“So many just looked in awe. You could feel the joy of the moment.”
On July 8, 12-year-old Sabina Heim received a surprise adaptive bike customized to her unique mobility needs.

Sabina had an appreciative audience as she embraced her new wheels: our Executive Director Kelly L Green joined golfers and Flyers Alumni Association members to cheer her on. Even her occupational therapist was there to celebrate the moment.
“Sabina was so grateful,” said Kelly.
“Her parents were overwhelmed with happiness, expressing that they never thought this day would come.”
Kelly observed that the spirit of the day was captured in a single moment: Sabina rode her new bike past a line of golfers applauding her as she proudly enjoyed her gift.
“Sabina loves the adaptive bike at her school,” said her occupational therapist.
“This is going to be so great for her.”

As an added special memory, Kelly presented her with a Hope Travels medal. “She was beaming with pride,” said Kelly.
“She said, I’m going to show this to everyone at school!”
About Sabina
Sabina is living with a congenital disorder that impacts her mobility. Relying on a wheelchair or posterior walker to get around, Sabina pursues weekly therapy sessions.

For kids like Sabina, adaptive bikes are life-changing, offering therapeutic exercise, fresh air, greater community access, and pure childhood joy. Not covered by insurance despite their benefits, these bikes can be financially out of reach for families.
Sabina and her parents hoped one day she would be able to ride alongside her siblings. That day finally came thanks to the support of the Flyers Alumni through our Every Child Deserves a Bike partnership.
“Her parents were overwhelmed with happiness, expressing that they never thought this day would come.”

“Her radiant smile was a testament to the positive impact this bike will have – and already has had- on her life.”