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Help Hope Live on the Wheel With It Podcast

“Most pieces of equipment are in the thousands if not the tens of thousands [of dollars].”

We’re always grateful when we’re invited to share what we do with a new audience – and last month, on the Wheel With It podcast, we got to do just that.

Sonny Mullen, our Director of Outreach, shared a 20-minute conversation with host Devon Wieters about medical fundraising and the disability community.

Devon delves into what we do and also shares some of her own firsthand struggles with financial barriers, high equipment costs, and asset-based income caps.

In turn, Sonny shares a few Help Hope Live fundraising success stories – including Patrice Jetter – and explains why success can look different for every fundraising campaign and client.

While we’re not Medicaid experts, we couldn’t agree more with Devon that asset-based limits for these kinds of programs are often “confusing and ridiculous” – and we’re glad to at least be a part of a temporary solution until these programs succeed in providing truly equitable support for all.

Written by Emily Progin