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Meet My Second Family

Liam Murray began volunteering with HelpHOPELive two years ago and has been a member of our board of directors for the past year.  He also serves on our Development Committee. We sat down with Liam to talk about what charitable giving means to him and his family.


Liam and his family enjoy the Radnor Hunt Races, a Kolff Society event

Why do you donate to HelpHOPELive? 

I donate because I love the mission. I love that the organization serves a very practical purpose at a point in a person’s life when they are most vulnerable. When someone is diagnosed with a life-changing illness or suffers a sudden catastrophic injury, the last thing they should have to worry about is who is going to pay for this.

I personally know three people who could have benefited from HelpHOPELive, but neither I nor they were aware it existed at the time. This organization is absolutely needed in communities around the country and making people aware of its existence is a personal mission of mine.

This is why I donate specifically to the unrestricted (general operating) fund and volunteer with the development committee to position more people to support HelpHOPELive to help us expand our reach even further.

What does charitable giving mean to you and your family (not just financially)?

Being able to donate means we are very lucky as a family. Life can change in an instant. Today I have the ability to give a little bit of time and money; tomorrow I may rely on others to donate that time and money to me or my family. We give while we can because you never know when you’ll be on the other end.

There is also something about being part of the organization to which you are giving which has deep meaning to me. I absolutely love the people at HelpHOPELive. They have welcomed me as if I were a member of the family, and that means a lot. My ideas, even the terrible ones, are considered and I’m asked my opinion all the time.

What do you hope to share with your children about charitable giving?

I hope to lead by example. I hope they understand how lucky they are to be in the position to give, and that it is both a privilege and a responsibility. It is also not something you do and forget about. I hope they see for themselves that it needs to be something that becomes part of your life so long as you are able.

Do you have any advice for first-time donors?

Every dollar you give, you get two back. Not sure why it works like that, but it does.

What if I don’t have a lot of money to give away? Can I still make an impact?

I might just suggest that there is power in community. When the HelpHOPELive Fundraising and Patient Services Team works on a new campaign, they don’t expect a single donor to give thousands of dollars, they know it takes a lot of small donations to reach their fundraising goals. Donate what you can, whether that is time or money and you will be surprised how far it can go. At least I have been!

The team at HelpHOPELive, across all departments, has a magical ability to take modest amounts of money and accomplish incredible things. I wouldn’t donate unless I had profound respect for the team putting my money to work for a good cause.


Liam with his wife, Ashley, and his daughter, Joee

Can you open your heart this year to help us provide meaningful fundraising assistance to thousands of families? Donate now at

Liam Murray began volunteering with HelpHOPELive two years ago and has been a member of our board of directors for the past year.  He also serves on our Development Committee. We sat down with Liam to talk about what charitable giving means to him and his family.

Liam and his family enjoy the Radnor Hunt Races, a Kolff Society event

Why do you donate to HelpHOPELive? 

I donate because I love the mission. I love that the organization serves a very practical purpose at a point in a person’s life when they are most vulnerable. When someone is diagnosed with a life-changing illness or suffers a sudden catastrophic injury, the last thing they should have to worry about is who is going to pay for this.

I personally know three people who could have benefited from HelpHOPELive, but neither I nor they were aware it existed at the time. This organization is absolutely needed in communities around the country and making people aware of its existence is a personal mission of mine.

This is why I donate specifically to the unrestricted (general operating) fund and volunteer with the development committee to position more people to support HelpHOPELive to help us expand our reach even further.

What does charitable giving mean to you and your family (not just financially)?

Being able to donate means we are very lucky as a family. Life can change in an instant. Today I have the ability to give a little bit of time and money; tomorrow I may rely on others to donate that time and money to me or my family. We give while we can because you never know when you’ll be on the other end.

There is also something about being part of the organization to which you are giving which has deep meaning to me. I absolutely love the people at HelpHOPELive. They have welcomed me as if I were a member of the family, and that means a lot. My ideas, even the terrible ones, are considered and I’m asked my opinion all the time.

What do you hope to share with your children about charitable giving?

I hope to lead by example. I hope they understand how lucky they are to be in the position to give, and that it is both a privilege and a responsibility. It is also not something you do and forget about. I hope they see for themselves that it needs to be something that becomes part of your life so long as you are able.

Do you have any advice for first-time donors?

Every dollar you give, you get two back. Not sure why it works like that, but it does.

What if I don’t have a lot of money to give away? Can I still make an impact?

I might just suggest that there is power in community. When the HelpHOPELive Fundraising and Patient Services Team works on a new campaign, they don’t expect a single donor to give thousands of dollars, they know it takes a lot of small donations to reach their fundraising goals. Donate what you can, whether that is time or money and you will be surprised how far it can go. At least I have been!

The team at HelpHOPELive, across all departments, has a magical ability to take modest amounts of money and accomplish incredible things. I wouldn’t donate unless I had profound respect for the team putting my money to work for a good cause.

Liam with his wife, Ashley, and his daughter, Joee

Can you open your heart this year to help us provide meaningful fundraising assistance to thousands of families? Donate now at

Written by Help Hope Live