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13 Transplants for Help Hope Live Clients in May

Four images of Help Hope Live fundraising clients who received a transplant in May 2024. Clockwise from top left, the first is Nia Johnson who has brown skin, brown hair styled in a wave, brown eyes, and black glasses. The second is Hemity Ami, who has brown skin, dark eyes, black hair pulled back, and three young children around her, all with brown skin and dark hair - one girl and two boys. The third is James Frank Davis, pictured seated in a restaurant booth with brown skin, a gray and black beard, dark eyes, a ball cap, and a humorous t-shirt that reads OLDOMETER. The fourth is Alex Stone, lying in a hospital bed wearing a hospital gown with tubes attached to his body. He has light skin, a dark beard, short brown hair, and mirrored amber sunglasses that reflect two loved ones in the room taking photos of Alex on their phones.

“We’re so grateful to the family of the donor whose selflessness has given us a chance for a longer, healthier life as the custodian of this precious gift.”


Melissia Boynton

Alex Stone

Kenneth Ray Miller



Kevin Eason



Hemity Ami

James Richardson II



James Davis

Elizabeth Cann

Nia Johnson

Robert Arlt

Jonathan Young



Wesley Kelly Keith



Vivian Reid

Text reads Touched by Transplant within a blue circle on a bright orange background with a blooming vine decorative design in teal, yellow, and light green.

New Life, with Your Help

Thousands of transplant patients and their families nationwide rely on Help Hope Live to provide trusted medical fundraising support so they can cover out-of-pocket medical and related expenses.

Finances should never stand in the way of a transplant.

That’s what our founders believed – and we still carry out that mission every day more than 40 years later.

If you want to help transplant patients bring the gift of life within reach through trusted medical fundraising, make a donation to Help Hope Live today.

Written by Emily Progin