“April is a promise that May is bound to keep.”
Quote from writer and naturalist Hal Borland. Are you enjoying the sight of spring now or still waiting for a peek?
Springtime can feel so full of hope as the world slowly comes back to life. Here are a few spring updates from Help Hope Live.
Reminder: Hope in Action on May 31

On May 31, we’ll cover the credit card fee for donations made in honor of a client at helphopelive.org.
We hope you’re participating in Hope in Action! This fundraising day is exclusive to the Help Hope Live community.
We can help you make the most of it! Start with our Toolkit:
Hope Talk Recording Now Available
If you missed our Hope Talk on transitioning from hospital to home after a spinal cord injury, the recording is now available.
It was an insightful and honest conversation that was full of deep connections. No matter where you and your community are in your journey after an injury, this Hope Talk will make you feel seen and understood.
New Hope Talk Announced

We’ve announced a new Hope Talk on how to help your community understand why you’re still fundraising post-transplant.
Three client Ambassadors who are transplant recipients and Melanie Johnson, a Client Services Coordinator, will provide practical tips on fundraising and communications both pre-transplant and post-transplant.
Join us on Thursday, May 16 from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. ET.
Can’t make it? Register to receive a recording of the conversation.
Reese's Rare Disease Story

“When Reese was diagnosed, I felt like the world was ending…”
The mom of 16-year-old Reese D’Ortenzio is open about how much her daughter’s rare diagnosis overwhelmed her. But then she made a choice.
“Sea glass is a beautiful treasure—one that could only be found by those who took the time to sift and look for it,” she explains:
“Reese is that sea glass. She is the beautiful gem hidden in the sand.”
Our interview with Reese’s mom is a must-read that touches on parenting a rare kid and choosing to see the beauty as well as the challenges of a unique life.
She also touches on how the world can do better at evaluating people based on their unique purpose and value and not what they earn or produce.
Donate Life Month: Touched by Transplant

“People genuinely want to help other people…That’s how most of us are wired.”
Bill Soloway is a client Ambassador who received a heart transplant nine years ago.
In our interview, he explains why he feels closer to the transplant community than ever today, plus why he is still fundraising with Help Hope Live.
Don’t miss a great tip from Bill on how to offer strong insights to your community pre-transplant so they understand why fundraising remains a key part of your life after transplant.

“I had no prior experience with transplants…but I felt a peace that surpassed understanding.”
Father of five John A Lee received a transplant in November after lightheadedness during a big move was identified as a life-threatening heart condition.
Lifted by his faith and abundant community support, John has been able to combat the financial burden of transplant through fundraising. His community has raised over $100,000 in his honor through Help Hope Live.
His Touched by Transplant story is full of hope.
...and More Stories to Come!
Donate Life Month may be over, but our celebration of the gift of life continues throughout the year. We will be sharing additional Touched by Transplant client stories this month. Stay tuned!
May Is Mobility Awareness Month

In May, we celebrate Mobility Awareness Month—a time to recognize how mobility and accessibility influence our lives as we raise awareness of how mobility essentials can remain out-of-reach without fundraising.
We recognize Mobility Month with our Mobility Matters series, featuring interviews with our Help Hope Live community to share firsthand perspectives on mobility.
We’ll be kicking off our 2024 Mobility Matters story series soon! Read past Mobility Month stories here.
Keep in Touch!
Let us know how we can help you make the most of your fundraising efforts this spring.
Not receiving our monthly email blasts? Ask your Client Services Coordinator to sign you up!
Written by Emily Progin