Emily Progin, Content Manager
[email protected] / 800.642.8399
Release: Immediate
Get a Haircut and Enjoy Refreshments and Raffles for a Cause
WEBSTER, Mass.—On Sunday, January 19 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., get your hair cut for a cause and enjoy light refreshments, raffle baskets, a 50/50, and more to help Rosemary Stoddard fundraise for a life-changing lung transplant. The community has already raised over $8,900 in Rosemary’s honor in 1 month.
Cut-a-Thon Details
When: Sunday, January 19 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Where: Mirrored Beauty at 131 E Main Street, Webster, MA 01570
What: Get your hair cut for a cause and enjoy raffle baskets, a 50/50, and light refreshments.
Onsite Contact: Daughter Jessica Stoddard (owner of Mirrored Beauty) can be reached at (508) 523-9543 or [email protected].
Cost: $30 per haircut. Free to attend the event.
Cause: All proceeds will go to the nonprofit Help Hope Live in honor of Rosemary Stoddard to cover transplant-related out-of-pocket expenses.
Register: Call Mirrored Beauty to book an appointment at (508) 461-6109
Can’t Make It? Donate: https://helphopelive.org/campaign/24962/
Rosemary’s Story
62-year-old Rosemary Stoddard is a wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, and good friend living with the lung disease pulmonary fibrosis. To get a life-changing lung transplant, Rosemary must fundraise for the out-of-pocket costs, including relocation to the transplant hospital for a minimum of six months.
That’s why her community has turned to the trusted national nonprofit Help Hope Live. In just 1 month, they have raised over $8,900 for the cause.
All proceeds from the Cut-a-Thon will go to Help Hope Live in Rosemary’s honor.
Tax-deductible donations can also be made online at any time at: https://helphopelive.org/campaign/24962/
Rosemary was diagnosed in March 2023. She is from Massachusetts but relocated to South Carolina in 2015. Daughter Jessica Stoddard owns Mirrored Beauty in Webster and planned this fundraiser to help her mom get the gift of life.
Rosemary says she loves to read, camp, crochet, and watch Hallmark Christmas movies, “but above all, I like to be with my family and friends. I am so incredibly blessed to have the loving relationship I have with all of them.”
Pulmonary fibrosis has limited Rosemary’s ability to have a normal life with her loved ones. “I struggle with everyday tasks and accepting the fact that I can’t help with simply things like I used to,” she explained. “I just want to be able to have a normal life again—and I’d love to help work the Fall Festival weekends on the farm like I used to.”
Donations to Help Hope Live are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law, and all funds raised will be administered by the nonprofit to cover verified medical and related expenses. Help Hope Live verifies medical and financial need for every patient.
Help Hope Live is a national nonprofit that specializes in engaging communities in secure, tax-deductible fundraising campaigns for people who need a transplant or are affected by a catastrophic injury or illness. Since 1983, campaigns organized by Help Hope Live have raised over $188 million to pay patient expenses. ###