Emily Progin, PR and Communications Coordinator
[email protected] / 800.642.8399
Release: Immediate
Help a Father Living with Paralysis Unlock a “Golden” Future
KNIGHTDALE, N.C.—On Saturday, February 29, enjoy the 2nd Annual Golden Spades Tournament at The ACE Center (7027 Knightdale Blvd) with a Spades Tournament, games, movies, food, door prizes, and much more in honor of a noble cause: helping with ongoing medical expenses for Stephan Golden, a 54-year-old Raleigh father living with paralysis since a 2015 ATV accident.
Stephan and his wife of 13 years, Katrina, experienced an ATV accident in May 2015 that left Stephan with a fractured spine. Today, he is living with very limited mobility and frequent chronic nerve and back pain. As Katrina explained, doctors do believe that Stephan may be able to recapture the ability to walk someday—but the journey will require a physical and financial commitment: “To heal properly, he needs regular, consistent physical therapy, personal training, and medical equipment plus a home care aid for at least eight hours per day to help with personal care. None of these expenses are covered by insurance.”
Facing little to no help from their insurance company, the Golden family has been forced to fundraise with the national nonprofit Help Hope Live to offset the massive ongoing costs associated with Stephan’s paralysis at: https://helphopelive.org/campaign/12364/
Bring hope back into Stephan’s life by participating in the 2nd Annual Golden Spades Tournament. Register by February 24, 2020 for just $50 per team, $20 per spectator, or $10 for children aged 12 and under at https://events.helphopelive.org/event/5129/signup/ Rule-benders/cheats can be purchased for $20, including Bid 6 in a Blind, Swap a Card, and Change Order of Hand. Admission includes eligibility for a cash grand prize plus board games, electronic games, movies, food, and door prizes. Questions? Contact Katrina Golden at 919-244-1695 or [email protected].
Can’t make it, but want to help? You can make a donation in honor of Stephan Golden at any time by visiting helphopelive.org or by calling the nonprofit at 800-642-8399. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law, and all donations will offset medical expenses via Help Hope Live’s South-Atlantic Catastrophic Injury Fund.
Help Hope Live is a national nonprofit that specializes in engaging communities in fundraising campaigns for people who need a transplant or are affected by a catastrophic injury or illness. Since 1983, campaigns organized by Help Hope Live have raised over $135 million to pay patient expenses.
Written by Emily Progin