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Transplants in December 2024 for Our Community

“Thank you so much to everyone for all the prayers, messages, and donations!! We are beyond blessed and forever grateful for each and every one of you.”

double lung

Daniel Leezer

Linda Kim Cuebas

Lee Zelmon Hearndon


Russell Moore

Mitchell Freeman


Hayleigh Herman


Jason Jackson

Emily Wilkie

Desrine Schoburgh

Brittany Nugen


Kristin Wolcott

Text reads Touched by Transplant within a blue circle on a bright orange background with a blooming vine decorative design in teal, yellow, and light green.

A Little Help – a Lot of Hope

For many transplant families, the gift of life is only possible with help from community-based fundraising. At Help Hope Live, we ensure no one has to take on transplant fundraising without caring one-on-one support and fundraising expertise.

Our mission is only possible because of your donations.

Thank you for making the gift of life possible through fundraising for more than 40 years with your support of Help Hope Live.

Written by Emily Progin