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Touched by Transplant: Getting the Gift of Life During COVID-19

Father and grandfather Karl Black spent four years on dialysis struggling with fading energy and health challenges. The Black family began fundraising with Help Hope Live in February for significant out-of-pocket costs, including the $15,000 they were told to anticipate every year for the first three years of post-transplant expenses.

Karl’s wife, Mary, and daughter, HeatherJane, used his Campaign Page to document his wait for a kidney. In the process, they managed to capture one of the remarkable, hope-giving transplant journeys that unfolded in the midst of an international pandemic.

Click on a date below to read the Update for that day from Karl’s family.

February 14, 2020
March 20, 2020
March 30, 2020
March 31, 2020
April 1, 2020 (3:24 a.m.)
April 10, 2020 (Mary)
April 10, 2020 (Karl)
Written by Emily Progin