In honor of National Donor Sabbath this week, here are a few ideas for how to engage your faith community in fundraising.
Spread Awareness With National Donor Sabbath
Between November 13 and November 15, faith communities across the country will celebrate National Donor Sabbath, a time to honor individuals who have saved lives through organ donation. It’s an opportunity for discussion and education: as Donate Life California notes, “ALL major religions support organ, eye and tissue donation, and believe it to be a final act of kindness and generosity.”

HelpHOPELive will be distributing free organ donor awareness materials to congregants at St. David’s Episcopal Church in our local Wayne, PA community this year. Consider asking your faith community to honor the occasion in 2016. Contact your HelpHOPELive Fundraising Coordinator to request awareness materials to help spread the word.
Showcase Ways To Make A Difference
Your place of worship may be an ideal location to bring people together to sign up to be bone marrow donors, blood donors or registered organ donors. These drives can raise awareness for a cause, inspire attendees to donate to your HelpHOPELive Campaign and create an opportunity to enlist community volunteers who may help you to promote your Campaign or plan future fundraising events.

Hold a bone marrow drive to raise awareness and support for your Campaign.
In 2010, HelpHOPELive client Vinodkumar Challagundla desperately needed a bone marrow transplant to fight myelofibrosis. His faith community came together to hold bone marrow drives across the country at which potential donors could submit their cheek swabs for compatibility testing. The community found overwhelming support for the initiatives: more than 15,000 people joined the National Marrow Donor Program registry through the drives, including the donor that would save his life.
Hold A Fundraiser
A place of worship can be a great venue for a fundraising event, from a post-service pancake breakfast to a community yard sale. If you are already involved with a faith community, contact your HelpHOPELive Fundraising Coordinator for event ideas that will suit the venue and audience.

Your place of worship could be a great location for a fundraising event.
If your faith community has a suitable concert area or holds a regular musical event, consider engaging faith leaders to help you plan a concert to fundraise for your Campaign. A faith-based community concert in honor of HelpHOPELive client Allen West Edgar attracted over 300 attendees and raised significant proceeds towards Allen’s kidney transplant. Allen even performed at the concert, showing attendees how much their support meant to him.
Engage A Volunteer Network
Some faith communities have a social service and outreach component built into their mission or their youth organizations. See if your place of worship would be willing to help you reach out to individuals who want to support your fundraising efforts in the name of their faith. HelpHOPELive client Ethan Kadish’s friends and family members engaged their faith community to support Ethan through two projects, a 5K event and a performance by a local youth band, that tied into service expectations for a coming-of-age religious ceremony.

Find enthusiastic volunteers through your faith community.
Want more fundraising tips and ideas? Reach out to your HelpHOPELive Fundraising Coordinator for support and browse our Blog for additional insights.
In honor of National Donor Sabbath this week, here are a few ideas for how to engage your faith community in fundraising.
Spread Awareness With National Donor Sabbath
Between November 13 and November 15, faith communities across the country will celebrate National Donor Sabbath, a time to honor individuals who have saved lives through organ donation. It’s an opportunity for discussion and education: as Donate Life California notes, “ALL major religions support organ, eye and tissue donation, and believe it to be a final act of kindness and generosity.”

HelpHOPELive will be distributing free organ donor awareness materials to congregants at St. David’s Episcopal Church in our local Wayne, PA community this year. Consider asking your faith community to honor the occasion in 2016. Contact your HelpHOPELive Fundraising Coordinator to request awareness materials to help spread the word.
Showcase Ways To Make A Difference
Your place of worship may be an ideal location to bring people together to sign up to be bone marrow donors, blood donors or registered organ donors. These drives can raise awareness for a cause, inspire attendees to donate to your HelpHOPELive Campaign and create an opportunity to enlist community volunteers who may help you to promote your Campaign or plan future fundraising events.

In 2010, HelpHOPELive client Vinodkumar Challagundla desperately needed a bone marrow transplant to fight myelofibrosis. His faith community came together to hold bone marrow drives across the country at which potential donors could submit their cheek swabs for compatibility testing. The community found overwhelming support for the initiatives: more than 15,000 people joined the National Marrow Donor Program registry through the drives, including the donor that would save his life.
Hold A Fundraiser
A place of worship can be a great venue for a fundraising event, from a post-service pancake breakfast to a community yard sale. If you are already involved with a faith community, contact your HelpHOPELive Fundraising Coordinator for event ideas that will suit the venue and audience.

If your faith community has a suitable concert area or holds a regular musical event, consider engaging faith leaders to help you plan a concert to fundraise for your Campaign. A faith-based community concert in honor of HelpHOPELive client Allen West Edgar attracted over 300 attendees and raised significant proceeds towards Allen’s kidney transplant. Allen even performed at the concert, showing attendees how much their support meant to him.
Engage A Volunteer Network
Some faith communities have a social service and outreach component built into their mission or their youth organizations. See if your place of worship would be willing to help you reach out to individuals who want to support your fundraising efforts in the name of their faith. HelpHOPELive client Ethan Kadish’s friends and family members engaged their faith community to support Ethan through two projects, a 5K event and a performance by a local youth band, that tied into service expectations for a coming-of-age religious ceremony.

Want more fundraising tips and ideas? Reach out to your HelpHOPELive Fundraising Coordinator for support and browse our Blog for additional insights.