Emily Progin, PR & Social Media Coordinator
[email protected] / 800.642.8399
Release: Immediate
HICKORY, N.C.—On Saturday, August 18, enjoy a silent auction and community meal at Brookford Community Building (1700 S. Center Street) for a good cause. From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Hickory neighbors will gather to support Wade Perry, a local father and grandfather waiting for a lifesaving lung transplant.
63-year-old Wade was diagnosed with the lung disease idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in 2014. The shocking diagnosis immediately led to the need for Wade to join the lung transplant waiting list. Wade, a father of four and grandfather of five, grew up in Wilkes County and has worked in textiles for his entire life. As family members explain, Wade was “like the Energizer Bunny, always going and going,” but following the diagnosis, “Wade struggles to breathe and doesn’t have the energy to do the things he would like to do.”
Wade and his family started a fundraising campaign with the nonprofit Help Hope Live at helphopelive.org to assist with out-of-pocket transplant-related costs, which will include temporary relocation for Wade and a caregiver to Duke University Medical Center for the transplant. Post-transplant costs could present an even larger financial burden, with anti-rejection medications costing $20,000 or more per year.
Proceeds from the Brookford Community Building event on August 18 will be donated to Help Hope Live in honor of Wade Perry. Can’t make it? Donations can be made in honor of Wade at any time by calling Help Hope Live at 800.642.8399 or by visiting helphopelive.org. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law, and all funds raised will be used to offset medical expenses via Help Hope Live’s South-Atlantic Transplant Fund.
The Perry family would like to thank the generous community sponsors helping to make this fundraiser possible: AMF Colonial Lanes, Chili’s Grill & Bar, Bob Evans, Steve White Motors, Lindy’s Furniture Company, Moe’s, Dollywood Family Amusement Park, O’Charley’s, Reflections Furniture Gallery, and Hannah’s BBQ South.
Help Hope Live is a national nonprofit that specializes in engaging communities in fundraising campaigns for people who need a transplant or are affected by a catastrophic injury or illness. Since 1983, campaigns organized by Help Hope Live have raised over $131 million to pay patient expenses. ###
Written by Emily Progin