Emily Progin, Content Manager
[email protected] / 800.642.8399
Release: Immediate
$1,880 Raised So Far – New Hope & Chance to Give Back for Todd Moulton
TOLEDO, Ohio—Starting at 1 p.m. on Saturday, January 4, the community will dine for a cause at a 12-hour Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser at Tribes Tavern in Toledo. Just $10 per plate, plus opportunities to participate in a silent auction, raffle, 50/50, and more. All proceeds will benefit the national nonprofit Help Hope Live in honor of Todd Moulton, who is fundraising for the costs associated with the life-saving liver transplant he received on November 19.
Spaghetti Dinner Details
When: Saturday, January 4 from 1 p.m. to 1 a.m. on Sunday, January 5
Where: Tribes Tavern (4002 W Alexis Road, Toledo, OH 43623)
What: Spaghetti dinner plus raffle, 50/50, silent auction, and more
Cause: Proceeds benefit the nonprofit Help Hope Live in honor of Todd Moulton to help with the out-of-pocket expenses associated with Todd’s liver transplant
Cost: Just $10, register at the door
Can’t make it? Donate: https://helphopelive.org/campaign/24546/
Todd’s Story
Living with liver failure since a January 2024 diagnosis, 56-year-old Todd Moulton needed a miracle—and he got one. On November 19, 2024, Todd received a life-changing liver transplant.
The former Air Force cardiac specialist has lived in Toledo for almost his entire life. He first began experiencing liver failure symptoms in 2023, and while waiting for a transplant in 2024, Todd also learned he was in kidney failure.
“I was basically unable to do anything outside of dialysis,” he explained.
This transplant represents more than health to Todd—it represents a chance to give back. “I plan to volunteer to speak about liver disease,” he explained. “I just hope someone else can learn from my mistakes with my health.”
While the transplant gives him new hope for a healthier and brighter future, it also came with multiple out-of-pocket medical costs that Todd cannot cover alone. That’s why his loving community is fundraising with the trusted national nonprofit Help Hope Live.
They’ve raised over $1,880 since the first week of November.
“Bren & Angel at Tribes Tavern, my community, and my St. Vincent dialysis team have been a huge support system to me,” said Todd.
Tax-deductible donations can be made at: https://helphopelive.org/campaign/24546/
Donations to Help Hope Live are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law, and all funds raised will be administered by the nonprofit to cover verified medical and related expenses. Help Hope Live verifies medical and financial need for every patient.
Help Hope Live is a national nonprofit that specializes in engaging communities in secure, tax-deductible fundraising campaigns for people who need a transplant or are affected by a catastrophic injury or illness. Since 1983, campaigns organized by Help Hope Live have raised over $188 million to pay patient expenses. ###