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UPDATE: Changes to Facebook Fundraisers

In August 2023, Facebook/Meta announced a few changes to how they will process charitable donations on the platform for nonprofits like Help Hope Live. 

Here’s a summary of the changes and how they impact you.


Donations are processed by PayPal Giving Fund.

Starting October 31, 2023, donations made to nonprofits like Help Hope Live through Facebook will be processed through PayPal Giving Fund.

What this means for you: Help Hope Live is already set up to accept PayPal Giving Fund donations, so nothing will change for you. You can still start a Facebook Fundraiser to benefit Help Hope Live at any time.  


Recurring donations can no longer be made to Facebook Fundraisers.

What this means for you: Donations your supporters make to Facebook Fundraisers will be one-time donations, not recurring donations.  

This policy will also impact how Facebook/Meta handles GivingTuesday match opportunities in 2023—we’ll keep you posted when we learn more about the platform’s plans for a match. 


Meta/Facebook will no longer cover processing fees.

Donors can choose to cover these fees moving forward: 1.99% + $0.49 per donation.

What this means for you: Supporters who donate to a Facebook Fundraiser can now choose to cover processing fees as part of their donation. If they do so, 100% of their donation goes to Help Hope Live.  


Funds are sent to Help Hope Live in 15-45 days.

Funds raised will be sent to nonprofits 15 to 45 days after the donation is made through Facebook.

What this means for you: You can still expect most donations to Facebook Fundraisers in honor of a client to become available and appear under My Supporters on the client DASHBOARD within about three weeks.  

However, some donations may take up to 45 days (7 weeks including our processing time) to become available and appear under My Supporters on the client DASHBOARD. 


More Help with Facebook Fundraising

Access our Facebook Fundraiser guide to learn how to start a Facebook Fundraiser for Help Hope Live and add an “in honor of a client” designation.  

Use our Facebook sharing toolkit to learn how to share your Campaign Page with supporters on Facebook.  

Find more social media fundraising guides in our Latest. 

Need help? Contact your Client Services Coordinator for personalized support with social media sharing and more.  


Written by Emily Progin