYONE THAT HAS GIVEN OR GOING TO GIVE ! AMEN

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March 30, 2012

Just donated $100 for you. I wish I could do more. Please reply via e-mail or phone that you get credit for this towards your goal. Our prayers are with you.
Love, Gary Sr & Donna Ouellette

Gary Sr & Donna Ouellette

March 30, 2012

I just want to thank you for donation and prayers. May God be with you.

edward colbert

March 28, 2012

I love you daddy!

melissa colbert