Emily Progin, PR & Social Media Coordinator
[email protected] / 800.642.8399
Release: Immediate
November 27 is #GivingTuesday
TIGARD, Ore.—On Tuesday, November 27, the global charity day #GivingTuesday, one Tigard business is going the extra mile to support one of their own. Beginning on #GivingTuesday and carrying through to Friday the 30th, Joe’s Burgers in Bridgeport Village (7409 SW Bridgeport Road) will donate 50% of the restaurant’s proceeds to the nonprofit Help Hope Live in honor of general manager Stuart Mosier, who is facing a life-threatening medical crisis.
“No kidneys…big heart.” So begins the story of 26-year-old Stuart Mosier of Beaverton. Just after his seventh birthday, Stuart was diagnosed with the kidney-harming disease focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). “I fought my hardest for several years,” Stuart explained. “Unfortunately, that fight was lost.” By 2001, Stuart had lost almost all of his kidney functionality. A kidney transplant briefly brought him hope—but by 2005, the kidney had been rejected by his body, and Stuart resumed dialysis to stay alive.
Stuart has been receiving overnight dialysis three times per week as he waits for a second lifesaving kidney transplant. He fundraises for the exorbitant cost of care and transplantation with the nonprofit Help Hope Live at helphopelive.org.
When they heard about his medical and financial challenges, Stuart’s employees at Joe’s Burgers knew they couldn’t simply sit back and watch. “Stuart plays a vital role at Joe’s Burgers,” explained owner Joe Rapport. “He has been with the company for more than four years and is a great leader with a huge heart who is very well respected. We are lucky to have him, and we are very excited to support him in his fundraising efforts.”
Employees and management at Joe’s Burgers rallied to give back to their GM in time for the global giving day #GivingTuesday on November 27, a day that unites the country in philanthropy and service. Their suppliers stepped up, too, with SP Provision donating 12 cases of burgers and offering 11 at cost, Lamb-Weston donating 16 cases of fries, and Franz donating 145 dozen buns. Thanks to the generosity of their suppliers, Joe’s Burgers will donate 50% of the funds earned throughout November 27, 28, 29, and 30 to Help Hope Live in honor of Stuart Mosier to help with Stuart’s medical expenses.
If you miss this special event, you can still support Stuart. Make a donation in honor of Stuart at any time at helphopelive.org, or call 800.642.8399. Help Hope Live will cover the 2.65% credit card fee for all digital donations in honor of Stuart on #GivingTuesday. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law, and all proceeds will be used to offset medical expenses via Help Hope Live’s Northwest Transplant Fund.
#GivingTuesday, now in its seventh year, is a global day of giving always celebrated on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving in the U.S. #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season as a follow-up to the major shopping occasions Black Friday and Cyber Monday. More than a single day of charity, #GivingTuesday is now a global movement aimed at uniting the country in philanthropy, service, and volunteering.
Help Hope Live is a national nonprofit that specializes in engaging communities in fundraising campaigns for people who need a transplant or are affected by a catastrophic injury or illness. Since 1983, campaigns organized by Help Hope Live have raised over $135 million to pay patient expenses.
Written by Emily Progin