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Steve Davey is a seventy two-year-old married father of two grown sons. He and his wife, Becky have two grandsons. At a time of his life when he should be thinking about enjoying retirement and looking forward to spending quality time with his family, Davey is fighting several life-threatening illnesses.
Davey spent thirty-six years teaching and coaching in Hernando County. In his career he taught at West Hernando Christian School, Hernando Christian Academy and Springstead High School.
Through many of those years he has battled Primary Schelrosing Cholangitis (PSC), a liver disease that causes chronic and long-term damage to the bile ducts inside and outside the liver. He was diagnosed with PSC twelve years ago.
Prior to this diagnosis Davey had Stage Four colon cancer, something few people survive. If that wasn’t enough, Davey had a heart attack in 2013 and underwent heart bypass surgery.
Throughout these ordeals, he continued to teach and coach.
Now, Davey and his family face another challenge. Several months ago, last year, he was diagnosed with bladder cancer. He had surgery and chemotherapy. Most people would have given up long ago, but not Davey. An ordained minister, he says that his faith sustains him along with a very supportive and wonderful wife, who herself has survived Triple “R” Negative breast cancer.
“God isn’t done with me yet. I still have former students that contact me from time to time to ask for advice.” I’ve even had the privilege of performing their marriage like the one in March for Cass and Gabriel.
One student stated, “He puts everyone else ahead of himself. Words can’t describe what kind of teacher he is.”
It’s obvious that the feeling is mutual
“My students are my priority. They are my kids,” Davey remarks.
Prior to the outbreak of Covid-19, this dedicated teacher was still in his classroom at Springstead High School almost every morning, hours before the first bell. However, because of the pandemic and his health issues, Davey was forced to retire this year.
Now, he is home coping with his myriad health issues and waiting for a liver transplant. It may be a long wait. Sometimes emergency cases get bumped to the head of the line. Then there is the issue of finding a match.
“You have to be practically dying to get priority,” Davey states.
His fellow teachers came to his aid eight years ago during his battle with PSC. Davey had used up his sick leave between frequent trips to the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville and time spent at home recuperating from treatments, so his co-workers appealed to the school board to allow them to donate their unused sick leave to him. The school board granted their request.
He has also started fundraising for an organization called Help Hope Live. This 501c(3) non-profit corporation allows people to make tax-deductible contributions on Steve’s behalf. He can then apply for the funds to pay for operations, medications and other expenses. Anyone interested in contributing to Davey’s fund can call 1-800-642-8399 or visit www.helphopelive.org and enter Steve Davey in the Find a Campaign box on the homepage.
The emotional, as well as the physical and financial toll, on Davey and his family from facing so many challenges at one time have been tremendous. Prior to contracting colon cancer at age forty-five, Davey was in excellent physical shape. In addition to coaching various sports, he enjoyed playing softball, baseball and some golf.
“Now, every day I try and accomplish things around the house, but often I start something and forget and start something else. Then I end up taking a long time to complete them. Sometimes they don’t get done at all. I do read and enjoy a movie here and there,” says Steve.
His wife, Becky, worked in a local doctor’s office for twenty-five years plus, but now she has had to leave that job to become Steve’s caregiver. Since then Becky has had to find another position in the Medical field in order to obtain some type of Medical coverage that is very costly per month. These expenses are unbelievable as I’m sure many others know.
Steve’s disease has caused “brain fog”, which is memory loss and recall failure frequently caused by a chemical unbalance called “encephalopathy.
“My boys and wife, I’m sure, were frustrated because I would not remember what they just told me. To date my family is still having to cope with my ability to think clearly and remember things.”
Despite everything, Steve is not giving up hope and takes one day at a time. His immediate family and extended family, his friends, the people at the Mayo Clinic and his students cheer him on. He also has a new grandchild to look forward to next year. He affirms over and over that God has sustained him through the past twenty-five years and helped him to beat the odds several times.
“I need to stay strong for my family,” Steve concludes.
Davey is just one of thousands of people in the United States who are waiting for organ transplants and the solution is within everyone’s reach. All it takes is registering on the following website: www.organdonor.gov. Inform your family so that they can support your wishes and have the information noted on your driver’s license. You can make your death count for something by giving life to another individual.
Family and friends of Steve Davey are raising money to pay for uninsured medical expenses associated with transplantation.
Steve has chosen to fund-raise with Help Hope Live – The Leader in Fundraising Assistance and Support for Transplant and Catastrophic Injury in part because Help Hope Live provides both tax deductibility and fiscal accountability to contributors.
Contributors can be sure that funds contributed will be used only to pay or reimburse medically-related expenses.
Please click the GIVE button to make a donation. And pleas share Steve’s page on your social media platforms.
For more information, please contact Help Hope Live at 800-642-8399.
Thank you for your support.
Since my last post about my health, I've had an attach of Septis that almost took my life while I was in the hospital. It was severe enough that the Head Nurse suggested my wife, Becky, call our two sons to say goodbye, but God wasn't ready to take me. My liver was shutting down with blockage. Mayo Clinic and my Hepatologist became very concerned and is presently working on getting me ready for a Transplant.
Dear Mr.Davey,Throughout my schooling, I've learned the most from being in your class than from being in any other. You've been there for everybody who needs guidance. As a matter of fact, you are the only teacher I've had who actually cared about their students and their students well being. I can't thank you enough for all you've done. I appreciate everything you've done for all of us. I HOPE the years to come are prosperous for you, and I pray that you, your wife, and the rest of your family stays save.Sincerely,Kerianna Biedinger - a Springstead High Graduate ?
Since this disease is a progressive one and there is no cure or possible relief other than a transplant, my body continues to go through and experience heart issues. In 2022 I had to have another artery stent placed as a result of having another Heart Attach. My heart issues are a direct result of my liver disease and it's failure to cleanse the impurities in my blood. I've had to add new blood thinners to help do what my liver is failing to do.
There is one truth that will always be truth, GOD IS GOOD! and I still need your support and prayers. I know that I am just one of many who need your help, but I can't make it without your support! And that is why I am asking for your financial help. Please remember that every gift you make to Helphopelive. org in my name: STEVE DAVEY, listed in the Liver transplant section, is a tax deductible gift. I would also appreciate a kind note of encouragement for me and my family.
I thought you'd like to know what is new with my illness and physical person. In September of last year, '21', I had a second heart attach. In February of this year, '22' I went to Mayo Clinic for follow up procedures and the great team at Mayo discovered that I had a ulcer at the end of my esophagus and they also found a 2cm mass on my liver bile duct that they are going to be doing a MRI in May to see what is the prognosis and how they are going to deal with it. I must say that God is so good and has always cared for both me and my wife through so many complicated issues.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support.
Most recently Steve has experienced his second heart attach in September of 21' He is doing well all things considered. There is no doubt that God the Father is keeping him here and protecting he and his family
My story was featured in the news: https://www.hernandosun.com/article/steve-davey-local-teacher-courageously-battles-multiple-illnesses
I'm sorry to say, but it has been a while since I've updated my page. Much has happened. No, I haven't received my transplant. Since the time I was listed the demand for liver transplant has multiplied greatly. Unfortunately, I need an entire liver not just one lobe. My health continues to change due to the liver issues and in order to keep me eligible I've had open heart by-pass surgery. I continue to have frequent procedures to check for possible cancer. My wife reminds me that I'm not the same due to the disease. My memory fails me often and just normal everyday work details are difficult. I can't tell you how many times I've been to Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, their hospital and the local hospital. But, I can say the number is well over a dozen. I want to thank those who have been kind in their giving in the past. I hope others will find my campaign a worthy one and consider a donation. I'm very blessed to have a family that continues to support me and endure the constant challenges that go with PSC. Please keep in mind that every donation is tax deductible with Help Hope Live. They are a wonderful organization that serves so many and for that I'm very grateful. Thank you for taking the time to read this updated. I Hope you find it in your heart to make a donation and if that isn't possible, a prayer for my wonderful wife and myself would be forever appreciated.
Five years ago I was diagnosed with "Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis" (PSC). I have had numberous treatments combined with doctors' visits both in Brooksville and Jacksonville Florida. All have proven unsuccessful and costly. As the disease progresses other complications have risen that have resulted in stenting of the heart, stenting of the bile ducts, memory loss, and not of least has been my bypass surgery. Thank you to all who have already donated, but I still need your help. This is not only a medical challenge, but also a financial one as well.
Sincerely, Steve
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Love you Uncle Mike!
Kelly Hale
So incredibly thankful that you are not only my uncle but have become my friend! I love our convos about the Lord. And keep you in my prayers all the time! Love you bunch Uncle Mike ;) May God continue to bless you!!!!! xoxoxoxo
Kelly Williams Hale
Mr Davey was my public speaking teacher back in 2009. I don’t know if he remembers me as I only had his class for a semester, but he was the kindest teacher and person in general I have ever met. I must have gone up to that school 20 times since graduating hoping to catch him but he was always dealing with and beating something. He wanted us to care for each other and have confidence. He was more than a teacher. If you watched Boy Meets World and said “I wish I had a Mr Feeny” I did. I just wish as a student I wasn’t so preoccupied with high school things or I would have taken the opportunity to ask him for advice. What I would do to be able to talk to him. I love you Mr Davey and hope you remember me.(briefcase man)
Jonathan Esser
Prayers for healing.
Rusty Ravenhorst
You are such a joy to have on this earth. All you do and have done are pure blessings to us all. I am thankful to have had you as one of my teachers in my life that has helped me grow and become who I am today. I hope these years ease down on you and you can finally enjoy them in peace without pain.
Thank you for being the best you Mr.Davey. ❤
kera ayers
Get well soon Mr. Davey <3 you are much needed at Springstead High School. Best public speaking teacher I've ever had. :]
Danielle Murphy
Hey Mr. Davey, its Heather Benson. I just saw the facebook page pop up. I had no idea, but i'm glad I found out. I hate that I am not in Florida so I can visit you. I want you to know that you have touched my heart in more ways than you know. You were always there for me throughout everything and always showed that you cared. I enjoyed having class with you and having you as a volleyball coach. I love you Mr. Davey! I will be praying for you every day. I know that you are strong and can make it through this, just place everything in God's hands.
Heather Benson/Broadway, NC
I don't know you, but I know someone you were very important to. I've made a contribution in her honor. I wish you well and pray that your recovery will be swift. God bless you.
Michael R. / Lafayette, CA
Hey everyone, Thanks so far for all of the wises to Mr. Davey. We have recently created a Facebook page named Davey Donations. Please add it for updates and other information. Mr. Davey you are in our hearts and prayer, we will try our best to make this transplant happen.
Courtney Mahon
We are trying to make this happen Mr. Davey. We love you. We made a Davey facebook. You are more then welcome to visit it and see the people that have added it and left their comments about you.
Robert Anzalone Spring Hill Fl.
Mr. Davey, you're one of the most incredible teachers I've ever had. You were so inspirational & you're such a good person. I had so much fun in your class. It breaks my heart to know that you're in this pain & struggle. You and your family will be in my prayers & I will try my hardest to help out. Hang in there, you guys can do this!
Megan Carbo/Spring Hill
You have been such an inspiration to the teens at SHS. You have made an impact on my daughter Carolyn, she enjoys your class so much. We will be praying for you and will make a donation in our daughters name. God bless.
Donna and Jim Loughran/Spring Hill FL
I Thessalonians 5:23-24. Love you, Steve. Just heard. I'll be keeping you in prayer, my friend.
Kim Brownell, Spring Hill, Florida
Praise God you and Becky made it 30 years. Happy Anniversary!! Our love and prayers are with you.
Jim, Gail, Sarah, Noah and Christopher
Gail and Jim North Kingstown RI
Will be praying, and helping financially.
Buddy & Phyllis (Brooksville, FL)
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Steve Davey
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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