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What to Do After GivingTuesday

Are you wondering what to do now that GivingTuesday is over? In this blog post, you’ll find answers to common GivingTuesday questions and tips on how to follow up with your community right now.  

If you don’t see an answer to your question here, reach out to your Client Services Coordinator for help.  

FAQs About GivingTuesday 2021

Did I get a Facebook/Meta match?
Should I stop posting my flyer and social media frame?
When will GivingTuesday funds arrive from Facebook?
Should I end my Facebook Fundraiser?

How to Follow Up After GivingTuesday

Learn what you should do right now to make the most of the generous spirit of GivingTuesday now that November 30 is behind us.  

First, Say Thank You!

Share a heartfelt message of thanks with your community and followers. We recommend sharing your message of thanks on all your social media platforms and on your Facebook Fundraiser if you created one. If possible, include a new photo of you—or consider recording a short video thank-you message! 

If you need a little inspiration, answer these questions in your message:

  • Fill in the blank: When I think about the support I received this year on GivingTuesday, I feel… 
  • How will donations in my honor on GivingTuesday make an impact on my wellbeing and health?  
  • Is my community’s support also important to my emotional wellbeing? Why?  
  • Did anything surprise me about GivingTuesday this year?  
  • If someone was not able to donate on GivingTuesday, what can they do to help me in December and beyond?  

Remember to thank not only individuals who donated but also anyone who liked, shared, or commented on your GivingTuesday posts. Their actions increased the reach of your campaign this year—let them know they made a difference even if they couldn’t donate. 

Here’s a sample post from our GivingTuesday Toolkit:

Sample Thank-You Post

I am blown away by all the encouragement and support that I received on GivingTuesday this year! Thanks to you, I am closer than ever to my goal of raising X dollars to help offset the cost of life-changing medical supplies and services, including X, Y, and Z.

Your support gives me hope for the future. THANK YOU!

If you’d like to stay involved in my fundraising efforts with Help Hope Live, reach out to me. Your help is greatly appreciated! #helphopelive #GivingTuesday @helphopeliveorg

Record Your Feedback

How successful was your GivingTuesday campaign this year? GivingTuesday 2022 will be here before we know it, and it’s easy to lose sight of some of the strategies that made this year’s efforts effective. 

We recommend that you take a few minutes to write down some of your feedback about GivingTuesday and how it impacted your fundraising campaign.  

Which strategies worked well? Which didn’t work as well as you’d hoped? What would you like to do differently next year? Do you wish you had started GivingTuesday preparations a little earlier in the year? What’s one new fundraising pathway you’d like to plan for next year—whether it’s video updates, securing a matching donation opportunity, or planning an in-person or virtual fundraiser?  

Once you have a few ideas written down, share them with your Client Services Coordinator.  

Your Coordinator can record your feedback from this year’s GivingTuesday and set a reminder to reach out to you next year a few months before GivingTuesday so you can implement some of your feedback and make it the most successful day of giving possible.  

Written by Emily Progin