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Tammy Harper was born with a serious heart defect that required open-heart-surgery at the young age of 4. Tammy remained stable until her late 30s when she started to retain fluid and had difficulty breathing. She was going into complete heart failure and needed several surgical interventions and medical procedures at that time. Her cardiologist discovered that Tammy would then need a pacemaker, but unfortunately that did not resolve Tammy’s heart condition, either. Tammy was getting sicker and sicker and her health continued to decline.

Tammy never recovered from her surgeries and eventually needed a defibrillator and a second pacemaker. She finally received the telephone call that would save her life and received a lifesaving heart transplant on May 21, 2015 at Denver University Hospital.

Updates (2)

May 20, 2016

Howdy all, believe it or not tomorrow will be Tammy's 1 year anniversary of receiving her new heart, her "2nd Birthday". We are so thankful for all the support and mainly prayers that y'all have been lifting up before the Lord. It's a great thing to have family and friends who are actually there to help when the need arises and sometimes that is a lot. Any Transplant is not a "One and Done" kind of thing, there are a plethora of tests, followup appointments and medication changes. It's a balancing act in which one has to be on board with. Fortunately Tammy has the best support staff at UCH Den. and family to help her through. Again for all of you who pray and have given THANK YOU!!!!!!! You're the BEST.

July 7, 2015

Tammy was released from the hospital on the 4th of July, her new Independence Day. That makes 168 days in the hospital. Doner dash, here she comes!

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