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After many years on the transplant list, our wonderful sister, Laraine Crawford, received her liver transplant February 7, 2014.

It’s impossible to fully express how grateful she is to her donor and her donor’s family for the gift of life they have given her. Although she has not had the honor of meeting her donor family, they are in her thoughts and prayers every day. Laraine considers her transplant date to be a re-birthday for her. She cherishes her opportunity for her new life with a fully functioning liver. She is one of the most compassionate people most of us have ever met, radiating that love and compassion out into the world and always doing what she can to help others in spite of her physical and financial constraints. She is a particular gift to elderly friends and neighbors in her caring interactions with them.
One of the biggest challenges for Laraine’s bright light shining in her grateful post-transplant life are the ongoing medical expenses, including prescription co-pays. This is where your help is needed.
Help Hope Live is a nonprofit organization that has provided fundraising assistance to the transplant community for over 30 years. All donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law and funds are administered by Help Hope Live. Please consider making a contribution today on behalf of Laraine Crawford. Thank you! Your donation will be received with gratitude and love by Laraine.
