Are you a gamer, livestreamer, or content creator?
Good news: you can fundraise for a Help Hope Live campaign and integrate donations and alerts with your streams. Here’s how:
- Visit the charity streaming platform Tiltify: https://tiltify.com/
- Search for Help Hope Live
- Start your Tiltify campaign
- Add the name of the Help Hope Live client to the title of your campaign: “in honor of Client Name”
- Email your Client Services Coordinator or submit a Contact Us form with a link to the Tiltify page
- All donations made through that Tiltify page will come to Help Hope Live in honor of the client
- Tiltify integrates directly with your Twitch page for easy streaming and notifications
Important! Keep in mind that Tiltify charges an added fee for this service.
If you don’t want to use Tiltify, you can simply ask your viewers to go directly to the client’s Campaign Page on the Help Hope Live website to make a donation. You just won’t have access to any special stream alerts or notifications for donations made while you’re live.
No matter which option you choose, we can provide you with tips for communication with your audience.
Tips for Success
Charity streams are a great way for some campaigns to raise funds and awareness, but they aren’t the perfect fit for every client. Before you dive in, consider these helpful tips from our team.
Tag us when you promote your stream! You can tag us @helphopeliveorg on all platforms. We’ll re-share your fundraising content or Tiltify campaign whenever we can!
Think about your audience. Do you already have plenty of followers and friends who will tune in? If not, you might want to broaden your audience and increase your follower count before you plan a charity stream for maximum impact.
Be prepared to answer questions. Most charity streams will include new viewers who will want to learn more about Help Hope Live. Make sure you feel comfortable talking about where donations go and how—if you’re not sure, email your Client Services Coordinator or use our Contact Us form so we can help.
Set a realistic goal. Only you can estimate how much your stream can raise for charity. When in doubt, start with a low goal: it’s a better experience for viewers when your stream smashes through a low goal than when it falls short of a larger one.
Remember that sharing can be as impactful as donating. Shares and support can go a long way towards introducing new people to a particular cause or fundraising campaign. Always be sure to thank and encourage followers who help you spread the word in addition to acknowledging the generous individuals who make donations.
If you don’t understand our directions or run into any issues along the way, submit a Contact Us form and we’ll get right back to you.
Need Stream Assets or Logos?
If you reach out to your Client Services Coordinator or use our Contact Us form, we can provide you with the Help Hope Live or Help Hope Live Gaming logos to use on your stream.
Join Us on Discord and Social Media!
We love connecting with gamers and creators on social.
- Join our Help Hope Live Gaming Discord server: https://discord.gg/Hwz95Tg
- Follow @helphopegame on Twitter and @helphopeliveorg on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.