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Conjoined twins to be separated at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

A decorative newsprint graphic.

Lilly and Lucy Thomas

We are so grateful to the FOX-29 team here in Philadelphia for helping us to spread the word about fundraising efforts in honor of conjoined twins Lilly and Lucy Thomas through an interview with mom Kayla Thomas and our Client Services Coordinator Melanie Johnson.

“Our life has been turned upside-down.”

Two days before Mother’s Day of 2023, Kayla Thomas found out through an ultrasound report that her pregnancy would contain an unexpected twist: instead of one child, she was carrying conjoined twin girls.

“I dropped my phone. I had to go for a walk, do some research. It took me hours before I was comfortable even telling my husband the news.”

Kayla has two other girls – Lilly and Lucy’s big sisters, aged 12 and 2. She works full-time and commutes 220 miles multiple times per week to see her 11-month-old twin daughters as they receive ongoing care at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP).

A separation procedure is scheduled for October 30.

Despite all their medical challenges, Kayla says her girls are full of joy:

“Lilly and Lucy are just a joy to be around. Lucy is a little spitfire – a real go-getter. Lilly is more laid back. They are observant, inquisitive, and very happy.”

As Melanie explained, Kayla’s stepmother-in-law, Linda, found our nonprofit to start a medical fundraising campaign for the countless out-of-pocket costs associated with this challenging journey for Lilly, Lucy, and their family.

In addition to Kayla’s extensive medical travel to see her twins, the family is anticipating unknown costs in the future after Lilly and Lucy are separated. Those costs could include wheelchairs and medical devices for the twins if they require special support to stay healthy.

“It’s one of the things that get us through: having the support of the community. Our friends, our family, and people we don’t even know.”

Donations and messages of support came pouring in following the interview with Kayla and Melanie.

As Kayla explained, community support means more than just financial help to their family:

“It’s what keeps us going every day. It keeps that little bit of light inside of us.”

Written by Emily Progin