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Your Next Selfie Can Make The World A Better Place

During the holiday season, it’s easy to get caught up in the hype and become fixated on shopping and spending. #GivingTuesday is meant to counteract those rampant indulgences by encouraging all of us to donate to worthy nonprofit causes.

What is an #UNselfie?

An #UNselfie is a picture of you showing how you support worthy causes during the holidays or all year round. An #UNselfie could explain why you support a particular cause, highlight your #GivingTuesday plans or even reveal a random act of kindness that you took part in this year.

Little by little, your #GivingTuesday actions and #UNselfies can help to perpetuate a massive movement that encourages all of us to give just a little bit more during the holiday season.

#UNselfie #GivingTuesday

You can also use your #UNselfie to highlight a HelpHOPELive Campaign that you support in order to gain traction for #GivingTuesday on December 1, when there are no credit card fees on all donations to HelpHOPELive Campaigns.

What does an #UNselfie look like?

Here are a few examples from our staff. Find additional #UNselfies on our Facebook page.

How can I join the movement?

You can join the #UNselfie movement in three easy steps:

  1. Download and print the #UNselfie template
  2. Write down an act of kindness, a charitable cause or a selfless wish for the holidays
  3. Share on social media with the tags #UNselfie and #GivingTuesday. Add #HelpHOPELive and #GiveHOPE if your #UNselfie involves a HelpHOPELive Campaign!

Visit our website for additional #GivingTuesday tips and suggestions.

During the holiday season, it’s easy to get caught up in the hype and become fixated on shopping and spending. #GivingTuesday is meant to counteract those rampant indulgences by encouraging all of us to donate to worthy nonprofit causes.

What is an #UNselfie?

An #UNselfie is a picture of you showing how you support worthy causes during the holidays or all year round. An #UNselfie could explain why you support a particular cause, highlight your #GivingTuesday plans or even reveal a random act of kindness that you took part in this year.

Little by little, your #GivingTuesday actions and #UNselfies can help to perpetuate a massive movement that encourages all of us to give just a little bit more during the holiday season.

#UNselfie #GivingTuesday#UNselfie #GivingTuesday

You can also use your #UNselfie to highlight a HelpHOPELive Campaign that you support in order to gain traction for #GivingTuesday on December 1, when there are no credit card fees on all donations to HelpHOPELive Campaigns.

What does an #UNselfie look like?

Here are a few examples from our staff. Find additional #UNselfies on our Facebook page.

How can I join the movement?

You can join the #UNselfie movement in three easy steps:

  1. Download and print the #UNselfie template
  2. Write down an act of kindness, a charitable cause or a selfless wish for the holidays
  3. Share on social media with the tags #UNselfie and #GivingTuesday. Add #HelpHOPELive and #GiveHOPE if your #UNselfie involves a HelpHOPELive Campaign!

Visit our website for additional #GivingTuesday tips and suggestions.

Written by Help Hope Live