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Krizinne Cross
HelpHOPELive Midwest/West Heart Transplant Fund
Friday August 13, 2010 Krizinne received a gracious gift of life. Krizinne will remain close to the hospital for six months post surgery then return to Wyoming to get on with her life! The profile pic was taken enroute to the hospital not long after receiving the call. Krizinne’s life has been transformed. Thank you for your support and heartfelt gifts for the love of life!


August 27, 2008

Dear Krizinne, We never ever thought your wait would be this long. You are teaching a lot of us a lot about patience and how to endure a long wait. Our nightly prayers are that your new heart will become available very soon, but we know that God''s time is not like ours. Please know that you are daily in our thoughts. God Bless You.

Great Aunt Romaine Whetstone - Van Wert OH

March 18, 2008


Home is where the heart is. As of February 2008, Krizinne Cross from Dubois, Wyoming, ie: the “Girl with the Big Heart” has moved and is temporarily at home in Salt Lake City, Utah. She picked SLC for medical care due to world renowned Heart Transplant Specialists there. She waits for her pager to alert her to go to the hospital. The pager call could come any day now, to up to maybe a year from now.

Salt Lake will be Krizinne’s home base until her total recovery from her heart transplant. To remain at the top of the transplant list, she is tethered to no further than two hours from the hospital. When the pager sounds off, her priorities will be to place her twin two year old boys in trustworthy hands and get herself to the hospital. As of now, she is living a normal life as mother of two year olds.

Krizinne as well as family and friends are hopeful that when the pager goes off someone well known to Krizinne and the boyz be with her in Salt Lake and be able to 1) be at Krizinne’s side to be with her at the hospital, and 2) stay with the boyz in their apartment that they have comfortably adapted to. (In moving, the boyz did not miss their cribs, and are very fond of their new big boy toddler beds.)

Krizinne has found a “24/7 relief day care” just ten minutes from her apartment that offers a place for people with medical reasons or unsafe homes.

Plan A is to have a member of Team Krizinne with her at all times, but this may not possible. As back up Plan B, two year old Jasper and Colten could be cared for at either the 24/7 day care or by a SLC friend for the six hours that it takes for someone from “Team Krizinne” to make the drive from Dubois to Salt Lake to resume responsibility for the children.

Following the surgery, Krizinne will be hospital bound for at least a week to up to a month and is mentally preparing herself as hospitals are not where she would choose to be. Regardless of the hospital stay, Krizinne will remain in Salt Lake for about three months following the transplant to guarantee compatibility.

To know Krizinne is an honor. Being in Krizinne’s presence is a delight. The sun is always shining in her world. People including those who have known her since birth, as well as new acquaintances find her attitude and life story to be inspiring. Krizinne finds pleasure in the simplest aspects of daily living. Krizinne also has a talent to embrace the most challenging medical conditions with an appreciation of life, positive attitude and a strong will to live. When the time comes, the person who has pre-arranged to be an organ donor will be very proud where their heart now calls home.

If you are not already, would you like to be on Team Krizinne?
• Thank you for the prayers that keep Krizinne energized.
• Email [email protected] to receive an email when pager sounds the alert. Include your cell phone number to receive a very short text message when the pager goes off.
• If new friends in the Salt Lake area would be willing to personally respond to Krizinne, prior arrangements could be made to create a call list. “Team Krizinne” would be very considerate of days and times authorized and acceptable to call. (The pager call could come at anytime 24/7)

Amy Cross, Krizinne's mother February 2008

August 1, 2007

Dear Krizinne
I am a friend of your cousin Rhonda. She has shared with me your website and I wanted to let you know that I thinking of you and praying for you and your entire family.

Erika, Dayton, Ohio