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On March 9, 2011, Matt Collura suffered a traumatic brain injury in a snowboarding accident. As he gradually awoke from his coma and began a long, challenging road to recovery, his friends and family said “If anyone can make it through this, it’s Matt.”
And they were right. Over the past 8+ years the same dedication that drove his 4 1/2 minute mile time in high school track and helped him survive rigorous academic programs at Boston College and in the NJIT master’s program for architecture, has driven his remarkable recovery.
Some of Matt’s wonderful accomplishments over the last year include:
Walking with minimal assistance and even taking a step on his own
Walking with a walker
Ascending and descending stairs with little or no assistance
Transferring from wheelchair to car, couch and bed with no assistance
Speaking on the phone clearly
Reading a poem he wrote at Bancroft Unplugged
Walking over one mile, with minimal assistance, on his treadmill
Logging over 40 minutes at a clip on his “Physio-Step”
Riding his recumbent bicycle for the entire 5K course last October
Recently, Matt made a huge step toward independence by moving out of his parent’s house and into a group home in Plainsboro.
Although he has come so far, there is still a long road ahead of him. While Matt continues to push himself to achieve, just as he always has, his family and friends are raising money to help cover the cost of uninsured medical expenses associated with his catastrophic injury.
In order to do this Matt, his family, and friends have organized the Matt Collura 5K Run/Walk and BBQ. The first MC5K took place in October 2011 and was followed by a second and third. Building on the success of these three events, we are preparing for the fourth annual Matt Collura 5K.
Just a few of the expenses covered by the funds raised in the MC5K’s are:
Specialized exercise equipment like the Physio-Step recumbent elliptical, standing frame, mat pad and recumbent bicycle.
Private at-home physical therapy, which has been essential to his continued progress.
Medical expenses not covered by insurance.
Rental for the stair lift he uses to get up to his bedroom. We look forward to removing that lift soon.
The MC5K is much more than simply a fundraiser. It is:
1.-A chance for serious runners to test themselves against some of the best runners from the area.
2.-An opportunity to get together with friends and family for a fun-filled day and enjoy a great walk through the park.
3.-A BBQ feast prepared by some the area’s finest BBQ chefs
4.-An event which inspires all who attend.
5.-And most importantly, it is a chance for you to participate in a day that Matt refers to as his best day of the year. The love and support of friends and family will help to motivate Matt through another year of recovery.
So mark your calendar for a day of fun, great food, getting fit and feeling great!
This year’s MC5K will take place on Sunday, October 12th. Save the date!
To register go to http://bit.ly/MC5Kfour Also note, sponsorships and group registrations are available. (Last year we had nearly 600 registrants) If you are interested in or have questions about being a sponsor please contact Tony Collura ([email protected] or 732-513-2628), Marian Bossard ([email protected])
If you can’t make it to the MC5K and want to make a contribution to his recovery efforts, Matt has chosen Help Hope Live (The Leader in Fundraising Assistance and Support for Transplant and Catastrophic Injury) as his fundraising partner. He has chosen them in part because Help Hope Live provides both tax-deductibility to the full extent allowed by law and fiscal accountability to contributors
All funds raised can only be used to pay or reimburse medically related expenses.
9th Annual Matt Collura 5K RUN/WALK & BBQ
Sun, October 20, 2019
10:30 AM EDT
Register at mattcollura5k.com
7th Annual Matt Collura 5K is set for October 8th. Just go to mattcollura5k.com to register.
Register for the 2016 event at mattcollura5k.com
Check out some of the photos from the 2015 5K
Perfect Day!!!
Two videos of Matt!
Check out the new additions in Matt's photo albums on the bottom of the page. We added pictures from last year's 5K and his new digs.
Matt playing Wii bowling:
Matt walking with his physical therapist:
Matt reading a poem he wrote for Bancroft Unplugged:
Matt walking with distant supervision.
News 12 NJ coverage of our 5K!
NEW: 5K article in the Monroe Sentinel!
MONROE: Thompson Park race to celebrate strength
DATE POSTED: Friday, August 12, 2011 7:06 AM EDT
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TC: Glad to make a donation. Bill D
** IF you have 2 XL shirts - much appreciated .
William Dybas
So very sorry that Covid 19 has put the brakes on race this year. I promise you, that once I receive my tee shirt in Nov. I WILL do a 5k for you!
Peg Perry
To all of you facing the most difficilt challenges please keep the hope and keep smiling. This donation is in loving memory of my husband Marty who refused let ALS take the smile from his face, the love from his heart or the courage from his soul. You are stronger than you know. God Bless.
Debra Kaufhold
So sorry we can't make the race. Thinking of you all and hope it is an amazing success. Much love, The Vanni Family
Lisa Vanni
I'm sorry I can't attend this year, but I am always rooting for you and love watching you continue to progress. Go Matt Go!
Nicole Hankers
Keep up the great work Matt
mark piccirillo
Sorry that i will be unable to make the walk this year please accept my donation, and keep up the great work.
Dr mark A. Piccirillo
So sorry I can't make it this year as I'm down in Florida now. I will be rooting for you to once again defy the odds, achieve your goals and amaze everyone with your accomplishments.
Diane Davis
Hi Matt,
Sorry we are unable to attend your 5k Walk. We have made a contribution to your fundraiser at the HelpHopeLive website.
We wish you the best and continued success with your recovery.
Jon & Gerry Caparotta
Hi Matt,
Sorry we will be unable attend this years walk. We have made a contribution to your fundraiser. Wish you the best for continued success in your recovery.
Jon & Gerry Caparotta
Jon Caparotta
Dear Matt! I am a former colleague of your father. I am praying for you and your family. God bless you always and praying earnestly for your total healing and recovery.
Anna Ronquillo/Monroe NJ
Never give up the fight Matt! Time heals the brain and your life will continue to florish. My son suffered a TBI in 2004 and he is a living miracle. His story, like yours is amazing and he continues to improve each and every day. He wasn't supposed to live thru the night and it's 8 years post injury and he's come so far. Your story is inspiring and we will continue to pray for your recovery. God Bless!
Phyllis Stappert, Jackson, NJ
hi, my son's were both your mom's students at barclay brook, your mom is an amazing teacher and person and i'm sure you are too. i pray for you to have the strength to be able to get back to your life as you knew it. stay strong, keep on proving everyone wrong and god bless!
jennifer thompson, monore, nj
Hey Doggy! You know I will always be here for you and your family no matter what! My ATA school heard about this and were immediately on board!! We will be there in numbers supporting you! Love you!
Tony O and ATA family
We're in...
Zach and Kim
Love you, keep it up, see you soon!
Keep up the good work! See you at home very soon
Mr B
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Matt Collura
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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