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Mackenzie is a vibrant, sassy and fun loving 16 year old living with a rare form of muscular dystrophy. She has been non-ambulatory since birth. Mackenzie would like to learn how to drive. Because of her disability, driving schools here in the valley will not accept her as a student. Adaptive driving schools are available- but they are very expensive. An adaptive driver assessment is $450, after that it is $150 per hour with a minimum required 30 hours of training. Almost $5000 to ensure Mackenzie can safely drive on the road!

Mackenzie is an active member and representative of the Arizona MDA. She is a member of her school’s National Honor Society, and volunteers her time after school to help clean the campus and tutor other students. Mackenzie ended her sophomore year with a weighted 4.1 GPA and as president of her schools Amnesty club. Donations to Help Hope Live in Mackenzie’s honor will help her fund driving school. No amount is too small to help! Please share her campaign with friends and family. Thank you so much for your support!

Updates (3)

December 15, 2020

We wanted to say thank you for all the overwhelming love and support from friends, family, and even strangers! After raising almost half of our goal,. we went ahead and ordered the seat from Braun in the summer of 2020. After lots of back and forth due to COVID, we made the decision to save all funds raised in the hopes of eventually purchasing a wheelchair accessible van, so that if and when Mackenzie is able to drive- she can truly have the independence she deserves. We are so thankful for being able to share Mackenzie's story and will update as soon as we have some good news!!!

May 6, 2020

Please take a look at Mackenzie's article and video on The Copper Courier!

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May 11, 2020

Michael Swarner

May 7, 2020


Kim Viens

May 4, 2020


Nicole Tolsen