Emily Progin, PR and Communications Coordinator
[email protected] / 800.642.8399
Release: Immediate
BEDFORD, Texas—Join us for the first Rock4James concert event of the year: Classic Jams & Classic Cars on Saturday, March 23 from 3 to 8 p.m. at The ROCK Wood-Fired Pizza Kitchen at 2600 W 544 Road in Wylie, Texas. Enjoy mouthwatering wood-fired pizza and drinks. All ages welcome and kid-friendly. Tickets are just $10 for general admission. Enjoy VIP Swag Bag packages for $25 or $50.
Performing artists include:
- Juni Moon, a sincere and energetic tribute to Jimi Hendrix from Oklahoma
- Texas Modern Day Cowboys, MXD award-winning Best 80s Hard Rock Tribute to Tesla, performing all of Tesla’s hits including bluesy, soulful rockers, ballads, and the famous “5-man acoustic jam”
- Breaking Bad Co., a tribute to world-renowned blues rock band Bad Company, comprised of seasoned, professional musicians
- Night Prowler, taking you back to the early Bon Scott era of AC/DC with full-throttle rock ‘n roll
Buddy Magazine “Texas Tornado” and Bedford resident James Michael McLester received a lifesaving kidney transplant on December 9, 2015, from Laura Workman. James spent the 12 years prior tethered to a kidney dialysis machine after being diagnosed with end-stage kidney disease at age 34. The mercury in 11 silver amalgam dental fillings leaked into his bloodstream and shut down his kidney function.
Since May 2014, James has been fundraising from the out-of-pocket costs associated with life after transplant with the national nonprofit organization Help Hope Live at helphopelive.org. Help Hope Live has maintained a four-star rating from Charity Navigator for 15 years. Proceeds from the Classic Jams & Classic Cars fundraiser will be donated to Help Hope Live in honor of James Michael McLester. Tickets are at helphopelive.org.
“I hope to assist others in finding resources to help defray the enormous medical costs associated with these kinds of transplants,” said James. “I am now living dialysis- and mercury-free thanks to my network of physicians and the compassionate team at Help Hope Live. Me and my wife, Kristen, now have a pathway to manage ongoing medical expenses. Rock4James came from my vision to raise awareness for screening and early detection of kidney disease.” You can keep up with James’s journey at helphopelive.org.
Can’t make it? Donations can be made in honor of James at any time at helphopelive.org or by calling 800.642.8399. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law, and all funds raised will be used to offset medical expenses via Help Hope Live’s South-Central Transplant Fund.
Help Hope Live is a national nonprofit that specializes in engaging communities in fundraising campaigns for people who need a transplant or are affected by a catastrophic injury or illness. Since 1983, campaigns organized by Help Hope Live have raised over $135 million to pay patient expenses.
Written by Emily Progin