Hope in Action is Friday, May 31, 2024!
This new day of giving is exclusive to the Help Hope Live community.
During Hope in Action, Help Hope Live will cover the credit card fee for donations made in honor of a client at helphopelive.org.
Learn how we can help you make the most of this new fundraising opportunity.

What Is Hope in Action?
Hope in Action is our name for an all-new day of giving we’ve established for Help Hope Live clients and their supporters.
On May 31, 2024, the entire Help Hope Live client community will celebrate Hope in Action—and we’ll cover the credit card fee to help donations at helphopelive.org go further than ever.
Like GivingTuesday, Hope in Action is an annual opportunity to raise support for client campaigns.
Promote your fundraising plans, share customized materials, and plan online or in-person fundraisers (or both) to celebrate Hope in Action with us on May 31!
No Credit Card Fee for Online Donations
Between midnight on Friday, May 31 and 3 a.m. ET on Saturday, June 1, Help Hope Live will cover the credit card fee for all donations made in honor of a Help Hope Live client at helphopelive.org.
Share this info with your community so they know they can make a bigger impact than ever!

Get Your Hope in Action Flyer and Campaign Picture
We’ll help you spread the word about Hope in Action with a customized flyer like the one below.
Contact your Client Services Coordinator to request yours!

You can also request a customized campaign picture like this one—perfect for using on your Campaign Page, on social media, or both to promote Hope in Action.

Planning a Hope in Action Fundraiser
As always, your Coordinator is here to help you figure out the best way to take advantage of Hope in Action as a fundraising tool.
Here are a few ways you can spread the word:
- Share your Hope in Action customized materials on social media
- Share a flyer or business cards online or in-person
- Email your friends and family and ask them to share your Hope in Action materials on social media and via email or in-person
- Plan an in-person fundraiser that fits your schedule and your community’s interests
- Plan an online fundraiser to allow an even larger audience to participate

Get creative with ways for your community to participate! Your fundraising activities can be either online fundraisers or in-person events on May 31.
Here are just a few ideas to get you started:
- Yoga or Pilates class
- Paint-and-Sip
- Pictionary
- Dog walk marathon
- Dance party or dance-a-thon
- A baby crawl-a-thon or play-a-thon
- Board games
- Outdoor Field Day for adults or kids
These ideas are just a small sample. Use your imagination and talk through your own creative ideas with your Coordinator!

Social Media Tips for Hope in Action
If you have an active online community, make social media part of your strategy for Hope in Action!
Leading up to the big day, share reminders and posts about how this fundraising opportunity will make an extra-big impact on your life.
During Hope in Action on May 31, post plenty of updates and thank-yous!
Tip 1: Plan to post 1-2 times per week.
Give your online community as much time as possible to save the date!
Share info about Hope in Action 1-2 times per week on your social media accounts leading up to May 31.
Tip 2: Make each post different.
Don’t re-use identical content about Hope in Action. Instead, come up with some fresh ways to share reminders!
You can post about different aspects of your story, highlight the impact of donations so far, and share different formats like videos, graphics, and photos. See our ideas for posts in Tip 5!
If you don’t have something to share, skip a week. Quality posts are more important than quantity.
Tip 3: Add hashtags to reach more people.
Hashtags are a way to categorize your posts to make them easier to find on social.
Adding relevant hashtags is a way to ensure your content reaches some new people beyond your own community.
Especially when it comes to video content, choosing the right hashtags can expand the reach of your posts about Hope in Action and your fundraising campaign.
Choose five relevant hashtags to add to your Hope in Action posts.
For example, #hopeinaction #helphopelive #donate #medicalfundraising #transplant.
Only use relevant hashtags—otherwise, your content won’t be engaging for new people looking for certain types of posts.
Tip 4: Focus on social media you already use, not new platforms.
If you’re already active on one or two social media platforms, focus your posts on those platforms.
Commit to posting regularly on the social media platforms you already use.
Starting a new social media account takes a lot of time and effort. You’re much more likely to see results when you promote Hope in Action on your existing and active social media accounts.
Don’t forget to engage with others! No one enjoys a one-way conversation. Show your social community you care about what matters to them, too.
Tip 5: Borrow some of our ideas!
It can be hard to come up with creative social media ideas on your own, but we have some ideas to get you started!
Try sharing…
-A short Save the Date video announcement about Hope in Action sharing your excitement and a few details about why this day is special
-Three things you’ve been able to do thanks to donations
-How fundraising will help you get closer to a specific goal you’ve set for yourself
-What the word ‘hope’ means to you
–“Behind-the-scenes” posts showing your preparations for an online or in-person fundraiser (try a video!)
–A-day-in-my-life series of short videos (and how fundraising impacts your days!)
-A photo post introducing a few of the team members who help you fundraise

Sample Social Media Post for Hope in Action
Big date, big impact! Hope in Action is May 31!
On this day, your donation to the national nonprofit @HelpHopeLiveOrg in my honor will go further than ever!
Please consider making a donation or helping me spread the word—or both! THANK YOU! Your support makes all the difference!
#helphopelive #hopeinaction #donations #medicalfundraising #dayofgiving
[Add Campaign Page link. Instructions here for Instagram and here for Facebook and other platforms.]

Sample Email for Hope in Action
Hi, Janet!
I am reaching out to give you an update on how you can get involved with a big day of giving on May 31!
First, we want to really, really thank you for the role you’ve played in this fundraising campaign.
Thanks to you, we’ve been able to cover so many major medical costs over the past few months, from an emergency ambulance ride to home modifications for Edward’s wheelchair.
We still need a lot of help, and it takes a village. That’s why we wanted to share details about an upcoming day of giving on May 31: Hope in Action.
On this day, online donations in Ed’s honor will go even further than usual. Help Hope Live will cover the credit card fee!
Please save the date and, if you can, plan to make an online donation on May 31. Go to: [add Campaign Page link]. Your donation is tax deductible and will go a long way to improving Edward’s quality of life.
If now is not a good time to donate but you’d like to help us plan and share this fundraising opportunity, we’d love your help! Reply to this email.
THANK YOU for all you’ve done to put hope and help into our lives.
Edward, Maricella, and the Testa family
Written by Emily Progin