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Hello friends!

I am writing to ask for your help. In December 2009 my life with my husband Sam and 8-month-old daughter Ruby was changed forever. After an E-Coli infection, I developed a life-threatening blood disorder called TTP-HUS. Thinking I had a routine infection, imagine my surprise when I remained in the ICU for over three weeks. TTP-HUS is triggered by the body’s immune response to the infection, and causes the platelets in blood to shred and spread clots throughout the body. Often these clots travel to the brain and kidneys. In my case, these clots caused my kidneys to fail.

Updates (6)

April 6, 2019

I am very lucky to have received an amazing kidney on 2/1/2012! My transplant has given me the ability to be a mama to Ruby, to hike with my family, cook with my friends, have days out thrifting with my mom, be an OT, and snuggle with my sweet dogs. However, Immunosuppression and all the extra medicines to keep my kidney healthy have their own side-effects. The past couple of years I have been frequently side-lined with viral illnesses, fractures, surgery, delayed healing, and a bit of diva AV fistula. Despite working my dream job, I discovered that traveling with FT hours was not the best fit for me. It took a few trips to the hospital and many missed days of work and quality time with family to sink in. With much encouragement from my loved ones, I reduced my work hours and turned my attention to getting and staying well. I am definitely not there, YET. But I am counting all the small victories. Most weeks, I am able to work with a few clients and keep myself well-ish. The many post-transplant expenses have been increasingly more difficult to cover. This is why I am reaching out for help with HelpHopeLive. We will be posting some fun fundraisers soon! Thank you for your support!

November 2, 2017

It has been a long time since I've posted. Thankfully, I have been busy since my transplant on 2/1/2012. I finally started my dream career as an Occupational Therapist a year ago, celebrated many birthdays with Ruby, Sam, family, and friends. I am forever grateful for all the people that made my transplant possible. These past few months have been full of health challenges. I have temporarily stopped working to focus on my wellness and spending time with my friends and family. I am currently being seen at the Mayo Clinic this week in hopes of discovering some answers and a game plan to get back to living. We appreciate any prayers, kind thoughts, and loving support. Thank you!

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