Emily Progin, Content Manager
[email protected] / 800.642.8399
Release: Immediate
$4,000 Raised in 1 Month to Help Fund Wheelchair Van for Rosemary Adams
STEVENSVILLE, Mich.—The Stevensville community is rallying around a local family in need of a critical item to support 5-year-old Rosemary Adams, who is living with quadriplegic cerebral palsy. “An expert in smiling” according to her loving family, Rosemary needs a wheelchair van to stay safe and connected to her community. With no help from insurance, her family has turned to the trusted nonprofit Help Hope Live to fundraise. The community has already raised $4,000 towards their goal in just one month.
Because of a lack of oxygen to her body at birth, Rosemary was born with multiple life-impacting disabilities, including encephalopathy, spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy, and seizures. She can’t hold herself upright or control her limbs on her own, and she has been using a wheelchair or medical-grade stroller since 2021.
Despite the challenges of her diagnoses, Rosemary is a loving 5-year-old who loves to laugh and smile. “She loves roadtrips,” explained her mother, Laura Gomez. “There are so many free and low-cost places to explore with Rosie.” Rosie and her family love visiting Grandma’s house, the library, the park, and even a wheelchair accessible local carousel.
Safe transportation is not just a source of joy for Rosemary but also a medical necessity. She attends weekly physical therapy and speech therapy sessions as well as medical appointments, and connecting with her community is a source of emotional fulfillment and joy.
Insurance won’t cover the cost of a safe vehicle that can accommodate Rosemary’s wheelchair. As a result, her family must cover $20,000 out-of-pocket to keep her safe and connected. That’s why they turned to the trusted medical fundraising nonprofit Help Hope Live.
Donations can be made at: https://helphopelive.org/campaign/23177/
The Stevensville community has already raised an incredible $4,000 towards their $20,000 goal in just one month. The campaign has sparked other sources of community giving, too: “A local restaurant reached out to us after seeing Rosie’s campaign,” explained Laura. Fundraisers will be planned with support from local businesses to increase the campaign’s impact.
Unlike a GoFundMe campaign, donations to Help Hope Live are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law, and all funds raised will be managed by the nonprofit to cover verified medical and related expenses. Help Hope Live verifies medical and financial need for every patient.
Help Hope Live is a national nonprofit that specializes in engaging communities in secure, tax-deductible fundraising campaigns for people who need a transplant or are affected by a catastrophic injury or illness. Since 1983, campaigns organized by Help Hope Live have raised over $181 million to pay patient expenses. ###
Written by Emily Progin