Julian and Ashton Laskowski

“Time is life.”
The family of 6-year-old Ashton Laskowski must nagivate day-to-day life carefully: even mild exposure to nuts can cause Ashton’s throat to close up within minutes.
Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening reaction, and his family recognizes that responding to it in time ensures Ashton continues to survive and thrive with this life-impacting allergy.
In addition to Ashton’s careful medical monitoring, the Laskowski family cares for the unique needs of their 4-year-old, Julian, who lives with autism, ADHD, and sensory processing diagnoses.
To keep Julian safe, his family must look out for signs of self-harm or other destructive behaviors, such as attempting to leave home on his own.
“It’s a packed household, but the next member could make the difference between safety and tragedy.”
The Laskowskis realized one medical investment could help both of the boys stay safe: a service dog.
Neither parent’s insurance will cover the cost, despite the fact that a trained service dog could save Ashton or Julian’s life.
To help make the $25,000 cost feasible, the Laskowskis started a fundraising campaign with Help Hope Live.
“I’ve seen very powerful things occur in these relationships. It’s a very deep connection.”
The right companion could not just sniff out life-threatening food exposure sources for Ashton but also provide deep-pressure therapy to help calm Julian’s nervous system and response.
Currently, the Laskowksis must limit their involvement in the community and put a hold on everyday pleasures like going to the movies as a family – all out of fear of putting either child at risk. A service dog will change everything.
“These conditions can be so isolating for these kids. This could change their lives.”