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Community Funds Life-Changing Wheelchair Van

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Emily Progin, Content Manager / 800.642.8399

Release: Immediate


Living with Paralysis Since 13, Adam Malle Has New Hope & New Ride

BIG STONE GAP, Va.—At age 13, the unthinkable happened to Adam Malle: he fell out of a tree in his own front yard and became paralyzed from the chest down. Today, the 40-year-old entrepreneur and volunteer is thanking his community for a life-changing upgrade – a wheelchair van made possible through fundraising.

Adam’s life changed forever when a fall out of a tree left him with paralysis. He worked tirelessly to secure his independence: he began living on his own at age 18, just 5 years after his spinal cord injury, and he started driving at age 28.

In the years since, Adam has become a living example of the power of resiliency and determination following a paralyzing injury. He completed high school and college, started volunteering actively with community nonprofits, and founded his own successful business: Appalachian Bees and Balms.

In November 2023, a deer struck Adam’s wheelchair van, totaling the vehicle. While he was unhurt, the totaled van left him stuck without a way to access the community he loves so much.

In March, he began fundraising with the nonprofit Help Hope Live to help cover the significant out-of-pocket cost of a replacement van.

In just two months, the fundraising campaign paired with local grants have made it possible for Adam to purchase a replacement van.

“This will truly make the difference in my access to the world, quality of life, and success in my independence,” explained Adam.

Adam has made it a central priority in his life to give back to the community that has helped him so much in the years since his life changing injury. Meeting his fundraising goal will mean renewing his commitment to advocacy and volunteer work to serve the community.

“I have always felt called to give back the support I received,” he explained. “The school system, businesses, churches, and the people of Lee County and Southwest Virginia rallied in support of my family and me. Without that support, I wouldn’t have become as independent.”

Adam is grateful for ongoing support as he continues to fundraise for the countless out-of-pocket medical and related costs associated with paralysis.

Tax-deductible donations can be made at:

Unlike a GoFundMe campaign, donations to Help Hope Live are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law, and all funds raised will be managed by the nonprofit to cover verified medical and related expenses. Help Hope Live verifies medical and financial need for every patient.

Help Hope Live is a national nonprofit that specializes in engaging communities in secure, tax-deductible fundraising campaigns for people who need a transplant or are affected by a catastrophic injury or illness. Since 1983, campaigns organized by Help Hope Live have raised over $181 million to pay patient expenses. ###

Written by Emily Progin