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Dear Friends and Family,
As many of you know, 15 years ago John had a kidney transplant that made a difference to our family that I cannot even begin to explain. Every day since then has truly been a gift. Two and a half years ago John had a rejection episode and the transplanted kidney has failed. John has been on dialysis 3 days a week for 4 ½ hours a day for the last 2 years. The dialysis keeps him as well as can be expected but it does take a toll on his body. His blood pressure is low and he passes out when he least expects it and so he is not able to work. The doctor has told him that the only way to improve now rather than just maintain is to have a kidney transplant as soon as possible. He has been on the transplant list for just over a year with a couple of possibilities, but nothing so far that was compatible.
With all of the help we had 16 years ago, we have tried to make sure we were prepared financially for this event, but with John’s inability to work and changes in benefits from my employer we now find ourselves struggling to fund this life- saving operation. With Medicare, many of his medical needs are not covered and must be paid out-of-pocket. John will need between $20,000 and $40,000 for the 20% not covered by Medicare, and his lifelong immunosuppresant medications. Also, the expense of traveling to and from the University of Utah and then relocation costs at the time of transplant will be high. With no insurance benefits to help with the 20% we need to cover, John’s transplant has been temporarily put on hold until we can show an ability to pay that amount. This is a challenge we cannot meet alone.
To help with his uninsured costs, a fundraising campaign in John’s honor has been established with HelpHOPELive, a nonprofit organization that has been assisting the transplant community for 30 years. All contributions are tax-deductible, are held by HelpHOPELive in the Northwest Kidney Transplant Fund, and are administered by HelpHOPELive for transplant- related expenses only. You can help make a difference in John’s life. Please consider making a contribution.
For credit card contributions, select the DONATE NOW button or call 800-642-8399.
To donate by check, please:
Make checks payable to:
Note in memo section:
In honor of John Kootstra
Please send to:
2 Radnor Corporate Center
100 Matsonford Road, Suite 100
Radnor, PA 19087
Together we can make a difference by assisting John during this difficult time and of course prayer support is always welcome. Thank you in advance for your generosity and support.
In Christ,
Janet Kootstra
[email protected]
Good News!
John released by Doctors to go home
Praise God! John is doing so well the Doctor released him to go home on Tuesday, August 6 - only 8 days after surgery. John and Janet were prepared to stay in Salt Lake City for 4 to 5 weeks. The only thing the Dr. stressed is that John stay away from groups of people for a while to reduce the exposure to illness. The family is so very thankful for God's healing hand and the prayer support from friends and family.
08-03-13 Minor set back
Back in the hospital
John was readmitted to the hospital with severe abdominal pain. Drs are checking to find out what is causing the pain. Several possibilities.
08-01-13 - Discharged
Checking out of hospital
John was able to check out of the hospital today. Kidney is working great and just needs time to heal. Will be staying at an extended stay hotel until everyone is sure there will be no problems and to get his immunosuppresant meds regulated.
07-28-13 - Transplant Day!
John receives his transplant.
The call finally came for the transplant! John received a call at 8:00 a.m. telling him he was on standby and so after waiting all day, at 4:00 p.m. he got the final word to drive to Salt Lake City and check in to the hospital - the transplant would be Sunday morning. After getting on the road Salt Lake City called again to say they were planning on doing the surgery that night. When John checked into the hospital they ran all of the necessary labs and took him into surgery at 11:00.
Every thing went very well and the kidney started working immediately!
Try and I might John, with Jim, we never put it together for a visit. But you have been in my wife's and my prayers. God bless you in the new opportunity. Shorty Brown
Shorty Brown, Kimberly, ID
Everything is going to work out as planned, John, You and Janet are in my thoughts and prayers.
John Donkersloot
I remember when you came to Michigan for mine and Toris' graduation and all you went through then. I'm so sorry to hear that you have to go through the process again. You and the family are in my prayers and thoughts.
Stacie (Richards) Briggs
We will help as soon as we can John and Janet. Praying for you all.
Billy and Shirley Anderson/Wendell, Id
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of John Kootstra
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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