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March 23 Family Fun-Raiser to Help Father & Navy Veteran

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Emily Progin, Content Manager

[email protected] / 800.642.8399

Release: Immediate


“We Can Give Him a Chance to Fight This Battle”

MATTHEWS, N.C.—On Sunday, March 23, enjoy a Family Fun-raiser at Matthews Community Center to help father and Navy veteran José Figueroa to fundraise for medical expenses through the national nonprofit Help Hope Live. Through a fundraiser planned by his loving daughter Julia, enjoy mocktails, food, silent auction, raffles, live music, activities for kids, and more for a cause.

Family Fun-raiser Details

When: Sunday, March 23 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Where: Matthews Community Center at 100 E. McDowell Street, Matthews, NC

What: Family Fun-Raiser with entertainment and refreshments for all ages. Enjoy delicious food, mocktails, a silent auction, raffles, live music, and kids activities.

Cause: All funds raised will go to the nonprofit in honor of José Figueroa.

Cost: $10 for adults or $5 for children


Flyer: Attached

Contact: Julia Boyer (daughter) at [email protected]

Can’t Make It? Donate:

José’s Story

A routine procedure turned life-threatening for José when a February 2024 angioplasty left him with congestive heart failure and only 25% heart function. His health has declined rapidly over the past year, and the loving husband, father, and grandfather now has trouble with everyday tasks like walking and cleaning.

José’s daughter, Julia Boyer, lives in the Matthews area and knew her community would rally around her father’s urgent need for support.

José is a multifaceted, larger-than-life member of his community of Gaffney, SC, with a passion for storytelling, playing the bongos, westerns, roller skating, family, and faith.

As a student, José was one of the pioneer participants in “A Better Chance,” a program that helps high-performing students of color to unlock greater academic opportunities. He received a full scholarship to college thanks to his near-perfect SATs.

He was a Spanish teacher for 30 years—and before that, a distinguished member of the Navy who controlled helicopters and fighter jets during five tours at sea.

There are many unknowns about José’s immediate future as he works to regain enough strength to become a candidate for an LVAD, or mechanical heart pump. However, there is one thing his loving family knows for sure: there will be extensive out-of-pocket costs associated with maintaining José’s health and future.

That’s why they turned to the trusted nonprofit Help Hope Live. Donations can be made in José’s honor at:

One key cost is regular travel to 3.5 hours each way from their home in Gaffney to their medical center in Charleston.

Therapies have already helped with José’s wellness: in December, red light and deep pressure therapies left José feeling “like a film of fatigue has been ripped from me.” Funds raised will put additional care within reach for comfort and health.

“The fundraising campaign will allow José to focus on healing and spending time with his family without the added burden of financial stress,” explained Julia. “We can give him the chance to fight this battle.”

Donations to Help Hope Live are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law, and all funds raised will be administered by the nonprofit to cover verified medical and related expenses. Help Hope Live verifies medical and financial need for every patient.

Help Hope Live is a national nonprofit that specializes in engaging communities in secure, tax-deductible fundraising campaigns for people who need a transplant or are affected by a catastrophic injury or illness. Since 1983, campaigns organized by Help Hope Live have raised over $188 million to pay patient expenses. ###

Written by Emily Progin